Debreceni Egyetem
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Publikációs listák

Kiss Ádám

KISS, Á. (2010): Adatok Szurdokpüspöki és környéke nagylepke faunájához (Lepidoptera: Macrolepidoptera). – Folia Historico-naturalia Musei Matrensis 34: 161–179.

KISS, Á., KOROMPAI, T. & KOZMA, P. (2010): Újabb adatok a Mátra hegység nagylepke faunájának ismeretéhez II. (Lepidoptera, Macrolepidoptera). – Folia Historico-naturalia Musei Matrensis 34: 151–159.

Kiss Á, Gyulai P (2013) Two new species and one subspecies of Craniophora Snellen, 1867 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Acronictinae) from China. ZooKeys 353: 61-70. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.353.5990

      Dr. Tartally András

      Tartally, A., Thomas, J., Anton, C., Balletto, E., Barbero, F., Bonelli, S., Bräu, M., Casacci, L., Csősz, S., Czekes, Z., Dolek, M., Dziekańska, I., Elmes, G., Fürst, M., Glinka, U., Hochberg, M., Höttinger, H., Hula, V., Maes, D., Munguira, M., Musche, M., Nielsen, P., Nowicki, P., Oliveira, P., Peregovits, L., Ritter, S., Schlick-Steiner, B., Settele, J., Sielezniew, M., Simcox, D., Stankiewicz, A., Steiner, F., Švitra, G., Ugelvig, L., Van, D., Varga, Z., Witek, M., Woyciechowski, M., Wynhoff, I., Nash, D. (2019): Patterns of host use by brood parasitic butterflies across Europe. – Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374 (1769), 1-17 DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2018.0202 Online version [IF: 5.666]

      Báthori, F., Pfliegler, W.P., Rádai, Z. & Tartally, A. (2018): Host age determines parasite load of Laboulbeniales fungi infecting ants: Implications for host-parasite relationship and fungal life history. – Mycoscience, 59(2): 99-104 DOI: 0.1016/j.myc.2017.09.004 Online version [IF: 1.165]

      Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K., Varga, Z., Tartally, A. & Tóth, J.P. (2018): Maculinea rebeli (Hirschke)–a phantom or reality? Novel contribution to a long‐standing debate over the taxonomic status of an enigmatic Lycaenidae butterfly. – Systematic Entomology, 43: 166-182 DOI: 10.1111/syen.12259 Online version Supplementary Material 1 Supplementary Material 2 [IF: 4.474

      Pfliegler, W.P., Báthori, F., Wang, T.W., Tartally, A., Haelewaters, D. (2018): Herpomyces ectoparasitic fungi (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) are globally distributed by their invasive cockroach hosts and through the pet trade industry. – Mycologia, 110: 39-46 DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2017.1418567 Online version [IF: 2.550]

      Báthori, F., Pfliegler, W.P., Zimmerman, C.-U. & Tartally, A. (2017): Online image databases as multi-purpose resources: discovery of a new host ant of Rickia wasmannii Cavara (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) by screening – Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 61: 85-94. DOI: 10.3897/jhr.61.20255 Online version [IF: 0.793]

      Báthori, F., Rádai, Z. & Tartally, A. (2017): The effect of Rickia wasmannii (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) on the aggression and boldness of Myrmica scabrinodis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). – Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 58, 41-52 DOI: 10.3897/jhr.58.13253 Online version [IF: 0.793]

      Tartally, A., Tóth, J.P., Váradi, A. & Bereczki, J. (2017): First Data on the Host Ant Usage of Large Blue from the Carpathian Basin. – Sociobiology, 64(1): 122 DOI: 10.13102/sociobiology.v64i1.1206 Online version Supplementary Material [IF: 0.702]

      Pfliegler, W.P., Báthori, F., Haelewaters, D. & Tartally, A. (2016): Studies of Laboulbeniales on Myrmica ants (III): myrmecophilous arthropods as alternative hosts of Rickia wasmannii. – Parasite, 23: 50 DOI: 10.1051/parasite/2016060 Online version [IF: 1.781]

      Pfliegler, W.P., Fekete, J., Báthori, F. & Tartally, A. (2016): First Central European record of the fungus Prolixandromyces triandrus (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales), a parasite of Veliid bugs (Heteroptera: Veliidae), with notes on its biology and DNA-barcoding. – Aquatic Insects, 37(3): 215-223 DOI: 10.1080/01650424.2016.1194434, Online version, [IF: 0.129]

      Pfliegler, W.P., Tálas, L., Báthori, F., Tartally, A., Pócsi, I. & Szemán-Nagy, G. (2016): Antifungal effect of silver nanoparticles on Rickia wasmannii Cavara (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) infecting Myrmica scabrinodis Nylander (Formicidae) ants. – Sociobiology, 63(2): 851-854 DOI: 10.13102/sociobiology.v63i2.1049, Online version, [IF: 0.702] 

      Tartally, A., Antonova, V., Espadaler, X., Csősz, S. & Czechowski, W. (2016): Collapse of the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus, populations in four European countries. – Biological Invasions, 18(11): 3127–3131 DOI: 10.1007/s10530-016-1227-x, Online version, [IF: 2.586]

      Tragust, S., Tartally, A., Espadaler, X. & Billen, J. (2016): Histopathology of Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales): ectoparasitic fungi on ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). – Myrmecological News, 23: 81–89. Online version [IF: 2.386]

      Tartally, A., Kelager, A., Fürst, M.A., Nash D.R. (2016): Host plant use drives genetic differentiation in syntopic populations of Maculinea alcon. – PeerJ, 4: e1865, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1865, Online version [IF: 110]

      Báthori, F., Pfliegler, W.P. & Tartally, A. (2015): First records of the recently described ectoparasitic Rickia lenoirii (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) in the Carpathian Basin. – Sociobiology, 62: 620-622. DOI: 10.13102/sociobiology.v62i4.901, Online version, Supplementary Material [IF: 0.702]

      Haelewaters, D., Gorczak, M., Pfliegler, W.P., Tartally, A., Tischer, M., Wrzosek, M. & Pfister, D.H. (2015): Bringing Laboulbeniales into the 21st century: enhanced techniques for extraction and PCR amplification of DNA from minute ectoparasitic fungi. – IMA Fungus, 6(2): 363–372. DOI: 10.5598/imafungus.2015.06.02.08, Online version

      Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Juhász, E., Tartally, A., Varga, Z. (2015): Contrasting genetic structure in cuckoo and predatory Maculinea – Conservation Genetics, 16: 939-954. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-015-0713-5, Online version [IF: 2.040]

      Báthori, F., Csata, E. & Tartally, A. (2015): Rickia wasmannii increases the need for water in Myrmica scabrinodis (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales; Hymenoptera: Formicidae). – Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 126: 78-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2015.01.005, Online version [IF: 198]

      Tartally, A. & Báthori, F. (2015): Does Laboulbenia formicarum (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) fungus infect the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in Hungary? – e-Acta Naturalia Pannonica, 8: 117-123. PDF

      Báthori, F., Pfliegler, W.P. & Tartally, A. (2014): First records of the myrmecophilous fungus Laboulbenia camponoti Batra (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales) from Austria and Romania. – Sociobiology, 61: 338-340. DOI: 10.13102/sociobiology.v61i3.338-340, Online version [IF: 372]

      Tartally, A., Koschuh, A. & Varga, Z. (2014): The re-discovered Maculinea rebeli (Hirschke, 1904): Host ant usage, parasitoid and initial food plant around the type locality with taxonomical aspects (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). – ZooKeys, 406: 25-40. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.406.7124, Online version [IF: 933]

      Tartally, A., Rodrigues, M.C., Brakels, P & Arnaldo, P.S. (2013): Myrmica aloba (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) hosts isolated populations of a hoverfly, a butterfly and an ichneumon species in NE-Portugal. – Journal of Insect Conservation, 15: 465-467. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-013-9575-7, Online version [IF: 1.789]

      Arnaldo, P.S., Wynhoff, I., Soares, P., Rodrigues, M.C., Aranha, J., Csősz, S., Maravalhas, E. & Tartally, A. (2011): Maculinea alcon exploits Myrmica aloba in Portugal: unusual host ant species of a myrmecophilous butterfly in a peripheral region. – Journal of Insect Conservation, 17: 851-855. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-010-9316-0, Online version [IF: 1.688]

      Bonelli, S., Witek, M., Canterino, S., Sielezniew, M., Stankiewicz, A., Tartally, A., Balletto, E. & Schönrogge, K. (2011) Distribution, host specificity and the potential for cryptic speciation in hoverfly Microdon myrmicae (Diptera: Syrphidae), a social parasite of Myrmica – Ecological Entomology, 36, 135-143. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2010.01253.x, Online version [IF: 1.995]

      Gyuris, E., Feró, O., Tartally, A., & Barta, Z. (2011) Individual behaviour in firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus). – Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 278, 628-633. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2010.1326, Online version) [IF: 5.415]

      Rákosy, L., Tartally, A., Goia, M., Mihali, C. & Varga, Z. (2010): The Dusky Large Blue – Maculinea nausithous kijevensis (Sheljuzhko, 1928) in the Transylvanian basin: New data on taxonomy and ecology. – Nota Lepidopterologica, 33(1): 31-37. PDF

      Nagy, C., Tartally, A., Vilisics, F., Merkl, O., Szita, É., Szél, G., Podlussány, A., Rédei, D., Csősz, S., Pozsgai, G., Orosz, A., Szövényi, G. & Markó, V. (2009): Effects of the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus van Loon, Boomsma & Andrásfalvy, 1990 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on arthropod assemblages: pattern analyses in the type supercolony. – Myrmecological News, 12 :171-181. Online verersion with Digital supplementary material

      Árnyas, E., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Varga, K., Pecsenye, K., Tartally, A., Kövics, Gy., Karsa, D. & Varga, Z. (2009): Oviposition preferences of Maculinea alcon as influenced by aphid (Aphis gentianae) and fungal (Puccinia gentianae) infestation of larval host plants. – Ecological Entomology, 34(1): 90-97. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2008.01048.x, Online version [IF: 697]

      Tartally, A., Nash D.R., Lengyel S. & Varga, Z. (2008): Patterns of host ant use by sympatric populations of Maculinea alcon and ‘rebeli’ in the Carpathian Basin. – Insectes Sociaux, 55(4): 370-381. DOI: 10.1007/s00040-008-1015-4, Online version [IF: 1.015]

      Tartally, A. & Varga, Z. (2008): Host ant use of Maculinea teleius in the Carpathian-Basin (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) – Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54(3): 257-268. PDF [IF: 0.522]

      Tartally, A., Rákosy, L., Vizauer, T.-Cs., Goia, M. & Varga, Z. (2008): Maculinea nausithous exploits Myrmica scabrinodis in Transylvania: unusual host ant species of a myrmecophilous butterfly in an isolated region. – Sociobiology, 51(2): 373-380. PDF [IF: 0.496]

      Espadaler, X., Tartally, A., Schultz, R., Seifert, B. & Nagy, Cs. (2007): Regional trends and preliminary results on the local expansion rate in the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) – Insectes Sociaux, 54(3): 293-301. DOI: 10.1007/s00040-007-0944-7, Online version [IF: 1.618]

      Tartally, A., Szűcs, B. & Ebsen, J.R. (2007): The first records of Rickia wasmannii Cavara, 1899, a myrmecophilous fungus, and its Myrmica Latreille, 1804 host ants in Hungary and Romania (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales; Hymenoptera: Formicidae). – Myrmecological News, 10: 123 (published lecture Abstract) Online version

      Tartally, A. (2006): Long term expansion of a supercolony of the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) – Myrmecologische Nachrichten, 9: 21-25. Online version

      Hornung, E., Vilisics, F. & Tartally, A. (2005): Occurrence of Platyarthrus schoblii (Isopoda, Oniscidea) and its ant hosts in Hungary – European Journal of Soil Biology, 41: 129-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2005.11.001, Online version [IF: 0.935]

      Szathmáry, E., Haltrich, A. & Tartally, A. (2005): Data to the knowledge of the lachnid fauna (Homoptera: Lachnidae) of Hungary – Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 40: 403-408. DOI: 10.1556/APhyt.40.2005.3-4.22, Online version

      Tartally, A. & Varga, Z. (2005): Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): the first data on host-ant specificity of Maculinea nausithous (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Hungary. – Myrmecologische Nachrichten, 7: 55-59. Online version

      Tartally, A. (2005): Myrmica salina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a host of Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). – Sociobiology, 46(1): 39-43. [IF: 0.662] Abstract

      Tartally, A. (2005): Neotypus melanocephalus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae): the first record of a parasitoid wasp attacking Maculinea teleius (Lycaenidae). – Nota Lepidopterologica, 28(1): 65-67. PDF

      Tartally, A. (2005): Accelerated development of Maculinea rebeli larvae under artificial conditions (Lycaenidae). – Nota Lepidopterologica, 27(4) (Printed: 2004): 303-308. PDF

      Tartally, A. (2004): Is Manica rubida (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) a potential host of the Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) group? – Myrmecologische Nachrichten, 6: 23-27. Online verersion with Digital supplementary material

      Tartally, A., Hornung, E. & Espadaler, X. (2004): The joint introduction of Platyarthrus schoblii (Isopoda: Oniscidea) and Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) into Hungary. – Myrmecologische Nachrichten, 6: 61-66. Online version

      Tartally, A. (2000): Notes on the coexistence of the supercolonial ant Lasius neglectus van Loon, Boomsma et Andrásfalvy 1990 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with other ant species. – Tiscia, 32: 43-46. PDF

      Gallé, L., Csősz, S., Tartally, A. & Kovács, É. (1998): A check-list of Hungarian ants. – Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 59: 213-220.


      My full list of publications

      • Individual behaviour in firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus) (2011)
        E.Gyuris, O.Fero, A.Tartally, Z.Barta
        Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences
        Individual behaviour in firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus)
        The concept of animal personalities has recently become of major interest as researchers began to wonder why animals within a given population show consistent behaviour across situations and contexts, what led to the evolution of such behavioural inflexibility and what mechanisms might underlie the phenomenon. A recent model explains individual differences in a population as the result of trade-off between present and future reproduction. We tested this model on the two wing morphs, i.e. short-winged (brachypterous) and long-winged (macropterous) specimens of the firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus). Since it has been already demonstrated that the two wing morphs differ in their life-history strategies, this species is an ideal subject to test whether the specimens with different life-history strategies have different personalities as well. The results show that individuals behave consistently over time and across contexts, meaning observed bugs do have personalities. We also have found that in females, the two wing morphs have different personal- ities supporting the theoretical predictions, i.e. winged ones, which are supposed to have lower future reproductive value, are braver and more exploratory. We found no difference between the morphs in males. Differences in reproductive investment might explain this discrepancy between the sexes.
        Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences 2011: Letöltés
        Somogyi Anna

        Maák, I., Torma, A., Kovács, J., Somogyi, A., & Lőrinczi, G. (2016). Threat, Signal or Waste? Meaning of Corpses in two Dulotic Ant Species. Journal of Insect Behavior, 29(4), 432–448.

        Somogyi, A. Á., Lőrinczi, G., Kovács, J. & Maák, I. E (2017): Ant assemblages of planted poplar (Populus alba) forests in the Hungarian plain and the effect of invasive milkweed (Asclepias syriaca). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 63(4), pp. 443–457, DOI: 10.17109/AZH.63.4.443.2017

            Marton Attila

            Marton A*, Vágási CI*, Vincze O, Bókony V, Pap PL, Pătraș L, Pénzes J, Bărbos L, Fülöp A, Osváth G, Ducatez S, Giraudeau M (2022) Oxidative physiology is weakly associated with pigmentation in birds. Ecology and Evolution 12, e9177 (* shared first-authorship)

            Elek Z, Bán M, Fülöp A, Marton A, Hauber ME, Moskát C (2021) Call rate in Common Cuckoos does not predict body size and responses to conspecific playbacks. Journal of Ornithology 162, 1183-1192

            Marton A (2021) Quintuple parasitism of a great reed warbler nest by common cuckoos. Ecology and Evolution 11, 8420-8423

            Marton AFülöp ABán MHauber MEMoskát C (2021) Female common cuckoo calls dampen the mobbing intensity of great reed warbler hostsEthology 127, 286-293 

            Moskát C, Hauber ME, Růžičková J, Marton A, Bán M, Elek E (2020) Female-female aggression and male responses to the two colour morphs of female common cuckoos. The Science of Nature 107, 1-13

            Kiss VA, Pripon LR, Marton A (2020) Differences in eggshell pigmentation pattern between Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus and Eurasian Coot Fulica atra eggs. Ornis Hungarica 28, 176-180

            Marton A, Fülöp A, Ozogány K, Moskát C and Bán M (2019) Host alarm calls attract the unwanted attention of the brood parasitic common cuckoo. Scientific Reports 9, 18563

            Hegyeli Z, Bagyura J, Bărbos L, Daróczi SJ, Fülöp A, Marton A, Prommer M, Zeitz R, Nagy A (2019) A kerecsensólyom (Falco cherrug) helyzete Románia nyugati részén. Heliaca 15, 22-31

            Moskát C, Hauber ME, Bán M, Fülöp A, Geltsch N, Marton A, Elek Z (2018) Are both notes of the common cukoo's call necessary for familiarity recognition? Behavioural Processes 157, 685-690

            Țeran L, Sos T, Hegyeli Z, Gábos E, Fülöp T, Marton A (2016) New data on the distribution of Eastern spadefoot toad Pelobates syriacus Boettger, 1889 (Anura: Pelobatidae) in the Pannonian Plain. North-Western Journal of Zoology 2016: e167503

            Vágási CI, Vincze O, Pătraş L, Osváth G, Marton A, Bărbos L, Sol D, Pap PL (2016) Large-brained birds suffer less oxidative damage. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29, 1968-1976

            Pap PL, Osváth G, Sándor K, Vicze OT, Bărbos L, Marton A, Nudds RL, Vágási CI (2015) Interspecific variation in the structural properties of flight feathers in birds indicates adaptation to flight requirements and habitat. Functional Ecology 29, 746-757

            Pap PL, Vágási CI, Bărbos L and Marton A (2013) Chronic coccidian infestation compromises flight feather quality in house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108, 414-428

            Vágási CI, Pap PL, Vincze O, Benkő Z, Marton A and Barta Z (2012) Haste makes waste but condition matters: molt rate-feather quality trade-off in a sedentary songbird. PLoS ONE 7, e40651

                Dr. Fülöp Attila

                Ozogány K, Kerekes V, Fülöp A, Barta Z*, Nagy M* (2023) Fine-scale collective movements reveal present, past and future dynamics of a multilevel society in Przewalski’s horses. Nature Communications 14: 5096. *joint senior authors

                Nagy AA, Erős N, Imecs I, Bóné G, Fülöp A, Pap PL (2023) Distribution and diversity of fishes and lampreys in Transylvania (Romania): a complete survey and suggestions for new protected areas. ZooKeys 1166: 351–373.

                Fülöp A, Lukács D, Barta Z (2022) Space use of wintering Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) in a semi-urban area: a radiotelemetry-based case study. Ornis Hungarica 30(2): 124–133.

                Rádai Z, Kiss J, Nagy NA, Somogyi AÁ, Fülöp A, Tóth Z, Alexáné Babits M, Németh Z (2022) State and physiology behind personality in arthropods: a review. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 150.

                Marton A*, Vágási CI*, Vincze O, Bókony V, Pap PL, Pătraș L, Pénzes J, Bărbos L, Fülöp A, Osváth G, Ducatez S°, Giraudeau M° (2022) Oxidative physiology is weakly associated with pigmentation in birds. Ecology and Evolution 12: e9177. *joint first authors, °joint senior authors

                Fülöp A, Németh Z, Kocsis B, Deák-Molnár B, Bozsoky T, Csöppü G, Barta Z (2022) Fighting ability, personality and melanin signalling in free-living Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus). PeerJ 10: e13660.

                Elek Z, Bán M, Fülöp A, Marton A, Hauber ME, Moskát C (2021) Call rate in Common Cuckoos does not predict body size and responses to conspecific playbacks. Journal of Ornithology 162: 1183–1192.

                Vágási CI*, Fülöp A*, Osváth G, Pap PL, Pénzes J, Benkő Z, Lendvai ÁZ, Barta Z (2021) Social groups with diverse personalities mitigate physiological stress in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20203092. *joint first authors

                Fülöp A, Lukács D, Fábián PI, Kocsis B, Csöppü G, Bereczki J, Barta Z (2021) Sex-specific signalling of individual personality by a mutual plumage ornament in a passerine. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 38.

                Marton A, Fülöp A, Bán M, Hauber ME, Moskát C (2021) Female common cuckoo calls dampen the mobbing intensity of great reed warbler hosts. Ethology 127(3): 286–293.

                Marton A, Fülöp A, Ozogány K, Moskát C*, Bán M* (2019) Host alarm calls attract the unwanted attention of the brood parasitic common cuckoo. Scientific Reports 9: 18563. *joint senior authors

                Pap PL, Fülöp A, Adamkova M, Cepak J, Michalkova R, Safran RJ, Stermin AN, Tomasek O, Vágási CI, Vincze O, Wilkins MR, Albrecht T (2019) Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central- and Eastern-European populations of the barn swallow. Ecology and Evolution 9: 11277–11287.

                Fülöp A, Németh Z, Kocsis B, Deák-Molnár B, Bozsoky T, Barta Z (2019) Personality and social foraging tactic use in free-living Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus). Behavioral Ecology 30(4): 894–903.

                Moskát C, Bán M, Fülöp A, Bereczki J, Hauber ME (2019) Bimodal habitat use in brood parasitic common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) as revealed by GPS telemetry. The Auk 136(2): 1–12.

                Cserkész T, Fülöp A, Almerekova S, Kondor T, Laczkó L, Sramkó G (2019) Phylogenetic and morphological analysis of birch mice (genus Sicista, family Sminthidae, Rodentia) in the Kazak cradle with description of a new species. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 26(1): 147–163.

