Debreceni Egyetem
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Supported by:
Sixth Framework Programme
European Commission, grant FP6
Integrating Cooperation Research across Europe (INCORE)
Cooperation in animal societies
(10th Behavioural Ecology Meeting)
Cluj Napoca, 23-24 January 2009
Kooperáció az állati közösségekben
Kolozsvár, 2009. január 23-24.

The workshop „Cooperation in animal societies" will be held at the Babes Bolyai University from Cluj Napoca, Romania. This meeting will cover various aspects of cooperation in animals. Topics will include theoretical modeling, comparative evolutionary analyses, physiology and genetics. We target postgraduate students and junior post-docs in Europe, although attendance will be open to everyone. The Workshop will be hold under the aegis of a multi-partner EU-funded coordination-action project, INCORE. The symposium will feature the following invited speakers: Dr. Freya Harrison (University of Bath), Dr. András Liker (University of Veszprem), Dr. Kosztolányi András (Eötvös Loránd University), Dr. Lajos Rózsa (Hungarian Natural History Museum) and Dr. Altbecker Vilmos (Eötvös Loránd University).