Debreceni Egyetem
in English  |  Magyarul
Download the program sheets and abstract booklet

=1 AND title!='') OR talk_id<0 ORDER BY starttime,name"); print "

"; $day = ''; while ($r=next_arow()) { if ($r['name'] == '' and $r['length']<=60) $name = "
"; elseif ($r['name'] == '' and $r['length']>60 and $r['length']<120) $name = "
LUNCH in the canteen
"; elseif ($r['name'] == '' and $r['length']>=120) $name = "
DINNER and informal conversation in the canteen
"; else $name = "{$r['name']}:"; if ($r['id']==-9) $name = 'Opening by Prof Dr. József Pálinkás (president of the Centre of Arts Humanities and Sciences)'; if ($r['id']==-10) $name = 'Birds of the "Puszta", Hortobágy by Dr. Zsolt Végvári (Hortobagy National Park)'; if ($r['id']==-11) $name = 'Welcome Party'; if ($r['id']==-12) { $name = 'Dr. Zoltán Barta:'; $r['title'] = 'Welcome notes'; } if ($r['id']==-14) $name = 'Reception opens'; if ($day == '') { $day = $r['day']; print ""; } elseif ($r['day'] != $day) { $day = $r['day']; print ""; } if ($r['title'] == '') print ""; else print ""; } ?>
{$r['stime']} $name
{$r['stime']} $name {$r['title']}

Invited speakers will be

{$r['name']} ({$r['institute']})
"; } ?>