                Vörös J*, Herczeg D*, Fülöp A, Gál TJ, Dán Á, Harmos K, Bosch J (2018) Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Hungary: an overview of recent and historical occurrence. Acta Herpetologica 13(2): 125–140. *joint first authors

                Moskát C, Hauber ME, Bán M, Fülöp A, Geltsch N, Marton A, Elek Z (2018) Are both notes of the common cuckoo’s call necessary for familiarity recognition? Behavioural Processes 157: 685–690.

                Fülöp A, Daróczi SJ, Dehelean AS, Dehelean LA, Domahidi Z, Dósa A, Gyékény G, Hegyeli Z, Kis RB, Komáromi IS, Kovács I, Miholcsa T, Nagy AA, Nagy A, Ölvedi SZ, Papp T, Pârâu LG, Sándor AK, Sos T, Zeitz R (2018) Autumn passage of soaring birds over Dobrogea (Romania): a migration corridor in Southeast Europe. Ardea 106(1): 61–77.

                Bán M, Moskát C, Fülöp A, Habuer ME (2018) Return migration of Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) between breeding grounds in Hungary and wintering grounds in Africa as documented by non-­PTT GPS technology. Journal of Ornithology 159(2): 337–344.

                Pap PL, Vincze O, Fülöp A, Székely-Béres O, Pătraș L, Pénzes J, Vágási CI (2018) Oxidative physiology of reproduction in a passerine bird: a field experiment. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 72(2): 18.

                Rosa ME, Barta Z, Fülöp A, Székely T, Kosztolányi A (2017) The effects of adult sex ratio and density on parental care in Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae). Animal Behaviour 132: 181–188.

                Fülöp A, Vágási CI, Pap PL (2017) Cohabitation with farm animals rather than breeding effort increases the infection with feather-associated bacteria in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica. Journal of Avian Biology 48(7): 1005–1014.

                Fülöp A, Czirják GÁ, Pap PL, Vágási CI (2016) Feather-degrading bacteria, uropygial gland size and feather quality in House Sparrows Passer domesticus. Ibis 158(2): 362–370.

                Fülöp A, Kovács I, Baltag E, Daróczi SJ, Dehelean AS, Dehelean LA, Kiss RB, Komáromi IS, Latková H, Miholcsa T, Nagy A, Ölvedi SZ, Papp T, Sándor AK, Zeitz R, Kelemen MA (2014) Autumn migration of soaring birds at Bosporus: validating a new survey station design. Bird Study 61(2): 264–269. 

                Fülöp A, Bărbos L, Bóné GM, Daróczi SJ, Dehelean LA, Kiss RB, Kovács I, Nagy A, Papp T (2012) Autumn migration of soaring birds in North Dobrogea, Romania: a study with implications for wind farm development. Ornis Hungarica 20(2): 73–85. 

                Pap PL, Vágási CI, Czirják GÁ, Titilincu A, Pintea A, Osváth G, Fülöp A, Barta Z (2011) The effect of coccidians on the condition and immune profile of molting House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). The Auk 128(2): 330–339. 


                    Dr. Vági Balázs

                    Vági, B., Végvári, Zs., Liker, A., Freckleton, R.P., Székely, T. (2020). Climate and mating systems as drivers of global diversity of parental care in frogs. Global Ecology and Biogeography,

                    Vági, B., Végvári, Zs., Liker, A., Freckleton, R.P., Székely, T. (2019). Terrestriality and the evolution of parental care in frogs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences, 286:20182737.

                    Végvári, Zs., Katona, G., Vági, B., Freckleton, R.P., Gaillard, J.-M., Székely, T., Liker, A. (2018): Sex-biased breeding dispersal is predicted by social environment in birds. Ecology and Evolution, 8:6483-6491.

                    Szabolcs, M., Mizsei, E., Jablonsky, D., Vági, B., Mester, M., Végvári, Z., Lengyel, S. (2017): Distribution nd diversity of amphibians in Albania: new data and foundations of a comprehensive data base. Amphibia–Reptilia: DOI:10.1163/15685381-00003126

                    Vági, B., Hettyey, A. (2016): Intraspecific and interspecific competition for mates: Rana temporaria males are effective satyrs of Rana dalmatina females. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology: 70:1477-1484.

                    Mizsei, E., Üveges, B., Vági, B., Szabolcs, M., Lengyel, S., Pfliegler, W.P., Nagy, Z.T., Tóth, J.P. (2016): Species distribution modelling leads to the discovery of new populations of one of the least known European snakes, Vipera ursinii graeca in Albania. Amphibia–Reptilia: 37:55-68.

                    Hettyey, A., Vági, B., Kovács, T., Ujszegi, J., Katona, P., Szederkényi, M., Griggio, M., Hoi, H. (2014): Reproductive interference between Rana dalmatina and R. temporaria affects reproductive success in natural populations. Oecologia: 176:457-464.

                    Vági B., Kovács T., Bancilă, R., Hartel, T., Anthony, B. P. (2013): A landscape-level study on the breeding site characteristics of ten amphibian species in Central Europe. Amphibia-Reptilia 34:63-73.

                    Hettyey, A., Vági, B., Penn, D.J., Hoi, H., Wagner, R.H. (2012):  Post-meiotic intra-testicular sperm senescence in a wild vertebrate. PLoS One, 7: e50820.

                    Hettyey, A., Vági, B., Török, J., Hoi, H. (2012). Allocation in reproduction is not tailored to the probable number of matings in common toad (Bufo bufo) males. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66:201-208.

                    Hettyey, A., Baksay, S., Vági, B., Török, J. (2009). Counterstrategies by female frogs to sexual coercion by heterospecifics. Animal Behaviour 78:1365-1372.

                    Hettyey, A., Vági, B., Hévizi, G., Török, J. (2009). Changes in sperm stores, ejaculate size, fertilization success, and sexual motivation over repeated matings in the common toad, Bufo bufo (Anura: Bufonidae). Biological Journal of the Linneaean Society, 96:361-371.

                        Üveges Bálint



                        1. Üveges, B. (2007): Hüllők - Reptilia – in: Rácz, I., A. (Szerk.): Állatrendszertani gyakorlatok, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen. pp. 300-312

                            Dr. Herczeg Dávid

                            Mahtani-Williams S, Fulton W, Desvars-Larrive A, Lado S, Elbers JP, Halpern B, Herczeg D, Babocsay G, Lauš B, Nagy ZT, Jablonski D, Kukushkin O, Orozco-terWengel P, Vörös J, Burger, PA (2020) Landscape Genomics of a Widely Distributed Snake, Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin, 1789) across Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Genes 11: 1218.

                            Brooks DR, Hoberg EP, Boeger WA, Gardner SL, Araujo SBL, Bajer K, Botero-Cañola S, Byard B, Földvári G, Cook JA, Dunnum J, Tsogtsaikhan Dursahinhan A, Garamszegi LZS, Herczeg D, Juarrero A, Jakab F, Kemenesi G, Kurucz K, León-Règagnon V, Mejía-Madrid HH, Molnár O, Nisbett RA, Preiser W, Stuart M, Szathmáry E, Trivellone V (2020) Before the pandemic ends: making sure this never happens again. World Complexity Science Academy Journal 1: 1-10.

                            Vörös J, Herczeg D, Papp T, Monsalve-Carcaño C, Bosch J (2020) First detection of Ranavirus in amphibians in Hungary. Herpetology Notes 13: 213–217

                            Hettyey A, Ujszegi J, Herczeg D, Holly D, Vörös J, Schmidt B R, Bosch J (2019) Taking advantage of the thermal optimum mismatch between a pathogen and its endangered hosts: the potential of localized heating in the fight against chytridiomycosis. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:254

                            Eszterbauer E, Sipos D, Szakály Á, Herczeg D (2019) Distinctive site preference of fish-parasitic Myxobolus cerebralis (Cnidaria, Myxozoa) during host invasion. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 67(2): 212-223.

                            Vörös J, Herczeg D, Fülöp A, Gál TJ, Dán Á, Harmos K, Bosch J. (2018) Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Hungary: an overview of recent and historical occurrence. Acta Herpetologica 13(2): 125-140.

                            Sipos D, Ursu K, Dán Á, Herczeg D, Eszterbauer E (2018) Susceptibility-related differences in the quantity of developmental stages of Myxobolus spp. (Myxozoa) in fish blood. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0204437.

                            Herczeg D, Rózsa L (2018) Változó éghajlat változó járványokkal – Felgyorsult area-mozgások. Élet és Tudomány 73(4): 102-104. (in Hungarian)

                            Herczeg D, Sipos D, Dán Á, Loy C, Kallert DM, Eszterbauer E (2017) The effect of dietary immunostimulants on the susceptibility of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to the white spot parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 65(4): 517-530.

                            Herczeg D, Vörös J, Christiansen DG, Benovics M, Mikulíček P (2017) Taxonomic composition and ploidy level among European water frogs (Anura: Ranidae: Pelophylax) in eastern Hungary. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 55(2): 129-137.

                            Herczeg D, Vörös J, Végvári Zs, Kuzmin Y, Brooks DR (2016) Helminth Parasites of the Pelophylax esculentus complex (Anura: Ranidae) in Hortobágy National Park (Hungary). Comparative Parasitology 83(1): 36-48.

                            Brooks DR, Hoberg EP, Boeger WA, Gardner SL, Galbreath KE, Herczeg D, Mejía HH, Rácz SE, Tsogsaikhan A (2014) Finding Them Before They Find Us: Informatics, Parasites and Environments in Accelerating Climate Change. Comparative Parasitology 81(2): 155-164.

                            Herczeg D, Gallé R, Molnár N (2012) Effects of urbanization on the occurence of Anura assemblages in the city of Szeged (Hungary). Tiscia 39: 3-8.

                                Dr. Juhász Edit

                                Bereczki J., Tóth, J.P., Tóth, A., Bátori E., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2011. Genetic structure of phenologically differentiated Large Blue (Maculinea arion) populations (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Carpathian Basin. European Journal of Entomology  108(4): 519-527.

                                Hollós, A., Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Bátori, E., Rákosy, L. & Varga, Z. 2012. Pattern of genetic and morphometric differentiation in Maculinea nausithous (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Carpathian Basin. Acta Zoologica Hungarica 58(1): 87-103

                                Bátori, E., Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., & Varga, Z. 2012. Patterns of genetic and taxonomic differentiation in three Melitaea (subg. Mellicta) species (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Nymphalinae). Journal of Insect Conservation, 16:647-656 DOI: 10.1007/s10841-011-9447-y

                                Bátori, E., Pcsenye, K., János P. Tóth, & Varga, Z. 2012. Patterns of genetic and morphometric differentiation in Melitaea (Mellicta) athalia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 107 (2): pp. 398-413 DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2012.01944.x

                                Végvári Zs.; Juhász E., Tóth J., Barta Z., Boldogh S., Szabó S., & Varga Z. 2014. Hibernation stage predicts climatic responsiveness in noctuid moths. OIKOS, 124(2), 235-242.

                                 Juhász, E., Végvári, Zs., Tóth, J. P., Pecsenye, K., & Varga, Z. 2016. Climate-induced changes in the phenotypic plasticity of the Heath Fritillary, Melitaea athalia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). European Journal of Entomology, 113: 104.

                                Nagy, N. A., Németh, Z., Juhász, E., Póliska, S., Rácz, R., Kosztolányi, A., & Barta, Z. 2017. Evaluation of potential reference genes for real-time qPCR analysis in a biparental beetle, Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae). PeerJ, 5, e4047





                                    Báthori Ferenc

                                    Rádai, Z., Kiss, J., Babczyńska, A., Kardos, G., Báthori, F., Samu, F., Barta, Z. 2020: Consequences of rapid development due to cohort splitting: just how costly is to hurry? – Journal of Experimental Biology [IF: 3.017] (accepted)

                                    Bragina, T.M., Lisetskii, F.N., Buryak, J.A., Bede, Á., Apostolova, I., Tóth, C.A., Báthori, F., Bán, M. and Deák, B. 2019: Eurasian database on kurgans will help to preserve biodiversity of steppes – Steppe bulletin (PDF)

                                    Deák, B., Lukács, K., Báthori, F., Valkó, O. 2019: Közönséges kígyónyelv (Ophioglossum vulgatum) meglepő új előfordulása a Tiszafüred–Kunhegyesi síkon. – Kitaibelia (PDF)

                                    Deák, B., Tóth, Cs.A., Bede, Á., Apostolova, I., Bragina, M.T., Báthori F., Bán, M. 2019: Eurasian Kurgan Database – a citizen science tool for conserving grasslands on historical sites. – Hacquetia (PDF)

                                    Haelewaters, D., Boer, P., Báthori, F., Rádai, Z., Reboleira P.S. A.S., Tartally, A., De Kesel, A., Pfliegler, W.P., Nedved, O. 2019: Studies of Laboulbeniales on Myrmica ants (IV): intraspecific diversity of Rickia wasmannii. – Parasite [IF: 2.069] (PDF)

                                    Szentiványi, T., Haelewaters D., Rádai Z., Mizsei E., Pfliegler W.P., Báthori F., Tartally A., Christe P., Glaizot O. 2019: Climatic effects on the distribution of Laboulbeniales, obligate ectoparasites of arthropods. – Fungal Ecology [IF: 3.736] (PDF)

                                    Pfliegler, W. P., Báthori, F., Wang, W. Tristan, Tartally, A., Haelewaters, D. 2018: Fungal ectoparasites on cockroaches: abundant in captive populations and distributed through insect trade. – Mycologia [IF: 2.861] (PDF)

                                    Báthori, F., Pfliegler, W.P., Rádai, Z., Tartally, A. 2018: Host age determines parasite load of Laboulbeniales fungi infecting ants: implications for host-parasite relationship and fungal life history. – Mycoscience [IF: 1.380] (PDF)

                                    Báthori, F., Pfliegler, W.P., Zimmerman, C.-U., Tartally, A. 2017: Online image databases as multi-purpose resources: discovery of a new host ant of Rickia wasmannii Cavara (AscomycotaLaboulbeniales) by screening – Journal of Hymenoptera Research [IF: 0.902] (PDF)

                                    Báthori, F., Rádai, Z., Tartally, A. 2017: Effect of Rickia wasmannii (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) on the aggression and boldness of Myrmica scabrinodis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). – Journal of Hymenoptera Research [IF: 0.902] (PDF)

                                    Pfliegler, W. P., Báthori, F., Haelewaters, D., Tartally, A. 2016: Studies of Laboulbeniales on Myrmica ants (III): myrmecophilous arthropods as alternative hosts of Rickia wasmannii. – Parasite [IF: 2.545] (PDF)

                                    Pfliegler, W. P., Tálas, L., Báthori, F., Tartally, A., Pócsi, I., Szemán-Nagy, G. 2016: Antifungal effect of silver nanoparticles on Rickia wasmannii (Ascomycota:Laboulbeniales) infecting Myrmica scabrinodis ants. – Sociobiology [IF: 0.699] (PDF)

                                    Pfliegler, W.P. Fekete, J., Báthori, F.,  Tartally, A. 2016: First Central European Record of the Fungus Prolixandromyces triandrus Santam. (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales), a Parasite of Veliid Bugs, with Notes on its Biology and DNA-barcoding. – Aquatic Insects  [IF: 0.524] (PDF)

                                    Báthori, F., Pfliegler, W.P., Tartally, A. 2015: First records of the recently described ectoparasitic Rickia lenoirii Santam. (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) in the Carpathian Basin. – Sociobiology [IF: 0.702] (PDF)

                                    Báthori, F., Csata, E., Tartally, A. 2015: Rickia wasmannii increases the need for water in Myrmica scabrinodis (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales; Hymenoptera: Formicidae). – Journal of Invertebrate Pathology [IF: 2.198] (PDF)

                                    Tartally, A., Báthori, F. 2015: Does Laboulbenia formicarum (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) fungus infect the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in Hungary? – e-Acta Naturalia Pannonica (PDF)

                                    Báthori, F., Pfliegler, W.P., Tartally, A. 2014: First records of the myrmecophilous fungus Laboulbenia camponoti Batra (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales) from Austria and Romania. – Sociobiology [IF: 0.372] (PDF)


                                        Dr Dyke Gareth

                                        Laurent, C.M., Ahmed, S.I., Boardman, R.P., Cook, R.B., Dyke, G., Palmer, C., Schneider, P., & DeKat, R. (2019). Imaging techniques for observing laminar geometry in the feather shaft cortex. Journal of Microscopy (In press)

                                        Zitouni, S., Laurent, C.M., Dyke, G., Jalil, N. (2019). An abelisaurid ilium from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Morocco. PLoS ONE

                                        Schwarz D., Kundrát, M., Tischlinger, H., Dyke, G., & Carney, R.M. (2019) Ultraviolet light illuminates the avian nature of the Berlin Archaeopteryx skeleton. Scientific Reports (2019) 9:6518 |

                                        Loránd, S., Burai, P., Deák, B., Dyke, G., & Szabó, S. (2019). Assessing the efficiency of multispectral satellite and airborne hyperspectral images for land cover mapping in an aquatic environment with emphasis on the water caltrop (Trapa natans). International Journal of Remote Sensing

                                        Szép, T., Dobránszky, J., Møller, A.P., Dyke, G., & Lendvai, A.Z. (2019). Older birds have better feathers: A longitudinal study on the long-distance migratory Sand Martin, Riparia riparia. PLoS ONE

                                        Dyke, G. (2019). Does the early career ‘publish or perish’ myth represent an opportunity for the publishing industry? Learned Publishing

                                        Fernández, S.M., Wang, X., Vremir, M., Laurent, C., Naish, D., Kaiser, K., & Dyke, G. (2019). A mixed vertebrate eggshell assemblage from the Transylvanian Late Cretaceous. Scientific Reports 9: 1944 (2019)

                                        Vremir, M., Dyke, G., Csiki-Sava, Z., Grigorescu, D. & Buffetaut, E. (2018). A partial mandible of a giant pterosaur from the Maastrichtian of the Hațeg Basin, Romania. Lethaia DOI: 10.1111/let.12268.

                                        Balázs, B., Bíró, T., Dyke, G., Sudhir, S. & Szilard, S. (2018). Extracting water-related features using reflectance data and principal component analysis of Landsat images. Hydrological Sciences Journal DOI:10.1080/02626667.2018.1425802

                                        Osvath, G., Daubner, T., Dyke, G., Fuisz, T., Nord, A., Pénzes, J., Vargancsik, D., Vagasi, Cs., Vincze, O. & Pap, P. (2018). How feathered are birds? Environment predicts both the mass and density of body feathers. Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13019.

                                        Muscutt, L, Dyke, G., Weymouth, G., Naish, D., Palmer, C. & Ganapathisubramani, G. (2017). The four flipper swimming method of plesiosaurs enabled fast and effective locomotion. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 284: 20170951.

                                        Wang, X., Nudds, R.L., Palmer, C. & Dyke, G. (2017). Primary feather vane asymmetry is a poor metric of flight style in extant birds and should not be used to predict the flight capabilities of feathered fossils. Science Bulletin 62: 1227-1228

                                        Barker, C.T., Naish, D., Newham, E., Katsamenis & Dyke, G. (2017). Complex neuroanatomy in the rostrum of the Isle of Wight theropod Neovenator salerii. Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-03671-3.

                                        Johnson, M.M., Young, M.T., Steel, L., Foffa, D., Smith, A.S., Hua, S., Havlik, P., Howlett, E.A., & Dyke, G. (2017). Re-description of ‘Steneosaurusobtusidens Andrews, 1909, an unusual macrophagous teleosaurid crocodylomorph from the Middle Jurassic of England. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx035

                                        Pap, P., Vincze, O., Wekerle, B., Daubner, T., Vagasi, Cs., Nudds, R., Dyke, G., & Osvath, G. (2017). A phylogenetic comparative analysis reveals correlations between body feather structure and habitat. Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12820.

                                        Averianov, A.O., Danilov, I.G., Skutschas, P.P., Kuzmin, I.T., Sues H-D., & Dyke, G. (2016). The Late Cretaceous vertebrate assemblages of western Kazakhstan, in Khosla, A. and Lucas, S.G. (eds.), Cretaceous Period: Biotic Diversity and Biogeography. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 71, 5-17.

                                        Averianov, A.O., Sues, H-D., Dyke, G., & Bayshashov, B. (2016) Hind limb bones of an ornithomimid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Bostobe Formation, northeastern Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan. Palaeoworld (DOI: 10.1016/j.palwor.2016.01.003).

                                        Hurum, J., Roberts, A.J., Dyke, G., Grundvag, S-A., Nakrem, H.A., Midtkandal, I., Sliwinska, K.K., & Olaussen, S. (2016) Bird or maniraptoran dinosaur? - a femur from the Albian strata of Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway. Palaeontologia Polonica, 67, 137-147.

                                        Csiki-Sava , Z., Vremir, M., Vasile, Ș., Brusatte, S., Dyke, G., Naish, D., Norell, M., & Totoianu, R. (2016) The East Side Story – The Transylvanian latest Cretaceous continental vertebrate record and its implications for understanding Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary events. Cretaceous Research, 57, 662-698.

                                        Vremir, M., Dyke, G., & Totoianu, R. (2015) Repertoire of Late Cretaceous localities from the Sebes area, Alba County (Romania). Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis, 7, 695-724.

                                        Google scholar


                                            Csongor Vágási I.

                                            Vincze O, Vágási CI, Pénzes J, Szabó K, Magonyi NM, Czirják GÁ and Pap PL 2022. Sexual dimorphism in immune function and oxidative physiology across birds: the role of sexual selection. Ecology Letters 25: 958–970.

                                            Vágási CI, Fülöp A, Osváth G, Pap PL, Pénzes J, Benkő Z, Lendvai ÁZ and Barta Z 2021. Social groups with diverse personalities mitigate physiological stress in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 288: 20203092.

                                            Vágási CI, Vincze O, Lemaître JF, Pap PL, Ronget V and Gaillard JM 2021. Is degree of sociality associated with reproductive senescence? A comparative analysis across birds and mammals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 376: 20190744.

