DE EvolZool 2019 publikációk
Tudományos cikkek impakt faktoros szaklapokban:
- Bódis J, Biró É, Nagy T, Takács A, Sramkó G, Bateman RM, Gilián L, Illyés Z, Tökölyi J , Lukács BA, Csábi M, Molnár VA (2019) Biological flora of Central Europe Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 125461.
- Bókony V, Barta Z , Végvári Z (2019) Changing migratory behaviors and climatic responsiveness in birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 89.
- Bókony V, Milne G, Pipoly I, Székely T , Liker A (2019) Sex ratios and bimaturism differ between temperature-dependent and genetic sex determination systems in reptiles. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19: 57.
- Cox AR, Robertson RJ, Lendvai ÁZ , Everitt K, Bonier F (2019) Rainy springs linked to poor nestling growth in a declining avian aerial insectivore (Tachycineta bicolor). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20190018.
- Cserkész T, Fülöp A , Almerekova S, Kondor T, Laczkó L, Sramkó G (2019) Phylogenetic and morphological analysis of birch mice (genus Sicista, family Sminthidae, Rodentia) in the Kazak cradle with description of a new species. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 26: 147
- Deák B, Tóth CA, Bede Á, Apostolova I, Bragina TM, Báthori F, Bán M (2019) Eurasian Kurgan Databasea citizen science tool for conserving grasslands on historical sites. Hacquetia 18: 179187.
- Fernández MS, Wang X, Vremir M, Laurent C, Naish D, Kaiser G, Dyke G (2019) A mixed vertebrate eggshell assemblage from the Transylvanian Late Cretaceous. Scientific Reports 9: 1944.
- Fülöp A , Németh Z , Kocsis B , Deák-Molnár B , Bozsoky T , Barta Z (2019) Personality and social foraging tactic use in free-living Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus). Behavioral Ecology 30: 894903.
- Haelewaters D, Boer P, Báthori F , Rádai Z , Reboleira ASP, Tartally A , Pfliegler WP, De Kesel A, Nedvìd O (2019) Studies of Laboulbeniales on Myrmica ants (IV): host-related diversity and thallus distribution patterns of Rickia wasmannii. Parasite 26: 29.
- Halimubieke N, Valdebenito JO, Harding P, Cruz-López M, Serrano-Meneses MA, James R, Kupán K, Székely T (2019) Mate fidelity in a polygamous shorebird, the snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus). Ecology and Evolution 9: 1073410745.
- Horváth G, Garamszegi LZ, Bereczki J , Urszán TJ, Balázs G, Herczeg G (2019) Roll with the fear: environment and state dependence of pill bug (Armadillidium vulgare) personalities. The Science of Nature 106: 7.
- Imre A, Rácz HV, Antunovics Z, Rádai Z , Kovács R, Lopandic K, Pócsi I, Pfliegler WP (2019) A new, rapid multiplex PCR method identifies frequent probiotic origin among clinical Saccharomyces isolates. Microbiological Research 227: 126298.
- Kerekes V, Ozogány K , Sándor I, Végvari Z, Czetõ C, Nyírõ B, Szabados T, Széles L, Barta Z (2019) Analysis of habitat use, activity, and body condition scores of Przewalski's horses in Hortobagy National Park, Hungary. Nature Conservation Research 4: 3140.
- Kingma SA, Székely T (2019) Social behaviour: males help when mates are rare. Current Biology 29: R358R380.
- Kiss B, Rádai Z , Toft S, Samu F (2019) Sperm competition tactics shape paternity: adaptive role of extremely long copulations in a wolf spider. Animal Behaviour 156: 121128.
- Kiss J , Rádai Z , Rosa ME, Kosztolányi A, Barta Z (2019) Seasonal changes in immune response and reproductive investment in a biparental beetle. Journal of Insect Physiology 121: 104000.
- Kubelka V , álek M, Tomkovich P, Végvári Z, Freckleton RP, Székely T (2019) Response to Comment on “Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds”. Science 364: 1042.
- Kubelka V , Sládeèek M, álek M (2019) Great variability in nest lining size: support for thermoregulation but not for anti-predatory adaptation hypothesis. Journal of Ornithology 160: 9931002.
- Lisovski S, Németh Z , Wingfield JC, Krause JS, Hobson KA, Seavy NE, Gee J, Ramenofsky M (2019) Migration pattern of Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow along the Pacific Flyway. Journal of Ornithology 160: 10971107.