                                            Vágási CI, Tóth Z, Pénzes J, Pap PL, Ouyang JQ and Lendvai ÁZ 2020. The Relationship between Hormones, Glucose and Oxidative Damage is Condition- and Stress-dependent in a Free-living Passerine Bird. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 93: 466–476.

                                            Pap P, Fülöp A, Adamkova M, Cepak J, Michalkova R, Saffran RJ, Stermin AN, Tomasek O, Vágási CI, Vincze O, Wilins MR and Albtrecht T 2019. Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central- and Eastern-European populations of the barn swallow. Ecology and Evolution 9: 11277–11287.

                                            Vincze O, Vágási CI, Pap PL, Palmer C and Møller AP 2019. Wing morphology, flight type and migration distance predict accumulated fuel load in birds. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb183517.

                                            Pap PL, Vincze O, Vágási CI, Salamon Z, Pándi A, Bálint B, Nord A, Nudds RL and Osváth G 2019. Vane macrostructure of primary feathers and its adaptations to flight in birds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126: 256–267.

                                            Vágási CI, Vincze O, Pătraș L, Osváth G, Pénzes J, Haussmann MF, Barta Z and Pap PL 2019. Longevity and life history coevolve with oxidative stress in birds. Functional Ecology 33: 152–161.

                                            Vágási CI, Pătraș L, Pap PL, Vincze O, Mureșan C, Németh J and Lendvai ÁZ 2018. Experimental increase in baseline corticosterone level reduces oxidative damage and enhances innate immune response. PLoS One 13: e0192701.

                                            Pap PL, Vincze O, Fülöp A, Székely-Béres O, Pătraș L, Pénzes J and Vágási CI 2018. Oxidative physiology of reproduction in a passerine bird: a field experiment. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 18.

                                            Osváth G, Daubner T, Dyke GJ, Fuisz TI, Nord A, Pénzes J, Vargancsik D, Vágási CI, Vincze O and Pap PL 2018. How feathered are birds? Environment predicts both the mass and density of body feathers. Functional Ecology 32: 701–712.

                                            Fülöp A, Vágási CI and Pap PL 2017. Cohabitation with farm animals rather than breeding effort increases the infection with feather-associated bacteria in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 1005–1014.

                                            Pap PL, Vincze O, Wekerle B, Daubner T, Vágási CI, Nudds RL, Dyke GJ and Osváth G 2017. A phylogenetic comparative analysis reveals correlations between body feather structure and habitat. Functional Ecology 31: 1241–1251.

                                            Geue JC, Vágási CI, Schweizer M, Pap PL and Thomassen HA 2016. Environmental selection is a main driver of divergence in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in Romania and Bulgaria. Ecology and Evolution 6: 7954–7964.

                                            Vágási CI, Vincze O, Pătraș L, Osváth G, Marton A, Bărbos L, Sol D and Pap PL 2016. Large-brained birds suffer less oxidative damage. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 1968–1976.

                                            Fülöp A, Czirják GÁ, Pap PL and Vágási CI 2016. Feather-degrading bacteria, uropygial gland and feather quality in House Sparrows Passer domesticus. Ibis 158: 362–370.

                                            Vágási CI, Pap PL, Vincze O, Osváth G, Erritzøe J and Møller AP 2016. Morphological adaptations to migration in birds. Evolutionary Biology 43: 48–59.

                                            Paștiu AI, Pap PL, Vágási CI, Niculae M, Páll E, Brudașcă FG and Spînu M 2016. Wild birds in Romania are more exposed to West Nile virus than to Newcastle Disease virus. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 16: 176–180.

                                            Vincze O, Vágási CI, Pap PL, Osváth G and Møller AP 2015. Brain regions associated with visual cues are important for bird migration. Biology Letters 11: 20150678.

                                            Pap PL, Osváth G, Aparicio JM, Bărbos L, Matyjasiak P, Rubolini D, Saino N, Vágási CI, Vincze O and Møller AP 2015. Sexual dimorphism and population differences in structural properties of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) wing and tail feathers. PLoS ONE 10: e0130844.

                                            Fenesi A, Vágási CI, Beldean M, Földesi R, Kolcsár L-P, Shapiro JT, Török E and Kovács-Hostyánszki A 2015. Solidago canadensis impacts on native plant and pollinator communities in different-aged old fields. Basic and Applied Ecology 16: 335–346.

                                            Pap PL, Pătraș L, Osváth G, Buehler DM, Versteegh MA, Sesarman A, Banciu M and Vágási CI 2015. Seasonal patterns and relationships among coccidian infestations, measures of oxidative physiology, and immune function in free-living house sparrows over an annual cycle. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88: 395–405.

                                            Pap PL, Osváth G, Sándor K, Vincze O, Bărbos L, Marton A, Nudds RL and Vágási CI 2015. Interspecific variation in the structural properties of flight feathers in birds indicates adaptation to flight requirements and habitat. Functional Ecology 29: 746–757. Spotlighted paper in the 29(6) issue of Functional Ecology.

                                            Pap PL, Vágási CI, Vincze O, Osváth G, Veres-Szászka J and Czirják GÁ 2015. Physiological pace of life: the link between constitutive immunity, developmental period, and metabolic rate in European birds. Oecologia 177: 147–158.

                                            Diaz-Real J, Serrano D, Pérez-Tris J, Fernández-González S, Bermejo A, Calleja JA, De la Puente J, De Palacio D, Martínez JL, Moreno-Opo R, Ponce C, Frías Ó, Tella JL, Møller AP, Figuerola J, Pap PL, Kovács I, Vágási CI, Meléndez L, Blanco G, Aguilera E, Senar JC, Galván I, Atiénzar F, Barba E, Cantó JL, Cortés V, Monrós JS, Piculo R, Vögeli M, Borràs A, Navarro C, Mestre A and Jovani R 2014. Repeatability of feather mite prevalence and intensity in passerine birds. PLoS ONE 9: e107341.

                                            Pap PL, Sesarman A, Vágási CI, Buehler DM, Pătraș L, Versteegh MA and Banciu M 2014. No Evidence for Parasitism-linked Changes in Immune Function or Oxidative Physiology over the Annual Cycle of an Avian Species. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87: 729–739.

                                            Vágási CI 2014. The origin of feather holes: a word of caution. Journal of Avian Biology 45: 431–436.

                                            Bókony V, Lendvai ÁZ, Vágási CI, Pătraș L, Pap PL, Németh J, Vincze E, Papp S, Preiszner B, Seress G and Liker A. 2014. Necessity or capacity? Physiological state predicts problem-solving performance in house sparrows. Behavioral Ecology 25: 124–135.

                                            Vincze O, Vágási CI, Kovács I, Galván I and Pap PL 2013. Sources of variation in uropygial gland size in European birds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110: 543–563.

                                            Møller AP, Vágási CI and Pap PL 2013. Risk-taking and the evolution of mechanisms for rapid escape from predators. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1143–1150.

                                            Czirják GÁ, Pap PL, Vágási CI, Giraudeau M, Mureşan C, Mirleau P and Heeb P 2013. Preen gland removal increases plumage bacterial load but not that of feather-degrading bacteria. Naturwissenschaften 100: 145–151.

                                            Pap PL, Vágási CI, Bărbos L and Marton A 2013. Chronic coccidian infestation compromises flight feather quality in house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108: 414–428.

                                            Pap PL, Costică A, Vágási CI, Benkő Z and Vincze O 2013. Sex ratio and sexual dimorphism of three lice species with contrasting prevalence parasitizing the house sparrow. Journal of Parasitology 99: 24–30.

                                            Vágási CI, Pap PL, Vincze O, Benkő Z, Marton A and Barta Z 2012. Haste Makes Waste but Condition Matters: Molt Rate-Feather Quality Trade-Off in a Sedentary Songbird. PLoS ONE 7: e40651.

                                            Galván I, Aguilera E, Atiénzar F, Barba E, Blanco G, Cantó JL, Cortés V, Frías Ó, Kovács I, Meléndez L, Møller AP, Monrós JS, Pap PL, Piculo R, Senar JC, Serrano D, Tella JL, Vágási CI, Vögeli M and Jovani R. 2012. Feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) and body condition of their avian hosts: a large correlative study. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 273–279.

                                            Pap PL, Vágási CI, Czirják GÁ, Titilincu A, Pintea A, Osváth G, Fülöp A and Barta Z 2011. The effect of coccidians on the condition and immune profile of molting House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). Auk 128: 330–339.

                                            Vágási CI, Pap PL, Tökölyi J, Székely E and Barta Z 2011. Correlates of variation in flight feather quality in the Great Tit Parus major. Ardea 99: 53–60.

                                            Vágási CI, Pap PL and Barta Z 2010. Haste Makes Waste: Accelerated Molt Adversely Affects the Expression of Melanin-based and Depigmented Plumage Ornaments in House Sparrows. PLoS ONE 5: e14215.

                                            Pap PL, Vágási CI, Osváth G, Mureşan C and Barta Z 2010. Seasonality in the uropygial gland size and feather mite abundance in house sparrows: natural covariation and an experiment. Journal of Avian Biology 41: 653–661.

                                            Pap PL, Czirják GÁ, Vágási CI, Barta Z and Hasselquist D 2010. Sexual dimorphism in immune functions changes during the annual cycle in house sparrows. Naturwissenschaften 97: 891–901.

                                            Pap PL, Vágási CI, Tökölyi J, Czirják GÁ and Barta Z 2010. Variation in haematological indices and immune function during the annual cycle in the Great Tit Parus major. Ardea 98: 105–112.

                                            Pap PL, Vágási CI, Czirják GÁ, Titilincu A, Pintea A and Barta Z 2009. Carotenoids modulate the effect of coccidian infection on the condition and immune response in moulting house sparrows. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 3228–3235.

                                            Pap PL, Vágási CI, Czirják GÁ and Barta Z 2008. Diet quality affects postnuptial molting and feather quality of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus): interaction with humoral immune function? Canadian Journal of Zoology 86: 834–842.

                                            Pap PL, Barta Z, Tökölyi J and Vágási CI 2007. Increase of feather quality during moult: a possible implication of feather deformities in the evolution of partial moult in the great tit Parus major. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 471–478.

                                                Dr. Tökölyi Jácint

                                                Ismeretterjesztő cikkek:

                                                • Tökölyi J., Sebestyén F., Miklós M. és Iván K. (2018): Öregedés és öregedés nélküli életciklus egy édesvízi csalánzónál. Élet és tudomány, LXXIII (23): 710-712. [PDF]
                                                • Tökölyi J., Révész H., Boros A. (2020): Szöveti organizátorok. Az egyedfejlődés karmesterei. Élet és tudomány, LXXV (6): 166-168

                                                Tudományos publikációk (teljes lista: ResearchGate )

                                                    Dr. Tóth János Pál

                                                    Tóth, J.P. & Varga, Z. (2010) Morphometric study on the genitalia of sibling species Melitaea phoebe and M. telona (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 56: 273-282.

                                                    Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J., spring, N. & Varga, Z. (2011) Dispersal ability and habitat selection in Melitaea telona kovacsi Varga, 1967 and M. phoebe (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (Nymphalidae) in steppe grassland. Nota Lepidopterologica, 33: 199 – 207.

                                                    Tóth, J.P. & Varga, Z. (2011) Inter- and intraspecific variation in the genitalia of the 'Melitaea phoebe group' (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology, 250: 258-268.

                                                    Bereczki, J., Tóth, J.P., Tóth, A., Bátori, E., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. (2011) Genetic structure of phenologically differentiated Large Blue (Maculinea arion) populations (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Carpathian Basin. European Journal of Entomology 108: 519–527

                                                        Dr. Bereczki Judit


                                                        Bereczki, J., Varga, Z. & Tóth, J.P. 2017. Maculinea or Phengaris? New insights from genitalia morphometry. A Journal of Comparative Zoology 270: 57-59. IF: 1,200


                                                        Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K., Varga, Z., Tartally, A. & Tóth, J.P. 2017. Maculinea rebeli (Hirschke) – a phantom or reality? Novel contribution to a long-standing debate over the taxonomic status of an enigmatic Lycaenidae butterfly. Systematic Entomology DOI: 10.1111/syen.12259 IF: 4,474

                                                        Tartally, A., Tóth, J.P., Váradi, A. & Bereczki, J. 2017. First data on the host ant usage of Large Blue from the Carpathian Basin. Sociobiology 64(1): 122-124. IF: 0,740

                                                        Rácz, R., Bereczki, J., Kosztolányi, A., Horváth, A., Sziráki, Sz. & Barta Z. 2017. Additional polymorphic microsatellite loci for detailed population genetic studies of Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63(3): 355-360. IF: 0,353

                                                        Sebestyén, F., Póliska, Sz., Rácz, R., Bereczki, J., Lénárt, K., Barta, Z., Lendvai, Á.Z. & Tökölyi, J. 2017. Insulin/IGF signaling and life history traits in response to food availability and perceived density in the cnidarian Hydra vulgaris. Zoological Science 34(4):318-325. IF: 0,755

                                                        Tóth, J.P., Varga, Z., Verovnik, R., Wahlberg, N., Váradi, A. & Bereczki, J. 2017. Mito-nuclear discordance helps to reveal the phylogeographic patterns of Melitaea ornata (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121(2): 267-281. IF: 1,984

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Tóth, A., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2016. A possible genetic basis for vulnerability in Euphydryas maturna (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Genetica 145(2): 151-161. IF: 1,343

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Tóth, A., Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2016. Regional pattern of genetic variation in the Eastern Central European populations of Euphydryas maturna (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Journal of Insect Conservation 21(2): 171-181. IF: 1,431

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J., Szolnoki, N. & Varga, Z. 2016. Genetic structure of Parnassius mnemosyne (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) populations in the Carpathian Basin Organisms Diversity & Evolution 16(4): 809-819. IF: 1,734

                                                        Tóth, J.P., Varga, Z. & Bereczki, J. 2016. Long-term survival and diversification of an endemic Melitaea species in mountains of Iran and adjacent areas Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 54(2): 106-115. IF: 1,677

                                                        Bereczki, J., Rácz, R., Varga, Z. & Tóth, J.P. 2015. Controversial patterns of Wolbachia infestation in the social parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Organisms Diversity & Evolution 15(3): 591-607. IF: 1,734

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Juhász, E., Tartally, A. & Varga, Z. 2015. Contrasting genetic structure in cuckoo and predatory Maculinea butterflies. Conservation Genetics 16(4): 939-954. 10.1007/s10592-015-0713-5 IF: 2,185

                                                        Rácz, R., Bereczki, J., Sramkó, G., Kosztolányi, A., Tóth, J.P., Póliska, Sz., Horváth, A., Barta, E. & Barta Z. 2014. Isolation and characterisation of 15 microsatellite loci from Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae). Annales Zoologici Fennici 52: 45-50. IF: 0,855

                                                        Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J., Végvári, Zs., Juhász, E. & Varga, Z. 2015. Different host plant utilization ability of two closely related Melitaea species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). European Journal of Entomology (DOI: 10.14411/eje.2015.001) IF: 1,076

                                                        Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J., Varga, Z., Rota, J., Sramkó, G. & Wahlberg, N. 2014. Relationships within the Melitaea phoebe species group (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): new insights from molecular and morphometric information. Systematic Entomology 39(4): 749-757. IF: 2,876

                                                        Bereczki, J., Tóth, J.P., Sramkó, G. & Varga, Z. 2014. Multilevel studies on the two phenological forms of Large Blue (Maculinea arion) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 52(1): 32-43. IF: 1,796

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Rácz, R., Bereczki, J., Bátori, E. & Varga, Z. 2014. Loss of genetic variation in declining populations of Aricia artaxerxes in Northern Hungary. Journal of Insect Conservation 18: 233-243. IF: 1,801

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Bátori, E., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2014. Evolúciós és konzervációs szempontból szignifikáns egységek (ESU és CU): Esettanulmányok kárpát-medencei lepkefajokon. Magyar Tudomány 4: 413-418.

                                                        Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2014. Egy „rejtett faj” a Pannon régióban. Új eredmények a Melitaea phoebe fajcsoport taxonómiájában. [A „Cryptic Species” in the Pannonian Region: Recent Results in the Taxonomy of the Melitaea Phoebe-species Group]. Magyar Tudomány 4: 419-422.

                                                        Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2014. A nagypettyes hangyaboglárka (Maculinea arion) és a magyar tarkalepke (Melitaea ornata kovacsi) (Lepidoptera) az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park területén [Large Blue (Maculinea arion) and Eastern Knapweed Fritillary (Melitaea ornata kovacsi) in Aggtelek National Park]. In: Tóth V. (szerk.): Kutatások az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkban. II.  [Researches in Aggtelek National Park and Biosphere Reserve II.] Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Jósvafő.  p. /ANP Füzetek XI./. 119-132 p.

                                                        Bátori, E., Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2012. Patterns of genetic and taxonomic differentiation in three Melitaea (subg. Mellicta) species (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Nymphalinae). Journal of Insect Conservation 16(5): 647-656. IF: 1,688

                                                        Hollós, A., Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Bátori, E., Rákosy, L. & Varga, Z. 2012. Pattern of genetic and morphometric differentiation in Maculinea nausithous (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Carpathian Basin. Acta Zoologica Hungarica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 58(1): 87-103. IF: 0,564

                                                        Bereczki, J., Tóth, J.P., Tóth, A., Bátori, E., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2011. Genetic structure of phenologically differentiated Large Blue (Maculinea arion) populations (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Carpathian Basin. European Journal of Entomology 108(4): 519-527. IF: 1,061

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Aranyos, J., Tóth, A., Miklós, É. & Varga, Z. 2010. Populációstruktúra és polimorfizmus. Konzervációgenetikai esettanulmányok nappali lepkéken. Magyar Tudomány 5: 514-523.

                                                        Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2010. A Kovács-tarkalepke Melitaea telona kovacsi Varga, 1967 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) diszperziós képességének és élőhely választásának vizsgálata az Aggteleki-karszt területén. Természetvédelmi Közlemények 16: 65-78.

                                                        Tóth, J.P., Bereczki, J., Spring, N. & Varga, Z. 2010. Dispersal ability and habitat selection in Melitaea telona kovacsi Varga, 1967 and M. phoebe (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (Nymphalidae) in steppe grassland. Nota Lepidopterologica 33(2): 199-207.

                                                        Árnyas, E., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Varga, K., Pecsenye, K., Tartally, A., Kövics, Gy., Karsa, D. & Varga, Z. 2009. Oviposition behaviour of Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) influenced by food-plant specialized aphids (Aphis gentianae) and fungal infection by Puccinia gentianae. Ecological Entomology 34(1): 90-97. IF: 1,697

                                                        Árnyas, E., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2007. A Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) peterakási preferenciájának vizsgálata az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkban. Természetvédelmi Közlemények 13: 421-430.

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Szilágyi, M. & Varga, Z. 2007. High level of genetic variation in Aricia artaxerxes issekutzi (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) populations in Northern Hungary. Nota Lepidopterologica 30: 225-234.

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Tihanyi, B., Tóth, A., Peregovits, L. & Varga, Z. 2007. Genetic differentiation among the Maculinea species (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in eastern Central Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 11-21. IF: 2,368

                                                        Árnyas, E., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2006. Egg-laying preferences of the xerophilous ecotype of Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Aggtelek National Park. European Journal of Entomology 103: 587-595. IF: 0,782

                                                        Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2006. Geographical versus food plant differentiation in Alcon Blue populations (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Northern Hungary. European Journal of Entomology 103: 725-732. IF: 0,782

                                                        Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2006. A genetikai variabilitás szerkezete a szürkés hangyaboglárka fajcsoport Kárpát-medencei populációiban. Magyar Tudomány 6: 700-704.

                                                        Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K., Peregovits, L. & Varga, Z. 2005. Pattern of genetic differentiation in the Maculinea alcon species group (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Central Europe. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 43(2): 157-176. IF: 1,177

                                                        Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2004. A morfológiai változatosság szerkezetének időbeli változása az Aricia artaxerxes issekutzi (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) két Kárpát-medencei populációjában. Természetvédelmi Közlemények 11: 329-336.


                                                        Book sections

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Meglécz, E., Kenyeres, Á., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2005. A genetikai variabilitás három nappali lepke faj (Nymphalidae) hazai populációiban. In: Jordán F. (szerk.) A DNS-től a globális felmelegedésig. A 70 éves Vida Gábor köszöntése. Scientia Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 135-147.

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Meglécz, E., Peregovits, L., Juhász, E. & Varga, Z. 2007. A populációstruktúra és a genetikai variabilitás kapcsolata védett nappalilepke-fajainknál. In: Forró L. & Ronkay L. (szerk.) A Kárpát-medence állatvilágának kialakulása. Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, pp. 241-260.



                                                        Bereczki, J. 2008. A genetikai variabilitás szerkezete a Maculinea alcon-fajcsoport (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Kárpát-medencei populációiban. Juhász-Nagy Pál Doktori Iskola, Debrecen.


                                                        Lecture books

                                                        Bereczki, J. & Nagy, A. 2007. Általános rovarmorfológia. In: Rácz, I.A. (szerk.) Állatrendszertani gyakorlatok. Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, pp. 85-98.

                                                        Bereczki, J. 2007. Endopterigota, Paraneoptera (Eumetabola). In: Rácz, I.A. (szerk.) Állatrendszertani gyakorlatok. Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, pp. 124-147.

                                                        Bereczki, J. 2007. Dipteroidea (Diptera, Siphonaptera). In: Rácz, I.A. (szerk.) Állatrendszertani gyakorlatok. Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, pp. 253-268.

                                                        Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2007. Zootaxonómiai és szisztematikai fogalomgyűjtemény. In: Rácz, I.A. (szerk.) Állatrendszertani gyakorlatok. Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, pp. 358-387.

                                                        Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2011. Evolúcióbiológia. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen.



                                                        Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2005. Geographical versus food plant differentiation in Alcon Blue populations (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Northern Hungary. In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 159-163.

                                                        Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2005. Temporal and spatial structure of genetic variation in the Alcon Blue populations (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Northern Hungary. In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 163-167.

                                                        Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K., Peregovits, L. & Varga, Z. 2005. Pattern of genetic differentiation in the Maculinea alcon species group (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Central Europe. In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 167-171.

                                                        Árnyas, E., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2005. Egg-laying preferences of the xerophilus ecotype of Maculinea alcon (=M. rebeli; Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Aggtelek National Park. In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 61-64.

                                                        Árnyas, E., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. 2005. Results of the mark-release-recapture studies of a Maculinea rebeli in the Aggtelek karst (N Hungary) between 2002-2004. In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 111-114.

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A. & Varga, Z. 2005. The genetic structure of the Maculinea teleius populations (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Hungary. In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 192-195.

                                                        Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Tihanyi, B., Tóth, A., Peregovits, L. & Varga, Z. 2005. Genetic differentiation among the Maculinea species (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in eastern Central Europe. In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 189-191.

                                                        Tóth, A., Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J. & Varga, Z. 2005. Patterns of genetic differentiation in the Hungarian Maculinea arion populations (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 199-203.

                                                        Prondvai, E., Kassai, F., Árnyas, E., Csősz, S., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Tartally, A., Kiss, J., Peregovits, L. & Varga, Z. 2005. Oviposition in Maculinea alcon butterflies. In: J. Settele, E. Kühn & J. Thomas (eds).Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2. Species ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 82-83.

                                                            Dr. Pecsenye Katalin

                                                            On alcohol tolerance and related subjects

                                                            K. Pecsenye, B.E. Giles, L.P. Lefkovitch and A Saura 1994. The influence of the Odh-Aldox
                                                            region of the third chromosome on the response of Drosophila melanogaster to environmental
                                                            alcohol. Hereditas 121:237-248.
                                                            IF: 0,774
                                                            K. Pecsenye and B. Tóthmérész 1994. Linkage disequilibrium in Hungarian populations of
                                                            Drosophila melanogaster. Hereditas 121:301-306.
                                                            IF: 0,774
                                                            K. Pecsenye and E. Meglécz 1995. Enzyme polymorphism in Drosophila melanogaster populations
                                                            collected in two different habitats in Hungary. Genetica 96:257-268.
                                                            IPF: 1,365
                                                            K. Pecsenye, L.P. Lefkovitch, B.E. Giles and A. Saura 1996. Differences in environmental
                                                            temperature, ethanol and sucrose associated with enzyme activity and weight changes in
                                                            Drosophila melanogaster. Insect Biochem. and Mol. Biol. 26/2: 135-145.
                                                            IF: 2,253
                                                            K. Pecsenye, K. Bokor, L.P. Lefkovitch, B.E. Giles and A. Saura 1997. Enzymatic responses of
                                                            Drosophila melanogaster to long- and short-term exposure to ethanol. Mol. Gen. Genet. 255:
                                                            IF: 2,749
                                                            K. Pecsenye and A. Saura 1998. Interaction between the Adh and Odh loci in responses to
                                                            ethanol in Drosophila melanogaster. Biochem. Genet. 36(3/4): 147-170.
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                                                            K. Bokor and K. Pecsenye 1998. Comparative influence of Odh and Adh loci on alcohol
                                                            tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster. Genet. Sel. Evol. 30: 503-516.
                                                            IF: 1,419
                                                            K. Bokor and K. Pecsenye 2000. Differences in the effect of ethanolon fertility and
                                                            viability components among laboratory Drosophila melanogaster strains. Hereditas 132:
                                                            IF: 0,753
                                                            K. Pecsenye and A. Saura 2002. Structure of variation in enzyme activity in natural
                                                            Drosophila melanogaster populations. Hereditas 136: 75-83.
                                                            IF: 0,530
                                                            K. Pecsenye, I. Komlósi and A. Saura 2004. Heritabilities and additive genetic variances of
                                                            the activities of some enzymes in Drosophila melanogaster populations living in different
                                                            habitats. Heredity 93: 215-221.
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                                                            K. Pecsenye and A. Saura 2004. Enzyme activities and alcohol tolerance in isofemale lines of
                                                            Drosophila melanogaster originating from different habitats. Genetica 121: 277-283.
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                                                            On the genetic structure of insect populations

                                                            E. Meglécz, K. Pecsenye, L. Peregovits and Z. Varga 1997. Allozyme variation in Parnassius
                                                            mnemosyne (L.) (Lepidoptera) populations in North-East Hungary: variation within a
                                                            subspecies group. Genetica 101: 59-66.
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                                                            E. Meglécz, K.Pecsnye, L. Peregovits and Z. Varga 1998. Effects of population size and
                                                            habitat fragmentation on the genetic variability of Parnassius mnemosyne populations in NE
                                                            Hungary. Acta zool. hung. 43(3): 183-190.
                                                            IF: 0,125
                                                            E. Meglécz, K. Pecsenye, Z. Varga and M. Solignac 1998. Comparison of differentiation pattern
                                                            at allozyme and microsatellite loci in Parnassius mnemosyne (Lepidoptera) populations.
                                                            Hereditas 128: 95-103.
                                                            IF: 0,907
                                                            E. Meglécz, G. Neve, K. Pecsenye and Z. Varga 1999. Genetic variations in space and time in
                                                            Parnassius mnemosyne (Lepidoptera) populations in northeast Hungary. Biological Conservation
                                                            89 (3): 251-259.
                                                            IF: 1,579
                                                            K. Pecsenye, E. Vadkerti and Z. Varga 2003. Temporal and spatial pattern of genetic
                                                            differentiation in Isophya kraussi (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) in Hungary. Acta zool. hung.
                                                            49(3): 167-178.
                                                            IF: 0,125
                                                            K. Pecsenye, E. Vadkerti and Z. Varga 2003. Pattern of genetic differentiation in two
                                                            Isophya species (Orthoptera: Tettigonoidae) in north-east Hungary. J. Insect Conservation
                                                            7(4): 207-213.
                                                            J. Bereczki, K. Pecsenye, L. Peregovits and Z. Varga 2005. Pattern of genetic
                                                            differentiation in the Maculinea alcon species group (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Central
                                                            Europe. J. Zool. Systematics and Evolutionary Research 43(2): 157-176.
                                                            IF: 1,177
                                                            J. Bereczki, K. Pecsenye and Z. Varga 2006. Geographical versus Food plant Differentiation
                                                            in Alcon Blue Populations (Lepidoptera, Lyacaenidae) in Northern Hungary. European Journal
                                                            of Entomology 103: 725-732.
                                                            IF: 0,782
                                                            K. Pecsenye, J. Bereczki, B. Tihanyi, A. Tóth, L. Peregovits and Z. Varga 2007. Genetic
                                                            differentiation among the Maculinea species (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in eastern Central
                                                            Europe. Biol. J. Linn Soc. 91: 11-21.
                                                            IF: 2,445


                                                                Dr. Ozogány Katalin
                                                                Szabó Krisztián
                                                                G. Seress, K. Szabó , D. Nagy, A. Liker, & Zs. Pénzes: Extra-pair paternity of Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) in a semi-urban population. Tiscia 2008, in press.

                                                                K. Szabó, A. Szalmás, A. Liker, & Z. Barta: Adaptive host-abandonment of ectoparasites before fledging? Within-brood distribution of nest mites in house sparrow broods. Journal of Parasitology 2008, in press.

                                                                K. Szabó, M. Bozsó, E. Boros, & Zs. Pénzes (2007): A túzok hazai populációinak genetikai változatossága. - In: Forró L. (szerk): A Kárpát-medence állatvilágának kialakulása Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, pp. 297-302.

                                                                Gábor Herczeg, Krisztián Szabó and Zoltán Korsós(2005): Asymmetry and population characteristics in dice snakes (Natrix tessellata): an interpopulation comparison.
                                                                Amphibia-Reptilia 26 : 422-426

                                                                Krisztián Szabó, Anita Szalmás, András Liker & Zolán Barta (2002): Effect of haematophagous mites on nestling House sparrows (Passer domesticus).
                                                                Acta Parasitologica 47(4): 318-322.

                                                                Krisztián Szabó, András Liker, Zsolt Pénzes & Zoltán Barta (2002) : Social life of sparrows: Social selection in action.
                                                                Acta Biologica Debrecina 24: 187-197.

                                                                Szabó Krisztián, Korsós Zoltán & Liker András (2000): A fluktuáló aszimmetria vizsgálata két magyarországi kockássikló -populációban (Natrix tessellata).
                                                                Állattani Közlemények 85: 59-68.

                                                                    Petróczki Krisztina

                                                                    Orci, K. M., Petróczki, K., Barta, Z. (2016) Instantaneous song modification in response to fluctuating traffic noise in the tree cricket Oecanthus pellucens. Animal Bhaviour, 112, 187-194.


                                                                    Invertebrate Sound and Vibration 2013, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 23-26. július 2013. Előadás angol nyelven: Are calling song characteristics affected by anthropogenic noise in the tree cricket Oecanthus pellucens? Témavezetők: Prof. Dr. Barta Zoltán, Dr. Orci Kirill Márk

                                                                    9. Magyar Ökológus Kongresszus, Keszthely, 5-7. szeptember 2012. Előadás: Antropogén környezeti zajok hatása a pirregőtücsök (Oecanthus pellucens) akusztikus kommunikációjára. Témavezetők: Prof. Dr. Barta Zoltán, Dr. Orci Kirill Márk

                                                                    VII. Magyar Biológiai Természetvédelmi Konferencia, Debrecen, 3-6. november 2011. Poszter: Antropogén környezeti zajok hatása a pirregőtücsök (Oecanthus pellucens) akusztikus kommunikációjára. Témavezetők: Prof. Dr. Barta Zoltán, Dr. Orci Kirill Márk

                                                                        Dr. Szathmáry László

                                                                        Árpád előtt, Árpád után. Antropológiai vizsgálatok az alföld I-XIII. századi csontvázleletein


                                                                            Szathmáry et al 9. és 10. táblazat

                                                                            Lenkey et al 11. és 14. táblazat

                                                                            Turtóczki et al 3. és 4. táblazat


                                                                        Szathmáry, L. (2000): How many cranial variations were there in Europe in the Upper Paleolithic? Anthrop. Közl., 41: 11-22.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L. (2000): Observation on anthropological research concerning the period of Hungarian conquest and the Arpadian age. Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 44: 95-102.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L., Guba, Zs. (2000): Pastoralists in conflict with early urban population system – a historical aspect. The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), Beijing, China. Program and Abstracts, 266.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Guba Zs. (2000): A tokaji rév jelentősége a honfoglaláskorban. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete 9. Tudományos Üléseinek előadás-összefoglalói. Szerk.: Sikolya L. Nyíregyháza, 176.

                                                                        Guba Zs., Szathmáry L. (2000): Általánosítható-e a Felső-Tisza-vidék népességstruktúrájának korai Árpád-kori átalakulása Magyarországon? A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete 9. Tudományos Üléseinek előadás-összefoglalói. Szerk.: Sikolya L. Nyíregyháza, 175.

                                                                        Hüse L., Szathmáry L., Guba, Zs. (2000): A honfoglaláskor és az Árpád-kor demográfiai változásai a Tiszántúlon. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete 9. Tudományos Üléseinek előadás-összefoglalói. Szerk.: Sikolya L. Nyíregyháza, 178.

                                                                        Kővári I., Guba Zs., Szathmáry L. (2000): Magyarország rézkorának kraniológiája. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete 9. Tudományos Üléseinek előadás-összefoglalói. Szerk.: Sikolya L. Nyíregyháza, 177.

                                                                        Szathmáry L. (2001): Kora bronzkori urnaleletek embertani vizsgálata. JAMÉ 2001, XLIII: 127-131.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L. (2001): Hungarian conquerors and local populations in the Carpathian Basin. In: Davnja istorija Ukraini i sumizhnih regioniv, Carpatica – Karpatika. Uzhorod, 13: 216-221.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Guba Zs. (2001): A magyar honfoglalás kor és a korai keresztény kor átmeneti időszaka az Alföld keleti részén – egy embertani aspektus. JAMÉ 2001, XLIII: 609-615.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Koncz M., Holló G., Kővári I. (2001): Gáborján-Földvár, a Debreceni Dózsa család temetkezési helye (anatómiai elemzés). A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete 10. – közgyűléssel egybekötött – Tudományos Ülésének előadásösszefoglalói. Szerk.: Sikolya L. Nyíregyháza, 123.

                                                                        Almási, L., Szathmáry, L., Guba, Zs., Hüse, L., Kővári, I. (2001): Hand form and physical activity. Seventh International Symposium of Human Biology, Kőszeg. Programme and abstracts, 30.

                                                                        Guba, Zs. Szathmáry, L. (2001): A honfoglaló magyarság adaptációja. JAMÉ 2001, XLIII: 603-608.

                                                                        Guba Zs., Szathmáry L., Kővári I., Holló G. (2001): A Tiszántúl három reprezentatív 10-11. századi népességének elemzése csontvázleletek alapján. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete 10. – közgyűléssel egybekötött – Tudományos Ülésének előadásösszefoglalói. Szerk.: Sikolya L. Nyíregyháza, 124.

                                                                        Holló G., Szathmáry L. (2001): Avarok és magyarok. II. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium. Elődások összefoglalói. Szerk.: Isépy, I., Korsós, Z., és Pap, I. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, 283-286.

                                                                        Holló G., Szathmáry L. (2001): Berekböszörmény honfoglalás kori trepanált koponyájú egyéne. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete 10. – közgyűléssel egybekötött – Tudományos Ülésének előadásösszefoglalói. Szerk.: Sikolya L. Nyíregyháza, 122.

                                                                        Hüse, L., Nyírcsák, J., Szathmáry, L. (2001): Parental status and birth parameters in Eastern-Hungary. Seventh International Symposium of Human Biology, Kőszeg. Programme and abstracts, 30-31.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L. (2001): Népességek továbbélése az őskorban. II. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium. Előadások összefoglalói. Szerk.: Isépy I., Korsós Z. és Pap I. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, 299-302.

                                                                        Marcsik, A., Hegyi, A., Szathmáry, L., Guba, Zs., Finnegan, M. (2001): Serious pathological lesions in a small osteoarchaeological sample from 8th-9th centuries in Hungary. Anthropologie, Brno, XXXIX/1: 39-43.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L. (2002): Humans and climate pulsation. Anthrop. Közl., 43: 9-19.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Guba Zs. (2002): A honfoglaló magyarság adaptációja. In: I. Kvantitatív Ökológiai Szimpózium, Absztrakt kötet. Szerk.:Tóthmérész B. és Petruska I. Debrecen, 34.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L., Guba, Zs. (2002): Human adaptation in the 7th-11th century. Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 46: 91-94.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L., Marcsik, A. (2002): Pastoralists and Early Urban Population Structure in the Carpathian Basin in the Middle Ages. Inter-Congress of IUAES, Tokyo. Program and Abstracts, 132.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L., Marcsik A., Kővári I. (2002): Az Alföld Kr. utáni első fél évezrede – embertani előtanulmány. In: MTA Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete tudományos ülésének előadásai. Szerk.: Sikolya L. és  Páy G. Nyíregyháza, 85-89.

                                                                        Guba Zs., Szathmáry L., Marcsik A. (2002): Az Alföld (Sarmatia) és a Dunántúl (Pannónia) népességének elkülönülése a Kr. utáni első négy évszázadban. In: MTA Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete tudományos ülésének előadásai. Szerk.: Sikolya L. és Páy G. Nyíregyháza, 64-68.

                                                                        Holló G., Szathmáry L., Guba Zs. (2002): A népességfejlődés és a kettős honfoglalás feltevése. In: MTA Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete tudományos ülésének előadásai. Szerk.: Sikolya L. és Páy G. Nyíregyháza, 69-73.

                                                                        Hüse L., Szathmáry L. (2002): Eltérő demográfiai típusú népességek az Észak-Tiszántúlon a 10-11. században. In: MTA Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete tudományos ülésének előadásai. Szerk.: Sikolya L. és Páy G. Nyíregyháza, 74-79.

                                                                        Hüse L., Szathmáry L. (2002): Hajdú-Bihar megye 10-11. századi népességének demográfiai profilja. – Demographisches Profil der Bevölkerung des 10.-11. Jahrhunderts im Komitat Hajdú-Bihar. In: M. Nepper Ibolya: Hajdú-Bihar megye 10-11. századi sírleletei. 1. rész. Magyarország honfoglalás kori és kora Árpád-kori sírleletei 3. Szerk.: K. Bende Ildikó. Déri Múzeum, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, MTA Régészeti Intézete, Budapest-Debrecen,  407-420., 454.

                                                                        Marcsik, A., Szathmáry, L. (2002): Artificial deformed skulls in the Carpathian Basin from the 4-6th century. Inter-Congress of IUAES, Tokyo. Program and Abstracts, 136.

                                                                        Marcsik A., Szathmáry L. (2002): Paleopatológiás elváltozások a szarmata korból, a gepida időszakból és az avar korból. In: MTA Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testülete tudományos ülésének előadásai. Szerk.: Sikolya L. és  Páy G. Nyíregyháza, 80-84.

                                                                        Marcsik, A., Szathmáry, L., Finnegan, M. (2002): Multiple myeloma and metastatic skeletal lesions in osteoarchaeology samples. Journal of Paleopatology, 14: 77-86.

                                                                        Marcsik, A., Szathmáry, L., Finnegan, M. (2002): Multiple myeloma metastatic skeletal lesions in osteoarcheological samples. 14th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Coimbra. Abstracts, 94.

                                                                        Szilágyi K., Szathmáry, L., Tóth I. (2002): A halálokok bejegyzésének változása az anyakönyvekben (Túrricse, 1778-1982). XXIV. Biológiai Vándorgyűlés, Előadások összefoglalói. Szerk.: Surányi D. és Korsós Z. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert, Budapest, 23-25.

                                                                        Szathmáry L. (2003): Ibrány–Esbó-halom X-XI. századi temetőjének csontvázleletein végzett vizsgálatok eredményeinek összefoglalása. – A summary of the results of the examinations on the skeletal finds from the 10th – 11th century cemetery at Ibrány–Esbó-halom. In: Istvánovits Eszter: A Rétköz honfoglalás és Árpád-kori emlékanyaga. Régészeti Gyűjtemények Nyíregyházán 2. Magyarország honfoglalás és kora Árpád-kori sírleletei 4. Jósa András Múzeum, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, MTA Régészeti Intézete, Nyíregyháza, 385-391.

                                                                        Szathmáry L. (2003): Egy 11. századi sebészi trepanált koponya időrendi értelmezése. MTA    Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének Tudományos Előadásai.  Szerk.: Sikolya L. és Páy G. Nyíregyháza, 203-206.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L. (2003): A Neolithic Skeleton from Mezőcsát-Csemetekert (NE Hungary). – Mezőcsát-Csemetekert neolitikus csontváza. JAMÉ, 2003, XLV: 235-245.

                                                                        Szathmáry L. (2003): Meddig végzett sebészi trepanációt Árpád népe? III. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium. Szerk.: Penksza K., Korsós Z. és Pap Ildikó. Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum, Budapest, 291-294.

                                                                        Holló G., Szathmáry L., Hüse L. (2003): Anatómiai és demográfiai párhuzamok honfoglalás és Árpád-kori népességtörténetünkben. III. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium, Szerk.: Penksza K., Korsós Z. és Pap Ildikó. Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum, Budapest, 287-290.

                                                                        Holló G., Szathmáry L., Marcsik A. (2003): A népességfejlődés folytonosságának megítélése Hajdúszoboszló-Árkoshalom 10. és 11. századi néprészei esetében. MTA-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének Tudományos Előadásai. Szerk.: Sikolya L. és Páy G. Nyíregyháza, 73-78.

                                                                        Hüse L., Szathmáry L. (2003): A helyi népesség demográfiai profiljának becslése a magyar honfoglalás korát megelőzően. In: III. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium, Szerk.: Penksza K., Korsós Z. és Pap Ildikó. Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum, Budapest, 279-284.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L. (2003): A továbbélés megítélése az Ároktő, Csík-Gát lelőhelyen feltárt 5-9. századi csontvázleletek alapján. – Assessment of surviving relying upon the V-IXth century skeletal findings dug up at the location of Ároktő, Csík-Gát. HOMÉ, XLII: 135-163.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L., Marcsik A. (2003): Mennyiben informatívak demográfiailag templombeli és templom körüli középkori temetőink? MTA-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének Tudományos Előadásai. Szerk.: Sikolya L. és Páy G. Nyíregyháza 109-113.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L., Marcsik A. (2003): A továbbélés ritmusának becslése a 7. és a 11. század között. In: III. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium. Szerk.: Penksza K., Korsós Z. és Pap I. Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum, Budapest, 223-226.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L., Marcsik A. (2003): Egy középkori temető demográfiája – Edelény-Cseb. In: „A halál árnyékának völgyében járok…” A középkori templom körüli temetők kutatása. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest, 23-24.

                                                                        Lenkey, Zs., Kővári, I., Szathmáry, L. (2003): Continuity or discontinuity in the Middle Ages. International Anthropological Congress „Anthropology and Society”. Memorial Congress to the 60th Anniversary of Aleš Hŕdlička, Prague. Abstracts, 99.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L., Marcsik, A. (2004): Skulls with and without symbolic trephinations. VIII Congresso de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Antropologia Biológica, Caracas, Venezuela. Edición: Alejandro Diaz, http://alab. IVFC.Ve

                                                                        Marcsik, A., Szathmáry, L. (2004): Leprosy in ancient time in Hungary. VIII Congresso de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Antropologia Biológica, Caracas, Venezuela. Caracas, Edición: Alejandro Diaz, http://alab. IVFC.Ve

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Guba Zs. (2004): A Tiszántúl késő avar kori (8-9. sz.), magyar honfoglalás kori (10. sz.) és Árpád-kori (11-13. sz.) népességeinek összefüggései. Anthrop. Közl. 45: 193-199.
                                                                        Csóri Zs., Szathmáry L. (2004): Kraniológiai dimenziók és arányok összefüggésrendszere a történeti múltban, a Tiszántúlon. MTA-SZAB Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIII. évi Előadásai. Szerk.: Kókai S. Nyíregyháza, 57-61.