- Löki V, Molnár A, Süveges K, Heimeier H, Takács A, Nagy T, Fekete R, Lovas-Kiss Á, Kreutz KCAJ, Sramkó G, Tökölyi J (2019). Predictors of conservation value of Turkish cemeteries: A case study using orchids. Landscape and Urban Planning 186: 3644.
- Malkócs T, Almerekova S, Bereczki J , Cservenka J, Meglécz E, Sramkó G (2019) Isolation and characterization of 15 SSR loci for the endangered European tetraploid species Gladiolus palustris (Iridaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 7: e01245.
- Manna TJ, Moskát C, Tong L, Bán M , Aidala Z, Low J, Hauber ME (2019) Multiple parasitism reduces egg rejection in the host (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) of a mimetic avian brood parasite (Cuculus canorus). Journal of Comparative Psychology 133: 351358.
- Marton A , Fülöp A , Ozogány K , Moskát C, Bán M (2019) Host alarm calls attract the unwanted attention of the brood parasitic common cuckoo. Scientific Reports 9: 18563.
- Montreuil-Spencer C, Schoenemann K, Lendvai ÁZ , Bonier F (2019) Winter corticosterone and body condition predict breeding investment in a nonmigratory bird. Behavioral Ecology 30: 16421652.
- Moskát C, Bán M , Fülöp A , Bereczki J , Hauber ME (2019) Bimodal habitat use in brood parasitic common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) as revealed by GPS telemetry. The Auk 136(2): 112.
- Nagy J , Hauber ME, Hartley IR, Mainwaring MC (2019) Correlated evolution of nest and egg characteristics in birds. Animal Behaviour 158: 211225.
- Nagy J , Végvári Z, Varga Z (2019) Phylogeny, migration and life history: filling the gaps in the origin and biogeography of the Turdus thrushes. Journal of Ornithology 160: 529543.
- Nagy T, Pfliegler WP, Takács A, Tökölyi J , Molnár VA (2019) Distribution, infection rates and DNA barcoding of Uromyces erythronii (Pucciniaceae), a parasite of Erythronium (Liliaceae) in Europe. Willdenowia 49: 1320.
- Pap PL , Fülöp A , Adamkova M, Cepak J, Michalkova R, Safran RJ, Stermin AN, Tomasek O, Vágási CI , Vincze O, Wilkins MR, Albrecht T (2019) Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central- and Eastern-European populations of the barn swallow. Ecology and Evolution 9: 1127711287.
- Pap PL , Vincze O , Vágási CI , Salamon Z, Pándi A, Bálint B, Nord A, Nudds RL, Osváth G (2019) Vane macrostructure of primary feathers and its adaptations to flight in birds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126: 256267.
- Pogány Á, Morvai B, Krause ET, Kitsios E, Böhm T, Ruploh T, von Engelhardt N, Székely T , Komdeur J, Miklósi Á, Krüger O (2019) Short- and long-term social effects of parental sex roles in zebra finches. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 294.
- Rádai Z , Kiss P, Nagy D , Barta Z (2019) Antibacterial immune functions of subadults and adults in a semelparous spider. PeerJ 7: e7475.
- Redondo T, Romero JM, Díaz-Delgado R, Nagy J (2019) Broodmate aggression and life history variation in accipitrid birds of prey. Ecology and Evolution 9: 91859206.
- Rosa ME, Kiss J , Barta Z , Kosztolányi A (2019) Size-dependent investment in tusk length, testis size and sperm length in a biparental geotrupid beetle. Journal of Zoology 309: 106113.
- Szentiványi T, Haelewaters D, Rádai Z , Mizsei E, Pfliegler WP, Báthori F , Tartally A , Christe P, Glaizot O (2019) Climatic effects on the distribution of ant-and bat fly-associated fungal ectoparasites (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales). Fungal Ecology 39: 371379.
- Székely T (2019) Why study plovers? The significance of non-model organisms in avian ecology, behaviour and evolution. Journal of Ornithology 160: 923933.
- Szép T, Dobránszky J, Moller AP, Dyke G , Lendvai ÁZ (2019) Older birds have better feathers: A longitudinal study on the long-distance migratory Sand Martin, _Riparia riparia.__PLoS ONE_ 14: e0209737.
- Que P, Székely T , Wang P, Lua Q, Leia W, Liu Y, Zhang Z (2019) Offspring sex ratio is unrelated to parental quality and breeding time in a multi-breeding shorebird. Journal of Ornithology 160: 443452.