                                                                        Csóri, Zs., Szathmáry, L. (2004): Correlation System of Cranial Measurements and Their Indices. 14th Congress of European Anthropological Association, Komotini, Greece. Abstracts, 11.

                                                                        Hüse L., Szathmáry L., Marcsik A. (2004): Ároktő-Csíki gát késő avar kori népességének paleodemográfiája. MTA-SZAB Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIII. évi Előadásai. Szerk.: Kókai S. Nyíregyháza, 143-146.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L. (2004): Garadna-elkerülő út 2. lelőhely középső neolit csontvázleletei. HOMÉ, XLIII: 349-353.

                                                                        Szathmáry L. (2005): A várható élettartam alakulása az Észak-Tiszántúlon a X. és a XI. században. IV. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert, Budapest, 179-182.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Guba Zs. (2005): Reprezentatív népességek összefüggésrendszerének rekonstrukciója a Tiszántúlon a késő avar kortól az Árpád-korig. MTA-SZAB Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIII. évi Előadásai. Szerk.: Kókai S. Nyíregyháza, 317-321.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L., Marcsik, A. (2005): Population structure, exogamy and trephinations. 1st Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America, Escola National de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca, Rio de Janeiro. Program and Abstracts, 48.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Marcsik A., Lenkey Zs., Kővári I., Holló G., Guba Zs., Csóri Zs. (2005): A továbbélés becslése az Alföldön az I. századtól a XI. századig. IV. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert, Budapest, 183-188.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L. (2005): Neolit csontvázleletek vizsgálata Északkelet-Magyarországról. IV. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert, Budapest, 129-133.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L. (2005): Egy peremvidéki újkőkori népesség (Garadna) megítélése csontvázleletek alapján. MTA-SZAB Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIII. évi Előadásai. Szerk.: Kókai S. Nyíregyháza, 189-191.

                                                                        Lenkey Zs., Turtóczki J., Guba Zs., Szathmáry L., Holló G. (2005): 8-13. századi népességek rendszere testmagasságuk alapján, a Tiszántúlon. IV. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert, Budapest, 147-152.

                                                                        Marcsik A., Molnár E., Szathmáry L. (2005): The antiquity of tuberculosis and leprosy in Hungary: the skeletal evidence. 1st Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America, Escola National de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca, Rio de Janeiro. Program and Abstracts, 45.

                                                                        Turtóczki J., Szathmáry L. (2005): A Tiszántúl 8-13. századi népességeinek rekonstruált testmagassága. MTA-SZAB Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIII. évi Előadásai, Szerk.: Kókai S. Nyíregyháza, 363-366.

                                                                        Szathmáry L. (2006): Momentumok Tiszabüd és Büdszentmihály történetéből. Hunyadi József (1912-2005) múzeumigazgató emlékezete. Kiállítási ismertető, Tiszavasvári, 1.

                                                                        Szathmáry L. (2006): Eltérő demográfiai fejlődésű népességek várható élettartama a 10. és a 11. században. MTA-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIV. évi előadásai, IV. rész. Szerk.: Nagy P. Nyíregyháza, 69-72.

                                                                        Szathmáry L. (2006): Hunyadi József (1912-2005). JAMÉ, 2006. XLVIII: 23-24.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Lenkey Zs., Csóri Zs., Holló G., (2006): A Tiszántúl népességének rekonstrukciója a 8. és a 11. század között. „Sötét idők falvai.” 8-11. századi települések a Kárpát-medencében. „Dark Ages Villages.” Settlements of the 8-11th centuries in the Carpathian Basin. Nemzetközi Régészeti Konferencia, Déri Múzeum, Debrecen. Előadás-összefoglalók, 14.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L., Marcsik, A. (2006): Symbolic trephinations and population structure. Memórias Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 10 (Suppl. II), 129-132.

                                                                        Szathmáry, L., Marcsik, A., Lenkey, Zs., Kővári, I., Holló, G., Csóri, Zs., (2006): Survival in the Hungarian Great Plain from the Sarmatian epoch through the Hun-German period and the Avar era up to the age of early Hungarians (1-11th c. A. D.) 15th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Budapest. Programme and Abstracts, 78-79.

                                                                        Csóri Zs., Turtóczki J., Szathmáry L., Guba Zs., Lenkey Zs., (2006): Hasonló és eltérő momentumok a koponyadimenziók és a végtagelemek alapján rekonstruált népességstruktúrában a középkori Tiszántúlon. MTA-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIV. évi előadásai. I. rész. Szerk.: Nagy P. Nyíregyháza, 119-124.

                                                                        Guba Zs., Szathmáry L., Turtóczki J., (2006): A végtagelemek diverzitása a magyar honfoglalás korában, valamint az előző és a rákövetkező évszázadokban. MTA-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIV. évi előadásai, II. rész. Szerk.: Nagy P. Nyíregyháza, 57-60.

                                                                        Holló G., Szathmáry L., (2006): Biometriailag pótolt dimenziók jelentősége a kraniológiában. MTA-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIV. évi előadásai, II. rész. Szerk.: Nagy P. Nyíregyháza, 89-93.

                                                                        Holló, G., Szathmáry, L., Guba, Zs., Turtóczki, J., Lenkey, Zs., Csóri, Zs., Csoma, E., János, I., Medveczky, Z., (2006): Interrelations between populations in the Hungarian Great Plain between the 8th and the 13th century as revealed by the connections of cranial and long bone dimensions. 15th Congress of the Europesn Anthropological Association, Budapest. Programme and Abstracts, 99.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L., (2006): Hejőkürt-Lidl logisztikai központ lelőhely újkőkori csontvázleletei. MTA-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIV. évi előadásai, II. rész. Szerk.: Nagy P. Nyíregyháza, 223-228.

                                                                        Lenkey Zs., Turtóczki J., Guba Zs., Szathmáry L., Holló G., (2006): Hogyan osztályozhatjuk a késő avar kori, ahonfoglaláskori és az Árpád-kori népességet a rekonstruált testmagasság alapján? MTA-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének XIV. évi előadásai, III. rész. Szerk.: Nagy Péter. Nyíregyháza, 3-8.

                                                                        Marcsik, A., Szathmáry, L. (2006): The antiquity of tuberculosis in Hungary: the skeletal evidence. Memórias Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol.1 (Suppl. II),67-71.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Beszeda I. (2007): A foramen magnum körüli beavatkozások hitelességéről. V. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpozium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z., Gyenis Gy. és Penksza K. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 183-188.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Marcsik A., Lenkey Zs., Kővári I., Guba Zs., Csóri Zs., Holló G., (2007): Az autochtonitás hatása az Alföld honfoglaláskori (10. századi) népességére. Újabb eredmények a Kárpát-medence 10-11. századi régészeti kutatásában. Régészeti Konferencia, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest. Előadásösszefoglalók,. 61.

                                                                        Csóri Zs., Szathmáry L., János I., Lenkey Zs., Csoma E., Medveczky Z., Holló G., (2007): A népességfejlődés megítélése a Hajdúság északi részén, koponyaleletek alapján a 10. és a 13. század között. V. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpozium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z., Gyenis Gy. és Penksza K. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 63-70.

                                                                        Kővári I., Guba Zs., Szathmáry L., Marcsik A., Lenkey Zs., Csóri Zs., Holló G., (2007): A népességek regionális különbségei az Alföldön a magyar honfoglalás korában. V. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpozium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z., Gyenis Gy. és Penksza K. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 127-134.

                                                                        Kővári I., Guba Zs., Szathmáry L., Marcsik A., Lenkey Zs., Csóri Zs., Holló G., (2007): A Tiszántúl népességének regionalitása a 10. században. Újabb eredmények a Kárpát-medence 10-11. századi régészeti kutatásában. Régészeti Konferencia, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest. Előadásösszefoglalók, 60.

                                                                        Lenkey Zs., Szathmáry L., Csóri Zs., János I., Csoma E., Medveczky Z., Holló G., (2007): A Tiszántúl 8-13. századi népességeinek diverzitása. V. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpozium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z., Gyenis Gy. és Penksza K. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 157-164.

                                                                        Turtóczki J., Szathmáry L., Csóri Zs., Lenkey Zs., János I., Csoma E., Medveczky Z., (2007): A 10-13. századi népességek összefüggésrendszere a végtagelemek alapján a Hajdúság északi részén. V. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpozium, Előadáskötet. Szerk.: Korsós Z., Gyenis Gy. és Penksza K. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 197-201.

                                                                        Furka T., Szathmáry L., Csóri Zs., Marcsik A., Kővári I., Holló G., (2008): Szarmaták az Alföldön. A Magyar Biológiai Társaság XXVII. Vándorgyűlése. Szerk.: Korsós Z., Gyenis Gy., Penksza K. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 27-32.

                                                                        János I., Kiss F., Szathmáry L., Hüse L., (2008): Az Észak-Hajdúság 10-13. századi paleodemográfiai profilja  –  A Paleodemographical profile of Northern Hajdúság in the 10th-13th centuries. A Magyar Biológiai Társaság XXVII. Vándorgyűlése. Szerk.: Korsós Z., Gyenis Gy., Penksza K. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 67-74.

                                                                        Kővári I., Szathmáry L., (2008): Tipológiai szempontok az Alföld neolit népességeinek megítélésében. A Magyar Biológiai Társaság XXVII. Vándorgyűlése. Szerk.: Korsós Z., Gyenis Gy., Penksza K. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 145-152.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., (2007): Egy újkőkori csontváz Vállajról. A Neolithic skeleton from Vállaj. JAMÉ XLIX: 483-485.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Beszeda I., (2007): Mutilitations around the foramen magnum examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Anthropologiai Közlemények, 48: 145-152.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Kővári I., (2008): Helyi népesség  –  honfoglaló magyarok. Local populations  –  Conquering Hungarians. A Fordulat, A magyarság és a kelet, II. Őstörténeti konferencia, A Magyarok VII. Világkongresszusának kötetei, I.: 157-161, 121-122.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Marcsik A., Lenkey Zs., Kővári I., Holló G., Guba Zs., Csóri Zs., (2008): Az Alföld népességeinek továbbélése az 1. századtól a 11. századig. The survival of the populations of the Hungarian Great Plain from the 1st century to the 11th century. Árpád előtt, Árpád után. Antropológiai vizsgálatok az Alföld I-XIII. századi csontvázleletein. Before and after Árpád. Anthropological examinations of 1th-13th century skeletal finds in the Hungarian Great Plain. Szerk.: Szathmáry L., Szeged, 7-25.

                                                                        Lenkey Zs., Szathmáry L., Csóri Zs., János I., Csoma E., Medveczky Z., Holló G., (2008): Tizenöt 8-13. századi népesség kraniológiai elemzése. The craniological analysis of fifteen populations from the 8th-13th centuries. Árpád előtt, Árpád után. Antropológiai vizsgálatok az Alföld I-XIII. századi csontvázleletein. Before and after Árpád. Anthropological examinations of 1th-13th century skeletal finds in the Hungarian Great Plain. Szerk.: Szathmáry L., Szeged, 27-40.

                                                                        Csóri Zs., Szathmáry L., János I., Lenkey Zs., Csoma E., Medveczky Zs., Holló G., (2008): Egy mikrorégió (Észak-Hajdúság) 10-13. századi népességfejlődése. Population development in a microregion (in Northern Hajdúság) in the 10th-13th centuries. Árpád előtt, Árpád után. Antropológiai vizsgálatok az Alföld I-XIII. századi csontvázleletein. Before and after Árpád. Anthropological examinations of 1th-13th century skeletal finds in the Hungarian Great Plain. Szerk.: Szathmáry L., Szeged, 41-53.

                                                                        Turtóczki J., Szathmáry L., Lenkey Zs., János I., Csoma E., Medveczky Z., (2008): A Tiszántúl késő avar kori, honfoglalás kori és Árpád-kori népességének rekonstruált testmagassága. The stature reconstructed in the population of Tiszántúl dating to the late Avar period, the age of the Hungarian conquest and the Arpadian age. Árpád előtt, Árpád után. Antropológiai vizsgálatok az Alföld I-XIII. századi csontvázleletein. Before and after Árpád. Anthropological examinations of 1th-13th century skeletal finds in the Hungarian Great Plain. Szerk.: Szathmáry L., Szeged, 55-60.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., Beszeda I., (2008): A foramen magnumon történt post mortem beavatkozások jellegének megítélése késő avar kori és honfoglalás kori leleteken. Evaluation of post mortem interventions around the foramen magnum of cranial finds from the late Avar period and the age of the Hungarian conquest. Árpád előtt, Árpád után. Antropológiai vizsgálatok az Alföld I-XIII. századi csontvázleletein. Before and after Árpád. Anthropological examinations of 1th-13th century skeletal finds in the Hungarian Great Plain. Szerk.: Szathmáry L., Szeged, 61-70.

                                                                        János I., Szathmáry L., Nádas E., Béni A., Dinya Z., Máthé E., (2011): Evaluation of elemental status of ancient human bone samples from Northeastern Hungary dated to the 10th century AD by XRF. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 269: 2593-2599.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., (2011): Hol vannak már azok az évek... Itt vannak velünk, tudásunkban, tapasztalatainkban. In: Juan C., Tóth N.C. (szerk.) Erősségénél fogva várépítésre való. Tanulmányok a 70 éves Németh Péter tiszteletére. A Jósa András Múzeum Kiadványai, Nyíregyháza, 68: 93-96.

                                                                        Szathmáry L., (2011): A Körös kultúra népességének összetettsége. In: VII. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, pp. 45-47.

                                                                        János I., Szathmáry L., Nádas E., Máthé E., (2011): Honfoglalás kori csigolyák XRF elemzése. In: VII. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, pp. 29-38.

                                                                        Turtóczki J., Szathmáry L., (2011): A Tiszántúl néhány honfoglalás kori népességének árpád-kori továbbélése. In: VII. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium. Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, pp. 23-28.

                                                                        Full list of publications

                                                                            Kisfali Máté

                                                                            1.    Kisfali M. & Nagy A. (2007): Ormánsági higrofil és mezofil gyepek Orthoptera-együttesei. Természetvédelmi Közlemények, 13: 217-222.

                                                                            2.    Nagy, A. & Kisfali, M. (2007): Research concerning effects of mowing intensity on Orthoptera-assemblages of meadows in southwest Hungary. Analele Universitatti Oradea, Fascicula Agricultura-Horticultura, VOL XIII, ANUL 13: 151-155. 

                                                                            3.    M. Kisfali & A. Nagy (2008): Summary of the Orthoptera fauna of the Villány Hills (Southwest Hungary). A Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve, 50-52: 48-57.

                                                                            4.    F. Vilisics, A. Nagy, P. Sólymos, R. Farkas, Z. Kemencei, B. Páll-Gergely, M. Kisfali & E. Hornung, (2008): Data on the terrestrial Isopoda fauna of the Alsó-hegy, Aggtelek National Park, Hungary. Folia Faunistica Slovaca, 13 (4): 19-22.

                                                                            5.    A. Nagy, M. Bozsó, M. Kisfali, I. A. Rácz (2008): Data on the Orthoptera fauna of the Tisza district. in: L. Gallé (ed.): Vegetation and Fauna of River Tisza Basin II., Tiscia Monograph Series, Vol.: 8.

                                                                            6.    Kisfali Máté & Nagy Antal (2008): Középtávú orthopterológiai vizsgálatok a Villányi-hegységben (1999-2005). Állattani Közlemények, 93 (2): 25-38. 

                                                                            7.    Déri Eszter, Lengyel Szabolcs, Lontay László, Deák Balázs, Török Péter, Magura Tibor, Horváth Roland, Kisfali Máté, Ruff Gábor és Tóthmérész Béla (2009): Természetvédelmi stratégiák alkalmazása a Hortobágyon: az egyek-pusztakócsi LIFE-Nature program eredményei. Természetvédelmi Közlemények, 15: 89-102.

                                                                            8.    Déri Eszter, Horváth Roland, Magura Tibor, Ködöböcz Viktor, Kisfali Máté, Ruff Gábor, Lengyel Szabolcs és Tóthmérész Béla (2009): A földhasználatváltozás hatásai az ízeltlábú együttesekre Egyek-Pusztakócson. Természetvédelmi Közlemények, 15: 246-256.

                                                                            9.    Sólymos Péter, Vilisics Ferenc, Kemencei Zita, Páll-Gergely Barna, Farkas Roland, Nagy Antal, Kisfali Máté és Hornung Erzsébet (2009): Globális változás, lokális túlélés: kitettség és nedvességi grádiens hatása avarlakó gerinctelenekre. Természetvédelmi Közlemények, 15: 396-411.

                                                                            10.  Eszter Déri, Tibor Magura, Roland Horváth, Máté Kisfali, Gábor Ruff, Szabolcs Lengyel and Béla Tóthmérész (2009): Measuring the short-term success of grassland restoration: use of habitat affinity indices in ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology. IF: 1.665 doi: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2009.00631.x 

                                                                            11.  Péter Sólymos, Roland Farkas, Zita Kemencei, Barna Páll-Gergely, Ferenc Vilisics, Antal Nagy, Máté Kisfali and Elisabeth Hornung (2009): Micro-habitat scale survey of land snails in dolines of the Alsó-hegy, Aggtelek National Park, Hungary. Mollusca, 27 (2): 167-171.

                                                                            12.  Antal Nagy, Máté Kisfali and István A. Rácz (2009): Protected Orthoptera species of agro-ecosystems in Hungary. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 38 (supplement): 106-111.

                                                                            13.  Nagy, A., Kisfali, M., Szövényi, G., Puskás, G. and Rácz, I. A. (2010): Distribution of Catantopinae species (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Hungary. Articulata, 25(2): 221-137.

                                                                            14.  Máté Kisfali, Antal Nagy, Péter Sólymos and István A. Rácz (2010): Morphometric study of the genus Pseudopodisma Mistshenko, 1947 (Orthoptera: Acrididae).  Italian Journal of Zoology, benyújtva


                                                                            1.    Kisfali M., Nagy A., Rácz I. A. (2007): Polyneoptera. in: Rácz I. A. (szerk.): Állatrendszertani gyakorlatok. Debrecen, Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó


                                                                                Alexáné Babits Melinda Dorottya

                                                                                Bán, Miklós, Földvári, Mihály, Babits, Melinda and Barta, Zoltán (2017) Simple command-line open-source software to analyse behavioural observation video recordings. ACTA ZOOLOGICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE, 63 (1). pp. 137-142. ISSN 1217-8837

                                                                                    Dr. Földvári Mihály

                                                                                    Refereed Journal Articles:

                                                                                    Cotton, A.J., Földvári, M., Cotton, S. and Pomiankowski, A. (2014): Male eyespan size is associated with meiotic drive in wild stalk-eyed flies (Teleopsis dalmanni). — Heredity 112: 363–369. doi:10.1038/hdy.2013.131 PDF

                                                                                    Földvári, M. (2013): Taxonomic revision of the Afrotropical species of the tribe Eudorylini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). — Zootaxa 3656(1): 1–121. PDF

                                                                                    De Meyer, M. and Földvári, M. (2008): Contribution to the Pipunculidae (Diptera) fauna of Mozambique. — Journal of Afrotropical Zoology 4: 81­–84. PDF

                                                                                    Földvári, M., Pomiankowski, A., Cotton, S. and Carr, M. (2007): A morphological and molecular description of a new Teleopsis species (Diptera; Diopsidae) from Thailand. — Zootaxa 1620: 37–51. PDF

                                                                                    Földvári, M. and Papp, L. (2007): Damage in the Diptera Collection of the HNHM, Budapest in the year of 1956. — Studia Dipterologica 14: 25–26. PDF

                                                                                    Papp, L., Merz, M. and Földvári, M. (2006): Diptera of Thailand. A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations. — Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum hungaricae 52(2–3): 97–269. PDF

                                                                                    Carr, M., Cotton, S., Földvári, M. and Kotrba, M. (2006): A description of a new species of Diasemopsis (Diptera, Diopsidae) from the Comoro Islands with morphological, molecular and allometric data. — Zootaxa 1211: 1–19. PDF

                                                                                    Grootaert,P.,Shamshev, I.,Földvári, M. andMenten, J. (2005):Update of the Belgian list of Empis s.str. species (Diptera Empididae), with some new records for the Belgian fauna. — Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Entomological Society 140(2004): 96–100. PDF

                                                                                    Thunes, K.H., Skartveit, J., Gjerde, I., Stary, J., Solhøy, T., Fjellberg, A., Kobro, S., Nakahara, S., zur Strassen, R., Vierbergen, G., Szadziewski, R., Hagan, D. V., Grogan, W. L. Jr., Jonassen, T., Aakra, K.,  Anonby, J., Greve, L., Aukema, B., Heller, K., Michelsen, V., Haenni, J.-P., Emeljanov, A. F., Douwes, P., Berggren, K., Franzen, J., Disney, R. H. L., Prescher, S., Johanson, K. A., Mamaev, B., Podenas, S., Andersen, S., Gaimari, S. D., Nartshuk, E., Søli, G. E. E., Papp, L., Midtgaard, F., Andersen, A., von Tschirnhaus, M., Bächli, G., Olsen, K. M., Olsvik, H., Földvári, M., Raastad, J. E., Hansen L. O. and Djursvoll, P. (2004): The arthropod community of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) canopies in Norway. — Entomologica Fennica 15(2): 65–90. PDF

                                                                                    Földvári, M. (2003): Contributions to the taxonomy of Afrotropical Eudorylini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). — Folia entomologica hungarica 64: 267–276. PDF

                                                                                    Földvári, M. (2003): New Afrotropical species from the tribe Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). — Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 95: 161–171. PDF

                                                                                    Papp, L. and Földvári, M. (2002): A new genus and three new species of Hybotidae with new records of the Hungarian Empidoidea (Diptera). — Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum hungaricae 47(2001): 349–361. PDF

                                                                                    Chvála, M. and Földvári, M. (2001): New faunistic records of Empididae and Hybotidae (Diptera) from Hungary. — Folia entomologica hungarica 62: 275–281.

                                                                                    Földvári, M. and Kozánek, M. (2001): New morphological and faunistic records of Hungarian Pipunculidae (Diptera). — Folia entomologica hungarica 62: 293–303.

                                                                                    De Meyer, M., Földvári, M. and Báez, M. (2001): The Pipunculidae (Diptera) fauna of the Canary Islands and Madeira. — Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie 136(2000): 144–152. PDF

                                                                                    Papp, L. and Földvári, M. (2000): Empidoidea (Diptera): genera and species new to Hungary. — Folia entomologica hungarica 61: 239–244.

                                                                                    Földvári, M. and De Meyer, M. (2000): Revision of Central and West European Tomosvaryella Aczél species (Diptera, Pipunculidae). — Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum hungaricae 45(1999): 299–334. PDF

                                                                                    Papp, L., Földvári, M. and Paulovics, P. (1997): Sphyracephala europaea sp. n. (Diptera: Diopsidae) from Hungary represents a family new to Europe. — Folia entomologica hungarica 58: 137–146. PDF


                                                                                    Refereed Books and Chapters:

                                                                                    De Meyer, M. and Földvári, M. (2009): Pipunculidae. In: Gerlach, J. (ed.) Diptera fauna of the Seychelles Islands. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 233–236.

                                                                                    Papp, L. and Földvári, M. (2008): A hazai kétszárnyúak diverzitása [Diversity of Hungarian Diptera]. — In: Forró, L. (ed.): A Kárpát-medence állatvilágának kialakulása [Evolution of the fauna in the Carpathian Basin]. Budapest, pp. 175–180. PDF

                                                                                    Papp, L. and Földvári, M. (2008): Középhegységeink patakjainak egyedülálló kétszárnyúfaunája [Outstanding Diptera fauna of Hungarian mountains]. — In: Forró, L. (ed.): A Kárpát-medence állatvilágának kialakulása [Evolution of the fauna in the Carpathian Basin]. Budapest, pp. 369–374. PDF

                                                                                    Papp, L., Földvári, M., Szabó, K., Sipos B. and Pénzes, Zs. (2008): A Thaumaleidae légycsalád Kárpát-medencei populációi [Populations of Thaumaleidae in the Carpathian Basin]. — In: Forró, L. (ed.): A Kárpát-medence állatvilágának kialakulása [Evolution of the fauna in the Carpathian Basin]. Budapest, pp. 261–266. PDF

                                                                                    Skevington, J.H. and Földvári, M. (2007): Revision of Fijian Tomosvaryella Aczél (Diptera: Pipunculidae). — In: Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (eds.): Fiji Arthropods VIII. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 93, pp. 27-40. PDF

                                                                                    Földvári, M., Dempewolf, M. and Petersen, F. T. (2001): Pipunculidae. — In: Petersen, F. T. & Meier, R. (eds.): A preliminary list of the Diptera of Denmark. Steenstrupia 26(2): 119–276. Copenhagen, pp. 211–212.

                                                                                    Földvári, M. (2001): Dolichopodidae. — In: Papp, L. (ed.): Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 204–224.

                                                                                    Földvári, M. (2001): Hybotidae. — In: Papp, L. (ed.): Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 171–184.

                                                                                    Földvári, M. (2001): Empididae. — In: Papp, L. (ed.): Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 184–203.

                                                                                    Földvári, M. (2001): Pipunculidae. — In: Papp, L. (ed.): Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 261–268.

                                                                                    Földvári, M. (1999): The Pipunculidae (Diptera) fauna of the Aggtelek National Park. — In: Mahunka, S. (ed.): The Fauna of the Aggtelek National Park. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 513–515.

                                                                                    • A description of a new species of Diasemopsis (Diptera, Diopsidae) from the Comoro Islands with morphological, molecular and allometric data (2006)
                                                                                      MARTIN CARR, SAMUEL COTTON, MIHÁLY FÖLDVÁRI & MARION KOTRBA
                                                                                      A description of a new species of Diasemopsis (Diptera, Diopsidae) from the Comoro Islands with morphological, molecular and allometric data
                                                                                      A new species of Diasemopsis (Diptera, Diopsidae) from Comoro Islands is described and illustrated for the first time with allometric datasets. Diasemopsis comoroensis Carr & Földvári is shown to be genetically close, but morphologically distinct from the widespread Afro-tropical species D. meigenii (Westwood); notably a significant divergence in the degree of sexual dimorphism within eye span has occurred between the two species. A revised molecular phylogeny of the genus Diasemopsis is presented based on the partial sequences of four genes.
                                                                                      Zootaxa 2006: Letöltés
                                                                                    • A description of a new species of Diasemopsis (Diptera, Diopsidae) from the Comoro Islands with morphological, molecular and allometric data (2006)
                                                                                      MARTIN CARR, SAMUEL COTTON, MIHÁLY FÖLDVÁRI & MARION KOTRBA
                                                                                      A description of a new species of Diasemopsis (Diptera, Diopsidae) from the Comoro Islands with morphological, molecular and allometric data
                                                                                      A new species of Diasemopsis (Diptera, Diopsidae) from Comoro Islands is described and illustrated for the first time with allometric datasets. Diasemopsis comoroensis Carr & Földvári is shown to be genetically close, but morphologically distinct from the widespread Afro-tropical species D. meigenii (Westwood); notably a significant divergence in the degree of sexual dimorphism within eye span has occurred between the two species. A revised molecular phylogeny of the genus Diasemopsis is presented based on the partial sequences of four genes.
                                                                                      Zootaxa 2006: Letöltés
                                                                                      Dr. Bán Miklós


                                                                                      • Foreign egg retention by avian hosts in repeated brood parasitism: why do rejecters accept? (2014)
                                                                                        Csaba Moskát & Márk E. Hauber & Zoltán Elek & Moniek Gommers & Miklós Bán & Frank Groenewoud &
                                                                                        Tom S. L. Versluijs & Christiaan W. A. Hoetz & Jan Komdeur
                                                                                        Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
                                                                                        Foreign egg retention by avian hosts in repeated brood parasitism: why do rejecters accept?

                                                                                        Great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) are frequently parasitized by egg-mimetic common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) in Hungary, and these hosts reject about a third of parasitic eggs. The timing of parasitism is important, in that the probability of rejection decreases with advancing breeding stages in this host. Also, egg rejection is more common when a clutch is parasitized by a single foreign egg, compared to parasitism by multiple eggs. We repeatedly parasitized great reed warbler clutches with moderately mimetic foreign eggs, either with (1) one foreign egg (single parasitism) and, after 3 days, by all foreign eggs (multiple parasitism), or (2) all foreign eggs and, 3 days later, by only one foreign egg. Hosts ejected 26–53 % of the experimental parasitic eggs in the first stage of the repeated parasitism, but
                                                                                        almost all eggs were accepted in the second stage, irrespective of whether the clutch was singly or multiply parasitized. Video-taping of the behavioural responses of hosts to experimental parasitism revealed no evidence for sensory constraints on foreign-egg recognition, because hosts recognized
                                                                                        and pecked the parasitic eggs as frequently in the second stage of repeated parasitism, as they did in the first stage. We suggest that the relative timing of parasitism (laying vs. incubation stage), rather than learning to accept earlier-laid foreign eggs, results in higher acceptance rates of cuckoo eggs in
                                                                                        repeated parasitism, because there is decreasing natural cuckoo parasitism on this host species and, hence, less need for antiparasitic defences, with the advancing stages of breeding.

                                                                                        Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2014: Letöltés
                                                                                      • How to Spot a Stranger’s Egg? A Mimicry-Specific Discordancy Effect in the Recognition of Parasitic Eggs (2014)
                                                                                        Moskát C, Zöllei A, Bán M, Elek Z, Tong L, Geltsch N, Hauber M
                                                                                        How to Spot a Stranger’s Egg? A Mimicry-Specific Discordancy Effect in the Recognition of Parasitic Eggs

                                                                                        Egg discrimination by hosts is an antiparasitic defence to reject foreign eggs from the nest. Even when mimetic, the presence of brood parasitic egg(s) typically alters the overall similarity of all eggs in a clutch, producing a discordant clutch compared to more homogenous clutches of composed only
                                                                                        of hosts’ own eggs. In multiple parasitism, the more foreign eggs are laid in the nest, the more heterogeneous the overall clutch appears. Perceptual filters and recognition templates cannot explain the known pattern of lower rejection rates of foreign eggs in multiple vs. single parasitism. We
                                                                                        therefore assessed the role of clutch homogeneity and manipulated the colour of one or more eggs in the clutches of great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) hosts of common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus). Varying the colours of both the majority and the minority eggs caused predictable shifts in the rejection of the focal egg(s), and ejection rates of the minority egg colour consistently increased but only when it belonged to a more mimetic egg colour, relative to the less mimetic colour of majority eggs.
                                                                                        The results imply that in addition to sensory filters, and template-based cognitive decision rules, discordancy-based rejection is affected by the overall clutch appearance and interacts with specific colours varying in the extent of mimicry, to contribute to the recognition decisions of hosts to reject parasitic eggs.

                                                                                        Ethology 2014: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Simultaneous viewing of own and parasitic eggs is not required for egg rejection by a cuckoo host (2013)
                                                                                        Miklós Bán, Csaba Moskát, Zoltán Barta, and Márk E. Hauber
                                                                                        Behavioral Ecology
                                                                                        Simultaneous viewing of own and parasitic eggs is not required for egg rejection by a cuckoo host
                                                                                        Many hosts have evolved diverse cognitive mechanisms to recognize and reduce the cost of social parasitism. For example, great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus can accurately reject closely mimetic eggs of brood parasitic common cuckoos Cuculus canorus. Yet, these same hosts are less effective at identifying and rejecting parasitism when the clutch is parasitized by multiple cuckoo eggs, suggesting a role for discordancy (the rejection of the egg type in the minority of the clutch) and/or online self-referent phenotype matching (the simultaneous viewing of cuckoo and own eggs in the nest) to reject foreign eggs. We tested whether the presence of host’s own eggs is required for the discrimination of foreign eggs by dyeing hosts’ own eggs with one of several colors so that clutches contained (a) 1 dyed and 4 unmanipulated eggs, (b) 3 dyed and 2 unmanipulated eggs, or 5 eggs dyed either (c1) differently or (c2) similarly. Rejection rates of dyed eggs varied widely between different colors and were highest in treatment (a), with 1 dyed egg, compared with treatments with the majority (b) or all (c1 and c2) dyed eggs. However, relative rejection rates of dyed eggs were also consistent among specific colors across treatments, including (c1) and (c2), where no unmanipulated own eggs were available for viewing and irrespective of whether eggs were dyed all different colors (c1) or the same colors (c2). We conclude that these hosts can rely on comparisons of foreign egg colors against an internal recognition template of acceptable (own) egg phenotypes.
                                                                                        Behavioral Ecology 2013: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Competition with a host nestling for parental provisioning imposes recoverable costs on parasitic cuckoo chick’s growth (2012)
                                                                                        Nikoletta Geltsch, Márk E. Hauber, Michael G. Anderson, Miklós Bán, Csaba Moskát
                                                                                        Behavioural Processes
                                                                                        Competition with a host nestling for parental provisioning imposes recoverable costs on parasitic cuckoo chick’s growth
                                                                                        Chicks of the brood parasitic common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) typically monopolize host parental care by evicting all eggs and nestmates from the nest. To assess the benefits of parasitic eviction behaviour throughout the full nestling period, we generated mixed broods of one cuckoo and one great reed war- bler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) to study how hosts divide care between own and parasitic young. We also recorded parental provisioning behaviour at nests of singleton host nestlings or singleton cuckoo chicks. Host parents fed the three types of broods with similar-sized food items. The mass of the cuckoo chicks was significantly reduced in mixed broods relative to singleton cuckoos. Yet, after the host chick fledged from mixed broods, at about 10–12 days, cuckoo chicks in mixed broods grew faster and appeared to have compensated for the growth costs of prior cohabitation by fledging at similar weights and ages compared to singleton cuckoo chicks. These results are contrary to suggestions that chick competition in mixed broods of cuckoos and hosts causes an irrecoverable cost for the develop- ing brood parasite. Flexibility in cuckoo’ growth dynamics may provide a general benefit to ecological uncertainty regarding the realized successes, failures, and costs of nestmate eviction strategies of brood parasites.
                                                                                        Behavioural Processes 2012: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Cuckoo parasitism on two closely-related Acrocephalus warblers in distant areas: a case of parallel coevolution? (2012)
                                                                                        Csaba Moskát, Fugo Takasu, A. Roman Muñoz, Hiroshi Nakamura, Miklós Bán, Zoltán Barta
                                                                                        Chienese Birds
                                                                                        Cuckoo parasitism on two closely-related Acrocephalus warblers in distant areas: a case of parallel coevolution?
                                                                                        Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) parasitize nests of small passerines. The Cuckoo chicks cause the death of their nest-mates when evicting eggs or nestlings from the nests; consequently, hosts suffer from a high loss of reproduction. Host adaptations against parasitism, e.g., by egg discrimination behavior, and cuckoo counter-adaptations to hosts, e.g., by mimetic eggs, are often regarded as a result of the arms race between the two interacting species. In Hungary Great Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) are the main hosts of cuckoos, suffering from heavy parasitism (ca. 40–65%). The Oriental Reed Warbler (A. orientalis), formerly a subspecies of the Great Reed Warbler (A. a. orientalis), is also a highly parasitized host in Japan (25–40%). We compared main characteristics of Cuckoo parasitism in these two distant areas from the Western and Eastern Palearctic by comparing cuckoo egg mimicry. We measured color characteristics of host and parasitic eggs by spectrophotometer. Visual modeling revealed lower chromatic distances between Cuckoo and host eggs in Hungary than in Japan, but high variation both in host and Cuckoo eggs may cause matching problems in Hungary. Achromatic (brightness) difference between host and Cuckoo eggs were lower in Japan than in Hungary, and it proved to be the most important factor affecting egg rejection. Hosts rejected Cuckoo eggs at similar frequencies (37% and 35% in Hungary and Japan, respectively). Host adaptation, i.e., egg rejection behavior, seems to be preceding Cuckoo counteradaptations to hosts in Japan. We suggest that the Cuckoo-Great/Oriental Reed Warbler relationships developed in alternative ways in Japan and Hungary, and they represent different stages of their arms race.
                                                                                        Chienese Birds 2012: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Variation in plasma oxidative status and testosterone level in relation to egg-eviction effort and age of brood-parasitic common cuckoo nestlings (2012)
                                                                                        Rita Hargitai, David Costantini, Csaba Moskát, Miklós Bán, Jaime Muriel, and Mark E. Hauber
                                                                                        The Condor
                                                                                        Variation in plasma oxidative status and testosterone level in relation to egg-eviction effort and age of brood-parasitic common cuckoo nestlings
                                                                                        To avoid competition for parental care, brood-parasitic Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) nestlings evict all of the host’s eggs and nestlings within a few days after hatching. Little is known about the physiological effects of eviction behavior on the cuckoo nestling’s oxidative balance or about age-related varia- tion in plasma oxidative status and testosterone level of developing birds. We examined whether the cuckoo nestling’s plasma oxidative status was related to prior effort in eviction and quantified variation in the level of reactive oxygen metabolites, of nonenzymatic antioxidant capacity, and of testosterone concentration in plasma at various phases of the cuckoo’s development. Levels of both reactive oxygen metabolites and antioxidant capacity were greater in older than in younger nestlings, suggesting that younger nestlings effectively counter- balance their increased production of free radicals, whereas, near fledging, levels of reactive oxygen metabo- lites increase despite improved antioxidant capacity. Possibly, overall energy expenditure increases with age and elevates the production of reactive oxygen species to a rate higher than what the antioxidant system could eliminate. Plasma testosterone level was the highest at nestlings’ intermediate phase of growth. High levels of testosterone may be required during the period of fastest growth, and when the growth rate levels off near fledg- ing, testosterone levels may also decline. Cuckoo chicks that evicted more host eggs from steeper nests had higher plasma levels of reactive oxygen metabolites shortly after the eviction period, suggesting that eviction is costly in terms of an increased level of oxidative stress.
                                                                                        The Condor 2012: Letöltés
                                                                                      • The analysis of common cuckoo’s egg shape in relation to its hosts’ in two geographically distant areas (2011)
                                                                                        M. Bán, Z. Barta, A. R. Munoz, F. Takasu, H. Nakamura & C. Moskát
                                                                                        Journal of Zoology
                                                                                        The analysis of common cuckoo’s egg shape in relation to its hosts’ in two geographically distant areas
                                                                                        Evolutionary adaptations are required by common cuckoos Cuculus canorus to match host eggs. Hosts may discriminate against alien eggs; hence, accurate matching of the parasite egg to the hosts’ is essential. Egg shape is the least-studied component of egg mimicry, and it may also have other functions: an optimal egg shape is necessary for effective incubation. For this reason, cuckoo eggs may show a wide range of variations in shape to a set of host species. Here, we compare cuckoo and host eggs by using egg shape parameters in two distant areas: from the nests of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus, robins Erithacus rubecula and marsh warblers Acrocephalus palustris in Hungary, and oriental reed warblers Acrocephalus orientalis, bull-headed shrikes Lanius bucephalus and black-faced buntings Emberiza spodocephala from Japan. Our results suggest the lack of evolutionary adaptation of different cuckoo gentes to their corresponding hosts in terms of egg shape. However, our analyses revealed that cuckoo eggs showed a geographical difference in egg shape.
                                                                                        Journal of Zoology 2011: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Post-ejection nest-desertion of common cuckoo hosts: a second defense mechanism or avoiding reduced reproductive success? (2010)
                                                                                        Csaba Moskát, Erik C. Rosendaal, Myra Boers, Anikó Zölei, Miklós Bán, Jan Komdeur
                                                                                        Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
                                                                                        Post-ejection nest-desertion of common cuckoo hosts: a second defense mechanism or avoiding reduced reproductive success?
                                                                                        Hosts of the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), an avian brood parasite, develop antiparasite defense mechanisms to increase their reproductive success. Ejection of the parasite egg and desertion of the parasitized nest are the most typical adaptations in response to brood parasit- ism, but nest desertion may also occur in response to partial clutch reduction, independently from parasitism. Some great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) showed both mechanisms in the same incidence of cuckoo parasitism: in 18% of successful ejections of the parasite eggs, they deserted their nests. We studied if such cases of post-ejection nest-desertion are caused by brood parasitism or reduced clutch value. We experimentally parasitized clutches consisting of five or three host eggs with two painted conspecific eggs to mimic parasitic eggs, as multiple parasitism is frequent in the area. Although hosts ejected these parasitic eggs in both clutch categories (100% and 67% for the larger and smaller inital clutch sizes, respectively), we found that after manipulation, post- ejection nest-desertion frequently occurred at small (3-egg) clutches (40%), but rarely at large (5-egg) clutches (17%). The same phenomenon also occurred when unparasitized 3-egg clutches were reduced by two eggs, but not when 5-egg clutches were reduced in the same way. A logistic regression model revealed that only initial clutch size affected nest desertion of parasitized nests in our experiments. Therefore, we conclude that post-ejection nest-desertion is not a second antiparasite mechanism, which might serve as a redundant antiparasite defense, but a reaction to typically small and further decreased clutch size.
                                                                                        Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2010: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Eggshell characteristics and yolk composition in the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus: are they adapted to brood parasitism? (2010)
                                                                                        Rita Hargitai, Csaba Moskát, Miklós Bán, Diego Gil, Isabel Lopez-Rull and Emese Solymos
                                                                                        Journal of Avian Biology
                                                                                        Eggshell characteristics and yolk composition in the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus: are they adapted to brood parasitism?
                                                                                        The developmental rate of cuckoo embryos and their hatching size is greater than that of host species, which may require more nutrient resources in the egg and more intensive gas exchange during development. In the present study, we compared various egg characteristics of a brood parasite, the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus, and its frequent host, the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus. As maternally-derived testosterone is known to enhance growth rate of embryos and hatchlings, cuckoo eggs are expected to contain higher concentration of testosterone than host eggs. In addition, we expected higher concentration of antioxidants in cuckoo eggs to protect embryos from oxidative stress associated with accelerated growth. Our results showed that cuckoo eggs had thicker shells and higher pore density than great reed warbler eggs. Yolk was significantly heavier in cuckoo eggs and contained higher concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin E, however, yolk androgen and immunoglobulin concentrations were lower in cuckoo eggs as compared to great reed warbler eggs. We also examined whether eggshell colour was associated to egg quality, and detected a positive association between blue-green chroma and yolk antioxidant concentration in both species, suggesting that eggshell colour reflects the antioxidant investment of the female into the eggs. Our results suggest that cuckoo females increase the size, growth rate and competitive ability of their young by providing them with more nutrients and more dietary antioxidants for embryonic development, and not through elevated yolk testosterone or antibody levels. In addition, increased porosity of cuckoo eggshells may allow embryos to develop more rapidly because of a greater capacity of gas exchange.
                                                                                        Journal of Avian Biology 2010: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Discordancy or template-based recognition? Dissecting the cognitive basis of the rejection of foreign eggs in hosts of avian brood parasites (2010)
                                                                                        Csaba Moskát, Miklós Bán, Tamás Székely, Jan Komdeur, Rim W. G. Lucassen, Lotte A. van Boheemen and Márk E. Hauber
                                                                                        Journal of Experimental Biology
                                                                                        Discordancy or template-based recognition? Dissecting the cognitive basis of the rejection of foreign eggs in hosts of avian brood parasites
                                                                                        Many avian hosts have evolved antiparasite defence mechanisms, including egg rejection, to reduce the costs of brood parasitism. The two main alternative cognitive mechanisms of egg discrimination are thought to be based on the perceived discordancy of eggs in a clutch or the use of recognition templates by hosts. Our experiments reveal that the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), a host of the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), relies on both mechanisms. In support of the discordancy mechanism, hosts rejected their own eggs (13%) and manipulated (‘parasitic’) eggs (27%) above control levels in experiments when manipulated eggs were in the majority but when clutches also included a minority of own eggs. Hosts that had the chance to observe the manipulated eggs daily just after laying did not show stronger rejection of manipulated eggs than when the eggs were manipulated at clutch completion. When clutches contained only manipulated eggs, in 33% of the nests hosts showed rejection, also supporting a mechanism of template-based egg discrimination. Rejection using a recognition template might be more advantageous because discordancy-based egg discrimination is increasingly error prone with higher rates of multiple parasitism.
                                                                                        Journal of Experimental Biology 2010: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Internal incubation and early hatching in brood parasitic birds (2010)
                                                                                        T. R. Birkhead, N. Hemmings, C. N. Spottiswoode, O. Mikulica, C. Moskát, M. Bán and K. Schulze-Hagen
                                                                                        Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences
                                                                                        Internal incubation and early hatching in brood parasitic birds
                                                                                        The offspring of brood parasitic birds benefit from hatching earlier than host young. A proposed but little- known strategy to achieve this is ‘internal incubation’, by retaining the egg in the oviduct for an additional 24 h. To test this, we quantified the stage of embryo development at laying in four brood parasitic birds (European cuckoo, Cuculus canorus; African cuckoo, Cuculus gularis; greater honeyguide, Indicator indicator; and the cuckoo finch, Anomalospiza imberbis). For the two cuckoos and the honeyguide, all of which lay at 48 h intervals, embryos were at a relatively advanced stage at laying; but for the cuckoo finch (laying interval: 24 h) embryo stage was similar to all other passerines laying at 24 h intervals. The stage of embryo development in the two cuckoos and honeyguide was similar to that of a non-parasitic species that lay at an interval of 44 – 46 h, but also to the eggs of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata incubated artificially at body temperature immediately after laying, for a further 24 h. Comparison with the zebra finch shows that internal incubation in the two cuckoos and honeyguide advances hatching by 31 h, a figure consistent with the difference between the expected and the observed duration of incubation in the European cuckoo predicted from egg mass. Rather than being a specific adaptation to brood parasitism, internal incubation is a direct consequence of a protracted interval between ovulation (and fertilization) and laying, but because it results in early hatching may have predisposed certain species to become brood parasitic.
                                                                                        Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences 2010: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Increased host tolerance of multiple cuckoo eggs leads to higher fledging success of the brood parasite (2009)
                                                                                        Csaba Moskát, Mark E. Hauber, Jesus M. Aviles, Miklós Bán, Rita Hargitai, Marcel Honza
                                                                                        Animal Behaviour
                                                                                        Increased host tolerance of multiple cuckoo eggs leads to higher fledging success of the brood parasite
                                                                                        In birds, multiple parasitism is the laying of two or more eggs by one or more parasitic females in a single host nest. Several cognitive mechanisms may explain how multiple parasitism could affect parasite egg discrimination by hosts. Rejection based on discordance predicts that multiple parasitism provides a perceptually more error-prone way for hosts to reject parasitism because more foreign eggs decrease the chance that any one egg is perceived as most dissimilar and recognized as foreign, unless parasite eggs are all similarly highly nonmimetic. In contrast, rejection based on clutch uniformity predicts that in multiple parasitism egg rejection is more error-proof if mimicry by parasite eggs is variable, because increased variation in egg appearance makes for easier egg rejection for hosts. Finally, true egg recog- nition, that is, rejection based on memory of the host's own eggs, predicts no differences in rejection rates from nests with single or multiple parasitism. We studied common cuckoos, Cuculus canorus, parasitizing a population of great reed warblers, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, in Hungary where multiple parasitism was frequent. Hosts rejected parasite eggs less often in nests with multiple parasitism than in nests with single parasitism. These observations were confirmed by experimental parasitism and support the rejection based on discordance hypothesis. As hosts were more likely to tolerate cuckoo eggs in nests with multiple parasitism, we found that multiple parasitism more than doubled cuckoos' reproductive output per host nest compared to single parasitism.
                                                                                        Animal Behaviour 2009: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Egg Eviction Imposes a Recoverable Cost of Virulence in Chicks of a Brood Parasite (2009)
                                                                                        Michael G. Anderson, Csaba Moskát, Miklós Bán, Tomas Grim, Phillip Cassey, Mark E. Hauber
                                                                                        Plos One
                                                                                        Egg Eviction Imposes a Recoverable Cost of Virulence in Chicks of a Brood Parasite
                                                                                        Background: Chicks of virulent brood parasitic birds eliminate their nestmates and avoid costly competition for foster parental care. Yet, efforts to evict nest contents by the blind and naked common cuckoo Cuculus canorus hatchling are counterintuitive as both adult parasites and large older cuckoo chicks appear to be better suited to tossing the eggs and young of the foster parents. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show experimentally that egg tossing imposed a recoverable growth cost of mass gain in common cuckoo chicks during the nestling period in nests of great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus hosts. Growth rates of skeletal traits and morphological variables involved in the solicitation of foster parental care remained similar between evictor and non-evictor chicks throughout development. We also detected no increase in predation rates for evicting nests, suggesting that egg tossing behavior by common cuckoo hatchlings does not increase the conspicuousness of nests. Conclusion: The temporary growth cost of egg eviction by common cuckoo hatchlings is the result of constraints imposed by rejecter host adults and competitive nestmates on the timing and mechanism of parasite virulence.
                                                                                        Plos One 2009: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Common Cuckoos (Cuculus Canorus) do not rely on indicators of parental abilities when searching for host nests: the importance of host defenses (2009)
                                                                                        Jesús M. Avilés, Csaba Moskát, Miklós Bán, Rita Hargitai and Deseada Parejo
                                                                                        The AUK
                                                                                        Common Cuckoos (Cuculus Canorus) do not rely on indicators of parental abilities when searching for host nests: the importance of host defenses
                                                                                        There is widespread evidence that individuals within and among host populations are not evenly parasitized by Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus). We first investigated whether the song and nest size of a host species, the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), reveal information on parental abilities and level of defense against Common Cuckoos. Second, we analyzed whether female Common Cuckoos' preference for host nests is predicted by the degree of song expression and the nest size of the host. Earlier-breeding hosts built bigger nests, were more active singers, and had less rich syllable repertoires than late breeders. Host nestlings raised in a big nest received more feedings than those raised in a small nest. Host males that were active singers were paired with females that built bigger nests. All host pairs rejected nonmimetic artificial eggs, but those with a big nest were more prone to reject natural Common Cuckoo eggs. Thus, Great Reed Warbler pairs with a big nest were more willing to feed nestlings, but also had higher discriminatory abilities against Common Cuckoo eggs, than those with a small nest. These findings, and female Common Cuckoos' inability to capture the information provided by Great Reed Warblers' sexual signals, may explain why the females followed a simple rule of selecting the more visible host nests in the population.
                                                                                        The AUK 2009: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Experimental support for the use of egg uniformity in parasite egg discrimination by cuckoo hosts (2008)
                                                                                        Csaba Moskát & Jesús M. Avilés & Miklós Bán & Rita Hargitai & Anikó Zölei
                                                                                        Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
                                                                                        Experimental support for the use of egg uniformity in parasite egg discrimination by cuckoo hosts
                                                                                        Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) parasitism drastically reduces the reproductive success of their hosts and selects for host discrimination of cuckoo eggs. In a second stage of anti-parasite adaptation, once cuckoos can lay eggs that mimic those of their hosts, a high uniformity of host egg appearance within a clutch may favour cuckoo egg discrimination. Comparative evidence provides indirect support for this hypothesis although experimental support is currently lacking. Here, we studied the effect of experimentally decreased uniformity of host egg appearance on cuckoo egg discrimination by great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) hosts in a population in which long-term cuckoo parasitism has led to high levels of cuckoo­host egg mimesis. We manipulated host clutch uniformity by adding extra spots to fresh host eggs just after they were laid. Rejection of non-mimetic experimental eggs added to these nests was compared with those in control nests in which uniformity was not altered. Previously, by over-painting real spots in a control group of nests, we showed a negligible effect of our paints on hosts' perception of their eggs. We show that for the great reed warbler, non-mimetic experimental eggs were relatively more tolerated in experimental nests, i.e. with lower unifor- mity (40%) than in control nests (5%). This is the first experimental study, to our knowledge, which demonstrates a reduced discrimination of foreign eggs as a consequence of an increase of egg phenotypes variation perception in a cuckoo host.
                                                                                        Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2008: Letöltés
                                                                                      • Experimental shift in hosts' acceptance threshold of inaccurate-mimic brood parasite eggs (2006)
                                                                                        Márk E. Hauber, Csaba Moskát and Miklós Bán
                                                                                        Biology Letters
                                                                                        Experimental shift in hosts' acceptance threshold of inaccurate-mimic brood parasite eggs
                                                                                        Hosts are expected to evolve resistance stra- tegies that efficiently detect and resist exposure to virulent parasites and pathogens. When rec- ognition is not error-proof, the acceptance threshold used by hosts to recognize parasites should be context dependent and become more restrictive with increasing predictability of parasitism. Here, we demonstrate that decisions of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus to reject parasitism by the com- mon cuckoo Cuculus canorus vary adaptively within a single egg-laying bout. Hosts typically accept one of their own eggs with experimen- tally added spots and the background colour left visible. In contrast, hosts reject such spotted eggs when individuals had been previously exposed to and rejected one of their own eggs whose background colour had been entirely masked. These results support patterns of adaptive modulation of antiparasitic strategies through shifts in the acceptance threshold of hosts and suggest a critical role for experience in the discrimination decisions between inac- curate-mimic parasite eggs and hosts' own eggs.
                                                                                        Biology Letters 2006: Letöltés
                                                                                      • RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS - Commonality and cuckoos (2008)
                                                                                        Csaba Moskát & Jesús M. Avilés & Miklós Bán & Rita Hargitai & Anikó Zölei
                                                                                        Nature - RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT
                                                                                        RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS - Commonality and cuckoos
                                                                                        Natural selection is driving birds that are parasitized by common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) to lay clutches of more uniformly patterned eggs, researchers have found. Working around the village of Apaj near Kiskunság National Park in Hungary, Csaba Moskát of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and his co-workers painted different numbers of specks onto the first three eggs laid in ten great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus, pictured below) nests. They then painted the fourth eggs to arrive in those nests and in 21 others to look like parasitic eggs. Egg uniformity foils cuckoos, the warblers' behaviour revealed. Warblers with eggs manipulated to be more different from one another tolerated the fake parasitic egg 40% of the time; that figure was just 5% for the 21 control nests.
                                                                                        Nature - RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT 2008: Letöltés
                                                                                      Dr. Nagy Nikoletta Andrea
                                                                                      Kosztolányi, A., Nagy, N., Kovács, T., & Barta, Z. (2015). Predominant female care in the beetle Lethrus apterus with supposedly biparental care. Entomological Science, 18(2), 292-294.
                                                                                      Nagy, N. A., Németh, Z., Juhász, E., Póliska, S., Rácz, R., Kosztolányi, A., & Barta, Z. (2017). Evaluation of potential reference genes for real-time qPCR analysis in a biparental beetle, Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae). PeerJ, 5, e4047.
                                                                                      Rádai, Z., Kiss, J., & Nagy, N. A. (2021). Taxonomic bias in AMP prediction of invertebrate peptides. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 17924.
                                                                                      Nagy, N. A., Németh, Z., Juhász, E., Póliska, S., Rácz, R., Kiss, J., Kosztolányi, A., & Barta, Z. (2021). Inotocin, a potential modulator of reproductive behaviours in a biparental beetle, Lethrus apterus. Journal of Insect Physiology, 132, 104253.
                                                                                      Rádai, Z., Kiss, J., Nagy, N. A., Somogyi, A. Á., Fülöp, A., Tóth, Z., Babits, M. & Németh, Z. (2022). State and physiology behind personality in arthropods: a review. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology76(11), 150.
                                                                                      Nagy, N. A., Rácz, R., Rimington, O., Póliska, S., Orozco-terWengel, P., Bruford, M. W., & Barta, Z. (2021). Draft genome of a biparental beetle species, Lethrus apterusBMC Genomics22(1), 1-12.
                                                                                          Vincze Orsolya