- Tartally A , Nash D, Varga Z , Lengyel S (2019) Changes in host ant communities of Alcon Blue butterflies in abandoned mountain hay meadows. Insect Conservation and Diversity 12: 492500.
- Tartally A , Thomas J, Anton C, Balletto E, Barbero F, Bonelli S, Bräu M, Casacci L, Csõsz S, Czekes Z, Dolek M, Dziekañska I, Elmes G, Fürst M, Glinka U, Hochberg M, Höttinger H, Hula V, Maes D, Munguira M, Musche M, Nielsen P, Nowicki P, Oliveira P, Peregovits L, Ritter S, Schlick-Steiner B, Settele J, Sielezniew M, Simcox D, Stankiewicz A, Steiner F, vitra G, Ugelvig L, Van D, Varga Z , Witek M, Woyciechowski M, Wynhoff I., Nash D (2019) Patterns of host use by brood parasitic butterflies across Europe. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374: 117.
- Tóth JP, Bereczki J , Rácz R , Varga Z , Barta Z , Sramkó G (2019) Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Lethrus reveal contrasting evolutionary history in Europe. Systematic Entomology 44: 899910.
- Young RL, Ferkin M, Ockendon-Powell N, Orr V, Phelps S, Pogány Á, Richards-Zawacki C, Summers K, Székely T , Trainor B, Urrutia A, Zachar G, O'Connell L, Hofmann H (2019) Conserved transcriptomic profiles underpin monogamy across vertebrates. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences 116: 13311336.
- Young RL, Ferkin M, Ockendon-Powell N, Orr V, Phelps S, Pogány Á, Richards-Zawacki C, Summers K, Székely T , Trainor B, Urrutia A, Zachar G, O'Connell L, Hofmann H (2019) Correction - Conserved transcriptomic profiles underpin monogamy across vertebrates. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences 116: 1018610188.
- Varga Z , Ronkay G, Ronkay L (2019) Taxonomic survey of the Polia (Polia) nebulosa species complex (Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Hadenini) with the description of two new subspecies. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 65: 107122.
- Vágási CI , Vincze O , Pãtra? L, Osváth G , Pénzes J, Haussmann M, Barta Z , Pap PL (2019) Longevity and life history coevolve with oxidative stress in birds. Functional Ecology 33: 152161.
- Vági B , Végvári Z, Liker A, Freckleton RP, Székely T (2019) Parental care and the evolution of terrestriality in frogs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20182737.
- Vincze O , Vágási CI , Pap PL , Palmer C, Moller AP (2019) Wing morphology, flight type and migration distance predict accumulated fuel load in birds. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb183517.
- Wang X, Maher KH, Zhang N, Que P, Zheng C, Liu S, Wang B, Huang Q, Chen D, Yang X, Zhang Z, Székely T , Urrutia A, Liu. Y (2019) Demographic histories and genome-wide patterns of divergence in incipient species of shorebirds. Frontiers in Genetics 10: 919.
- Wang X, Que P, Heckel G, Hu J, Zhang X, Chiang C-Y, Zhang N, Huang Q, Liu S, Martinez J, Pagani-Núnez E, Dingle C, Leung YY, Székely T , Zhang Z, Liu Y (2019) Genetic, phenotypic and ecological differentiation suggests incipient speciation in two Charadrius plovers along the Chinese coast. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19: 135.
- Zitouni S, Laurent C, Dyke G , Jalil NE (2019) An abelisaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) ilium from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of the Kem Kem beds, Morocco. PloS ONE 14: e0214055.
- Varga Z (2019) Biogeográfia az élet földrajza. Pars Kft., Nagykovácsi.
- Pekarsky O, Ronkay L, Ronkay G, Varga Z (2019) Psaphidinae II Erebidae II. The Tribes Feraliini and the Lygephila generic complex. Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea. The Witt Catalogue Vol. 10. Heterocera Press, Budapest.
- Kiss I, Babocsay G, Bakó B, Dankovics R, Deme T, Kovács T, Szénási V, Vági B , Vörös J (2019) Kétéltûek és hüllõk monitorozása Magyarország kilenc tájegységében. In: Váczi O, Varga I, Bakó B (szerk.): A Nemzeti Biodiverzitás-monitorozó Rendszer eredményei II: Gerinces állatok. Körös-Maros Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Szarvas, 200 pp.