                                                                                          International journals

                                                                                          2018 Vágási CI, Vincze O, Pătraș L, Osváth G, Pénzes J, Haussmann MF, Barta Z, Pap PL 2018. Longevity and life history coevolve with oxidative stress in birds. Functional Ecology (in press).

                                                                                          2018 Eberhart-Phillips LJ, Kuepper C, Carmona-Isunza MC, Vincze O, Zefania S, Cruz-Lopez M, Kosztolanyi A, Miller TEX, Barta Z, Cuthill I, Burke T, Szekely T, Hoffman JI, Krueger O 2018. Demographic causes of adult sex ratio variation and their consequences for parental cooperation. Nature Communications 9:1651.

                                                                                          2018 Vágási CI, Pătraș L, Pap PL, Vincze O, Mureșan C, Németh J and Lendvai ÁZ 2018. Experimental increase in baseline corticosterone level reduces oxidative damage and enhances innate immune response. PLoS One 13: e0192701. pdf

                                                                                          2018 Pap PL, Vincze O, Fülöp A, Székely-Béres O*, Pătraș L, Pénzes J and Vágási CI 2018. Oxidative physiology of reproduction in a passerine bird: a field experiment. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 72:18. pdf

                                                                                          2018  Lovas-Kiss Á., Vizi B, Vincze O., Molnár V. A., Green A. Endozoochory of aquatic ferns and angiosperms by mallards in central Europe. Journal of Ecology 106:1714–1723. pdf

                                                                                          2018   Osváth G, Daubner T, Dyke GJ, Fuisz TI, Nord A, Pénzes J, Vargancsik D, Vágási CI, Vincze O, Pap PL How feathered are birds? Environment predicts both the mass and density of body feathers. Functional Ecology 32:701-712. pdf

                                                                                          2017   Szentiványi*, T., Vincze*, O., Estók, P.  Density-dependent sex ratio and sex-specific preference for host traits in parasitic bat flies. Parasites & Vectors 10:405. [* these authors contributed equally] pdf

                                                                                          2017   Pap, P.L., Vincze, O., Wekerle, B., Daubner, T., Vágási, C.I., Nudds, R.L., Dyke, G.J., Osváth, G. A phylogenetic comparative analysis reveals correlations between body feather structure and habitat. Functional Ecology 31:1241-1251. link

                                                                                          2017   Vincze, O., A. Kosztolányi, Z. Barta, C. Küpper, M. AlRashidi, J.A. Amat, A. Argüelles Ticó, F. Burns, J. Cavitt, W.C. Conway, M. Cruz-López, A.E. Desucre-Medrano, N. dos Remedios, J. Figuerola, D. Galindo-Espinosa, G.E. García-Peña, S. Gómez Del Angel, C. Gratto-Trevor, P. Jönsson, P. Lloyd, T. Montalvo, J.E. Parra, R. Pruner, P. Que, Y. Liu, S.T. Saalfeld, R. Schulz, L. Serra, J.J.H. St Clair, L.E. Stenzel, M.A. Weston, M.Yasué, S. Zefania, T. Székely Parental cooperation in a changing climate: fluctuating environments predict shifts in care division. Global Ecology and Biogeogrpahy 26:347-358. pdf - Covered by Audubon, ScienceDaily,

                                                                                          2016   Bulla, M., M. Valcu, A.M. Dokter, A.G. Dondua, A. Kosztolányi, A. Rutten, B. Helm, B.K. Sandercock, B. Casler, B.J. Ens, C.S. Spiegel, C.J. Hassell, C. Küpper, C. Minton, D. Burgas, D.B. Lank, D.C. Payer, E.Y. Loktionov, E. Nol, E. Kwon, F. Smith, H. R. Gates, H. Vitnerová, H. Prüter, J.A. Johnson, J.J.H. St. Clair, J.-F. Lamarre, J. Rausch, J. Reneerkens, J.R. Conklin, J. Burger, J. Liebezeit, J. Bêty, J.T. Coleman, J. Figuerola, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, J.A. Alves, J.A.M. Smith, K. Weidinger, K. Koivula, K. Gosbell, L. Niles, L. Koloski, L. McKinnon, L. Praus, M. Klaassen, M.-A. Giroux, M. Sládeček, M.L. Boldenow, M. Exo, M.I. Goldstein, M. Šálek, N. Senner, N. Rönkä, N. Lecomte, O. Gilg, O. Vincze, O.W. Johnson, P.A. Smith, P.F. Woodard, P.S. Tomkovich, P. Battley, R. Bentzen, R.B. Lanctot, R. Porter, S.T. Saalfeld, S. Freeman, S.C. Brown, S. Yezerinac, T. Székely, T. Piersma, T. Montalvo, V. Loverti, V.-M. Pakanen, W. Tijsen, B. Kempenaers Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds. Nature 540:109–113. BioRxiv Preprint. Covered by Nature News & Views

                                                                                          2016   Vincze, O. Light enough to travel or wise enough to stay? Brain size evolution and migratory behaviour in birds. Evolution 70:2123–2133. pdf

                                                                                          2016   Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Pătraș L., Osváth G., Marton A., Bărbos L., Sol D., Pap P.L. Large-brained birds suffer less oxidative damage. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 1968–1976. pdf

                                                                                          2016   Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Vincze O., Osváth G., Erritzøe J., Møller A.P. Morphological adaptations to migration in birds. Evolutionary Biology 43:48-59. link

                                                                                          2015   Martin-Silverstone E., Vincze O., McCann R., Jonsson C.H.W., Palmer C., Kaiser G., Dyke G. Exploring the relationship between skeletal mass and total body mass in birds. PLoS ONE 10:e0141794 link

                                                                                          2015   Vincze O., Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Osváth G., Møller A.P. Brain regions associated with visual cues are important for bird migration. Biology Letters 11:20150678. link

                                                                                          2015   Lovas-Kiss Á., Sonkoly J., Vincze O., Green A.J., Takács A., Molnár V. A. Strong potential for endozoochory by waterfowl in a rare, ephemeral wetland plant species, Astragalus contortuplicatus (Fabaceae). Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 84:321-326. pdf

                                                                                          2015   Pap P.L., Osváth G., Aparicio J.M., Bărbos L., Matyjasiak P., Rubolini D., Saino N., Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Møller A.P. Sexual dimorphism and population differences in structural properties of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) wing and tail feathers. PLoS ONE 10:e0130844 html.

                                                                                          2015   Pap P.L., Osváth G., Sándor K., Vincze O., Bărbos L., Marton A., Nudds R.L., Vágási C.I. Interspecific variation in the structural properties of flight feathers in birds indicates adaptation to flight requirements and habitat. Functional Ecology 29:746-757 link
                                                                                          Spotlighted paper in the 29(6) issue of Functional Ecology.

                                                                                          2015   Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Osváth G., Veres-Szászka J., Czirják G.Á. Physiological pace-of-life: the link between constitutive immunity, developmental period, and metabolic rate in European birds. Oecologia 177:147–158. pdf

                                                                                          2013   Vincze, O., Vágási, I.C., Kovács, I., Galván, I., Pap, P.L. Sources of variation in uropygial gland size in European birds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110:543-563. pdf

                                                                                          2013   Vincze, O., Székely, T., Küpper, C., AlRashidi, M., Amat, J.A., Ticó, A.A., Burgas, D., Burke, T., Cavitt, J, Figuerola, J., Shobrak, M., Montalvo, T., Kosztolányi, A. Local Environment but Not Genetic Differentiation Influences Biparental Care in Ten Plover Populations. PLoS ONE 8:e60998. Pdf

                                                                                          2013   Pap, P.L., Adam, C., Vágási, I.Cs., Benkő, Z., Vincze, O. Sex ratio and sexual dimorphism of three lice species with contrasting prevalence parasitizing the house sparrow. Journal of Parasitology 99.1: 24-30. pdf

                                                                                          2012   Vágási, I.C., Pap, P.L., Vincze, O., Benkő, Z., Marton, A., Barta, Z. Haste Makes Waste but Condition Matters: Molt Rate-Feather Quality Trade-Off in a Sedentary Songbird. PLoS ONE 7: e40651. pdf

                                                                                          Local journals

                                                                                          2015   Vágási I.C.*, Vincze O.*, Pap P.L., Barta Z. Oxidatív stressz és öregedés madaraknál. Magyar Tudomány 2015/5 608-615 html [* these authors contributed equally]

                                                                                          2011   Vincze, O., Daróczi, J.Sz., Kelemen, A.M., Kovács, I., Pap, P.L., Papp, T., Sándor, D.A., Zeitz, R. The avifauna of the Giurgeu Depression. In: Markó, B., Sarkany-Kiss, E. (eds.) A Gyergyói-medence: egy mozaikos táj természeti értékei, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 183-214. [in Hungrian with English abstract]. pdf

                                                                                              Dr. Pap Péter László

                                                                                              International journals:

                                                                                              55. Pap P.L., Osváth G., Daubner T., Nord A., Vincze O. (in press). Down feather morphology reflects adaptation to habitat and thermal conditions across the avian phylogeny. Evolution

                                                                                              54. Osváth G., Vincze O., David D.C., Nagy L.J., Lendvai Z.Á., Nudds R.L., Pap P.L. (in press). Morphological characterization of flight feather shafts in four bird species with different flight styles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

                                                                                              53. Vágási C.I., Fülöp A., Osváth G., Pap P.L., Pénzes J., Benkő Z., Lendvai Á.Z., Barta Z. (2020). Varietas delectat: groups with diverse personalities mitigate physiological stress in a songbird. bioRxiv

                                                                                              52. Pap P.L., Fülöp A., Adamkova M., Cepak C., Michalkova R., Safran R.J., Stermin A.N., Tomasek O., Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Wilkins M.R., Albrecht T. (2019). Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central- and Eastern-European populations of the barn swallow. Ecology and Evolution 9: 11277-11287.

                                                                                              51. Vincze O., Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Palmer C., Møller A.P. (2019). Wing morphology, flight type and migration distance predict accumulated fuel load in birds. Journal of Experimental Biology .

                                                                                              50. Pap P.L., Vincze O., Vágási C.I., Salamon Z., Pándi A., Bálint B., Nord A., Nudds R.L., Osváth G. (2019). Vane macrostructure of primary feathers and its adaptations to flight in birds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126: 256–267.

                                                                                              49. Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Pătraș L., Osváth G., Pénzes J., Haussmann M., Barta Z., Pap P.L. (2019). Longevity and life history coevolve with oxidative stress in birds. Functional Ecology 33: 152-161.

                                                                                              48. Vágási C.I., Pătraș L., Pap, P.L., Vincze O., Mureșan C., Németh J., Lendvai Á.Z. (2018). Experimental increase in baseline corticosterone level reduces oxidative damage and enhances innate immune response. PLoS ONE 13: e0192701.

                                                                                              47. Wilkins M.R., Scordato E.S.C., Semenov G.A., Karaardıç H., Shizuka D., Rubtsov A., Pap P.L., Shen S-F., Rebecca J. (2018). Global song divergence in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica): exploring the roles of genetic, geographic, and climatic distance in sympatry and allopatry. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 123: 825-849.

                                                                                              46. Pap P.L., Vincze O., Fülöp A., Székely-Béres O., Pătraș L., Pénzes J., Vágási C.I. (2018). Oxidative physiology of reproduction in a passerine bird: a field experiment. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 18.

                                                                                              45. Osváth G., Daubner T., Dyke G., Fuisz T.I., Nord A., Pénzes J., Vargancsik D., Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Pap P.L. (2018). How feathered are birds? Environment predicts both the mass and density of body feathers. Functional Ecology 32: 701-712.

                                                                                              44. Fülöp A., Vágási C.I. Pap P.L. (2017). Cohabitation with farm animals rather than breeding effort increases the infection with feather-associated bacteria in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 1005-1014.

                                                                                              43. Pap P.L., Vincze O., Wekerle B., Daubner T., Vágási C.I., Nudds R.L., Dyke G.J., Osváth G. (2017). A phylogenetic comparative analysis reveals correlations between body feather structure and habitat. Functional Ecology 31: 1241-1251.

                                                                                              42. Geue J.C., Vágási C.I., Schweizer M., Pap P.L., Thomassen H.A. (2016). Environmental selection is a main driver of divergence in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in Romania and Bulgaria. Ecology and Evolution 6: 7954-7964.

                                                                                              41. Wilkins M.R., Karaardıç H., Vortman Y., Parchman T.L., Albrecht T., Petrželková A., Özkan L., Pap P.L., Hubbard J.K., Hund A.K., Safran R.S. (2016). Phenotypic differentiation is associated with divergent sexual selection among closely related barn swallow populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 2410-2421.

                                                                                              40. Safran R.J., Scordato E.S.C., Wilkins M.R., Hubbard, J.K., Jenkins, B.R., Albrecht T., Flaxman S.M., Karaardıç H., Vortman Y., Lotem A., Nosil P., Pap P.L., Shen S., Chan, S-F., Parchman T., Kane N.C. (2016). Genome-wide differentiation in closely related populations: the roles of selection and geographic isolation. Molecular Ecology 25: 3865-3883.

                                                                                              39. Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Pătraș L., Osváth G., Marton A., Bărbos L., Sol D., Pap P.L. (2016). Large-brained birds suffer less oxidative damage. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 1968-1976.

                                                                                              38. Paștiu A.I., Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Niculae M., Páll E., Domșa C., Brudașcă F.G., Spînu M. (2016). Wild birds in Romania are more exposed to West Nile virus than to Newcastle Disease virus. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 16: 176-180.

                                                                                              37. Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Vincze O., Osváth G., Erritzøe J., Møller A.P. (2016). Morphological adaptations to migration in birds. Evolutionary Biology 43: 48-59.

                                                                                              36. Fülöp A., Czirják G.Á., Pap P.L., Vágási C.I. (2016). Feather-degrading bacteria, uropygial gland and feather quality in House Sparrows Passer domesticus. Ibis 158: 362-370.

                                                                                              35. Vincze O., Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Osváth G., Møller A.P. (2015). Brain regions associated with visual cues are important for bird migration. Biology Letters 11: 20150678.

                                                                                              34. Pap P.L., Osváth G., Aparicio J.M., Bărbos L., Matyjasiak P., Rubolini D., Saino N., Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Møller A.P. (2015). Sexual dimorphism and population differences in structural properties of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) wing and tail feathers. PLoS ONE 10: e0130844.

                                                                                              33. Pap P.L., Pătraș L., Osváth G., Buehler D.M., Versteegh M.A., Sesarman A., Banciu M., Vágási C.I. (2015). Seasonal patterns and relationships among coccidian infestations, measures of oxidative physiology, and immune function in free-living house sparrows over an annual cycle. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88: 395-405.

                                                                                              32. Pap P.L., Osváth G., Sándor K., Vincze O., Bărbos L., Marton A., Nudds R.L., Vágási C.I. (2015). Interspecific variation in the structural properties of flight feathers in birds indicates adaptation to flight requirements and habitat. Functional Ecology 29: 746-757. Spotlighted paper in the 29(6) issue of Functional Ecology.

                                                                                              31. Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Osváth G., Veres-Szászka J., Czirják G.Á. (2015). Physiological pace of life: the link between constitutive immunity, developmental period, and metabolic rate in European birds. Oecologia 177: 147-158.

                                                                                              30. Diaz-Real J., Serrano D., Pérez-Tris J., Fernández-González S., Bermejo A., Calleja J.A., De la Puente J., De Palacio D., Martínez J.L., Moreno-Opo R., Ponce C., Frías Ó., Tella J.L., Møller A.P., Figuerola J., Pap P.L., Kovács I., Vágási C.I., Meléndez L., Blanco G., Aguilera E., Senar J.C., Galván I., Atiénzar F., Barba E., Cantó J.L., Cortés V., Monrós J.S., Piculo R., Vögeli M., Borràs A., Navarro C., Mestre A., Jovani R. (2014). Repeatability of feather mite prevalence and intensity in passerine birds. PLoS ONE 9: e107341.

                                                                                              29. Pap P.L., Sesarman A., Vágási C.I., Buehler D.M., Pătraș L., Versteegh M.A., Banciu M. (2014). No evidence for parasitism-linked changes in immune function or oxidative physiology over the annual cycle of an avian species. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87: 729-739.

                                                                                              28. Bókony V., Lendvai Á.Z., Vágási C.I., Pătraș L., Pap P.L., Németh J., Vincze E., Papp S., Preiszner B., Seress G., Liker A. (2014). Necessity or capacity? Physiological state predicts problem solving performance in house sparrows. Behavioral Ecology 25: 124-135.

                                                                                              27. Møller A.P., Merino S., Soler J.J., Antonov A., Badás E.P., Calero-Torralbo M.A., de Lope F., Eeva T., Figuerola J., Flensted-Jensen E., Garamszegi L.Z., González- Braojos S., Gwinner H., Hanssen S.A, Heylen D., Ilmonen P., Klarborg K., Korpimäki E., Martínez J., Martínez-de la Puente J., Marzal A., Matthysen E., Matyjasiak P., Molina-Morales M., Moreno J., Mousseau T.A., Nielsens J.T., Pap P.L., Rivero-de Aguilar J., Shurulinkov P., Slagsvold T., Szép T., Szöllősi E., Török J., Vaclav R., Valera F., Ziane N. (2013). Assessing the effects of climate on host-parasite interactions: A comparative study of European birds and their parasites. PLoS ONE 8: e82886.

                                                                                              26. Vincze O., Vágási C.I., Kovács I., Galván I., Pap P.L. (2013). Sources of variation in uropygial gland size in European birds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110: 543-563.

                                                                                              25. Møller A.P., Vágási C.I., Pap P.L. (2013). Risk-taking and the evolution of mechanisms for rapid escape from predators. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1143-1150.

                                                                                              24. Czirják G.Á., Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Giraudeau M., Mureşan C., Mirleau P., Heeb P. (2013). Preen gland removal increases plumage bacterial load but not that of feather-degrading bacteria. Naturwissenschaften 100: 145-151.

                                                                                              23. Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Bărbos L., Marton A. (2013). Chronic coccidian infestation compromises flight feather quality in house sparrows Passer domesticus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108: 414-428.

                                                                                              22. Pap P.L., Adam C., Vágási C.I., Benkő Z., Vincze O. (2013). Sex ratio and sexual dimorphism of three lice species with contrasting prevalence parasitizing the house sparrow. Journal of Parasitology 99:24-30.

                                                                                              21. Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Vincze O., Benkő Z., Marton A., Barta Z. (2012). Haste Makes Waste but Condition Matters: Molt Rate-Feather Quality Trade-Off in a Sedentary Songbird. PLoS ONE 7: e40651.

                                                                                              20. Galván I., Aguilera E., Atiénzar F., Barba E., Blanco G., Cantó J.L., Cortés V., Frías Ó., Kovács I., Meléndez L., Møller A.P., Monrós J.S., Pap P.L., Piculo R., Senar J.C., Serrano D., Tella J.L., Vágási C.I., Vögeli M., Jovani R. (2012). Feather mites and body condition of their avian hosts: a large correlative study. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 273-279.

                                                                                              19. Marzal A., Ricklefs R.E., Valkiūnas G., Albayrak T., Arriero E., Bonneaud C., Czirják G.A., Ewen J., Hellgren O., Horakova D., Iezhova T.A., Jensen H., Križanauskienė A., Lima M.R., de Lope F., Magnussen E., Martin L.B., Møller A.P., Palinauskas V., Pap P.L., Pérez-Tris J., Sehgal R.N.M., Soler M., Szöllősi E., Westerdahl H., Zetindjiev P., Bensch S. (2011). Diversity, Loss, and Gain of Malaria Parasites in a Globally Invasive Bird. PLoS ONE 6: e21905.

                                                                                              18. Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Czirják G.Á., Titilincu A., Pintea A., Osváth G., Fülöp A., Barta Z. (2011). The effect of coccidians on the condition and immune profile of molting house sparrows (Passer domesticus). The Auk 128: 330–339.

                                                                                              17. Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Tökölyi J., Székely E., Barta Z. (2011). Correlates of variation in flight feather quality in the Great Tit Parus major. Ardea 99: 53–60.

                                                                                              16. Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Barta Z. (2010). Haste makes waste: Accelerated molt adversely affects the expression of melanin-based and depigmented plumage ornaments in house sparrows. PLoS ONE 5: e14215.

                                                                                              15. Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Osváth G., Mureşan C., Barta Z. (2010). Seasonality in the uropygial gland size and feather mite abundance in house sparrows: natural covariation and an experiment. Journal of Avian Biology 41: 653-661.

                                                                                              14. Pap P.L., Czirják G.Á., Vágási C.I., Barta Z., Hasselquist D. (2010). Sexual dimorphism in immune function changes during the annual cycle in the house sparrows. Naturwissenschaften 97: 891-901.

                                                                                              13. Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Tökölyi J., Czirják G.Á., Barta Z. (2010). Variation in haematological indices and immune function during the annual cycle in the Great Tit Parus major. Ardea 98: 105-112.

                                                                                              12. Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Czirják G.Á., Titilincu A., Pintea A., Barta Z. (2009). Carotenoids modulate the effect of coccidian infection on the condition and immune response in moulting house sparrows. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 3228-3235.

                                                                                              11. Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Czirják G.Á., Barta Z. (2008). Diet quality affects postnuptial molting and feather quality of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus): interaction with humoral immune function? Canadian Journal of Zoology 86: 834-842.

                                                                                              10. Pap P.L., Barta Z., Tökölyi J., Vágási C.I. (2007). Increase of feather quality during moult: a possible implication of feather deformities in the evolution of partial moult in the great tit. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 471-478.

                                                                                              9. Szép T., Møller A.P., Piper S., Nuttall R., Szabó D.Z., Pap P.L. (2007). Migratory connectivity in barn swallows and other hirundines. Journal of Ornithology 148: 257-260.

                                                                                              8. Stokke B.G., Hafstad I., Rudolfsen G., Bargain B., Beier J., Campas D.B., Dyrcz A., Honza M., Leisler B., Pap P.L., Patapavicius P., Prochazka P., Schulze-Hagen K., Thomas R., Moksnes A., Møller A.P., Røskaft E., Soler M. (2007). Host density predicts presence of cuckoo parasitism in reed warblers. Oikos 116: 913-922.

                                                                                              7. Møller A.P., Chabi Y., Cuervo J.J., de Lope F., Kilpimaa J., Kose M., Matyjasiak P., Pap P.L., Saino N., Sakraoui R., Schifferli L., von Hirschheydt J. (2006). An analysis of continent-wide patterns of sexual selection in a passerine bird. Evolution 60: 856-868.

                                                                                              6. Szép T., Møller A.P., Piper S., Nuttall R., Szabó Z.D., Pap P.L. (2006). Searching for potential wintering and migration areas of a Danish Barn Swallow population in South Africa by correlating NDVI with survival estimates. Journal of Ornithology 147: 245-253.

                                                                                              5. Pap P.L., Szép T., Tökölyi J., Piper S. (2006). Habitat preference, escape behavior and cues used by feather mites to avoid molting wing feathers. Behavioral Ecology 17: 277-284.

                                                                                              4. Pap P.L., Tökölyi J., Szép T. (2005). Host-symbiont relationship and abundance of feather mites in relation to age and body condition of the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica): an experimental study. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83: 1059-1066.

                                                                                              3. Pap P.L., Tökölyi J., Szép T. (2005). Frequency and consequences of feather holes in Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica. Ibis 146: 169-175.

                                                                                              2. Pap P.L., Márkus R. (2003). Cost of reproduction, T-lymphocyte mediated immunocompetence and health status in female and nestling Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica. Journal of Avian Biology 34: 428-434.

                                                                                              1. Pap P.L. (2002). Breeding time and sex-specific health status in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 2090-2099.


                                                                                              Local journals:

                                                                                              9. Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Pap P.L., Barta Z. (2015) Oxidatív stressz és öregedés madaraknál. Magyar Tudomány 5: 608-615.

                                                                                              8. Vincze O., Daróczi J.Sz., Kelemen A.M., Kovács I., Pap P.L., Papp T., Sándor D.A., Zeitz R. (2011). The avifauna of the Giurgeu Depression. In: Markó B.. Sarkany-Kiss E. (eds.) A Gyergyói-medence: egy mozaikos táj természeti értékei, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 183-214. (in Hungrian with English abstract).

                                                                                              7. Muresan C., Pap P.L., Czirják G.Á., Bolfa P. (2009). Excision of the uropygial gland in the house sparrow. Lucrari Stiintifice, Medicina Veterinara, Timisoara, 17: 111-114.

                                                                                              6. Muresan C., Czirják G.Á., Pap P.L., Köbölkuti L.B. (2008). Ketamine and xylazine anaesthesia in the house sparrow. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 65: 193-195.

                                                                                              5. Pap P.L., Szabó D.Z. (1999). The influence of weather on the nestling growth of the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica). Múzeumi Füzetek 8: 122-130. (in Hungarian with English abstract)

                                                                                              4. Kósa F., Munteanu D., Pap P.L., Sándor D.A., Szabó D.Z. (1998). Results of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) Census in Cluj County in 1996. Studia 43: 65-70. (in Romanian with English abstract)

                                                                                              3. Pap P.L., Szabó D.Z. (1998). Clutch- and egg size variation in the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) during the breeding season. Collegium Biologicum 2: 75-89. (in Hungarian with English abstract)

                                                                                              2. Pap P.L., Szabó D.Z., Ambrus L. (1998). The study of food composition of the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica): the question of load size. Collegium Biologicum 1: 49-54. (in Hungarian with English abstract)

                                                                                              1. Pap P.L., Ambrus L., Szabó D.Z. (1997). The study of the breeding biology of the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) in a county in the Transsylvanian Plateau. Múzeumi Füzetek 6. (in Hungarian with English abstract)

                                                                                                  Rácz Rita

                                                                                                  Pilakouta N, Halford C, Rácz R, Smiseth PT (2016) Effects of contest experience and contest outcome on female reproductive investment and offspring fitness. The American Naturalist, DOI 10.1086/687392.

                                                                                                  Bereczki, J., Rácz, R., Varga, Z., Tóth, J.P. (2015) Controversial patterns of Wolbachia infestation in the social parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Organisms Diversity and Evolution, DOI 10.1007/s13127-015-0217-7.

                                                                                                  Rácz, R., Bereczki, J., Sramkó, G., Kosztolányi, A., Tóth, J. P., Póliska, Sz., Horváth, A., Barta, E., Barta, Z. (2015) Isolation and characterisation of 15 microsatellite loci from Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae). Annales Zoologici Fennici, 52(1-2): 45-50.

                                                                                                  Kovács, T., Merkl, O., Rácz, R. (2014) Distribution of Lethrus apterus (Laxmann, 1770) in Hungary (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae). Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 38: 67–73.

                                                                                                  Pecsenye K, Rácz R, Bereczki J, Bátori E, Varga Z (2014) Loss of genetic variation in declining populations of Aricia artaxerxes in Northern Hungary. Journal of Insect Conservation, DOI 10.1007/s10841-014-9634-8.

                                                                                                      Dr. Szabó Sándor

                                                                                                      Szabó, S., Árnyas, E.,Varga, Z. & Tóthmérész, B. 2004. Lepkefaunisztikai vizsgálatok fénycsapdás gyűjtéssel az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkban. Természetvédelmi közlemények 11: 319-328.

                                                                                                      Szabó, S., Árnyas, E., Tóthmérész, B. & Varga, Z. 2005. Light-trap surveys of the Macrolepidoptera fauna at the Aggtelek National Park. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 66: 195-206.

                                                                                                      Varga, Z., Szabó, S. & Kozma, P. 2005. Melitaea ogygia kovácsi Varga 1967 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Pannonian region:  taxonomy, bionomy, conversation biology, pp.65-68. In: Kühn, E., Feldman, R., Thomas, J. & Settele, J. (eds). Studies on the Ecology and Conversation of Butterflies in Europe. (Conference Proceedings, UFZ Lepzig-Halle).

                                                                                                      Szabó, S., Árnyas, E., Tóthmérész, B., Varga, Z. 2007. Az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park nagylepke faunájának elemzése hosszú távú fénycsapdás adatsor alapján. Természetvédelmi közlemények 13: 59-68.

                                                                                                      Szabó, S., Árnyas, E., Tóthmérész, B. & Varga, Z. 2007. Long-term light trap study on the macromoth (Lepidoptera: Macroheterocera) fauna of the Aggtelek National Park. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae 53(3): 257-269.

                                                                                                          Szanyi Szabolcs

                                                                                                          1. Szanyi, Sz., Nagy, A., Molnár, A., Katona, K., Tóth, M. & Varga, Z. (2016): Night-active Macroheterocera species in traps with synthetic attractants in the Velyka Dobron’ Game Reserve (Ukraine, Transcarpathia). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (In press)
                                                                                                          2. Szanyi, Sz. & Varga, Z. (2015): Changes in butterfly assemblages of meadows in a Transcarpathian game reserve. Entomologica Romanica 19 (In press)
                                                                                                          3. Szanyi, Sz., Katona, K., Rácz, I., A., Varga, Z. & Nagy, A. (2015): Orthoptera fauna of the Ukrainian part of the Bereg Plain (Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine). Articulata 30: (1) pp. 91-104.
                                                                                                          4. Szanyi, Sz., Nagy, A., & Varga, Z. (2015): Butterfly assemblages in fragmented meadow habitats of the Pre-Carpathian lowland (Bereg plain, SW Ukraine). Applied ecology and environmental research 13: (3) pp. 615-626.
                                                                                                          5. Szanyi, Sz. (2015): The night-active Macroheterocera of a Transcarpathian forest reserve. Bulletin de informare Societăţii Lepidopterologice Române., 26 In press. 
                                                                                                          6. Nagy, A., Batiz, Z. & Szanyi, Sz. (2015): Orthoptera fauna of the Hungarian part of the Bereg Plain (Northeast Hungary). Bulletin de informare Societăţii Lepidopterologice Române., 26: 64-80. (In press).
                                                                                                          7. Szanyi, Sz., Nagy, A., Rácz, I., A. & Varga, Z. (2014): Contrasting patterns of macroptery in Roesel’s bush cricket Metrioptera roeseli (Orthoptera, Ensifera). Estonian journal of ecology 63: (4) pp. 299-311.
                                                                                                          8. Nagy, A,, Szanyi, S., Molnár, A., & Rácz, I.A. (2011): Preliminary data on the Orthoptera fauna of the Velyka Dobron Wildlife Reserve (west Ukraine). – Articulata 26 (2): 123-130.
                                                                                                          9. Nagy, A., Szarukán, I., Gém, F., Nyitrai, R., Németh, A., Kozák, L., Molnár, A., Katona, K., Szanyi, Sz., Varga, Z. & Tóth M (2015): Preliminary data on the effect of semi-synthetic baits for Noctuidea (Lepidoptera) on the non-target Lepidoptera species. ACTA AGRARIA DEBRECENIENSIS (66) pp. 71-80. 
                                                                                                          10. Szanyi, Sz., Nagy, A., Molnár, A., Tóth, M. & Varga Z (2015): Pest species of Macrolepidoptera in the Game Reserve of Velyka Dobron' (Transcarpathia, Ukraine). ACTA AGRARIA DEBRECENIENSIS (66) pp. 58-64.


                                                                                                          Publications of hungarian languages:

                                                                                                          1. Szanyi, Sz. (2010): Adatok Nagydobrony környékének nappali lepkefaunájához (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea, Hesperoidea). – Calandrella XIII., Debrecen, pp. 44-56.
                                                                                                          2. Szanyi, Sz. (2011): Vándorló és terjedő nagylepkefajok (Lepidoptera, Macroheterocera) Kárpátalján. – Acta Beregsasiensis 10 (1): 179-184.
                                                                                                          3. Szanyi, Sz. (2012): A nagydobronyi Vadvédelmi Rezervátum és környéke nagylepkefaunája (Macrolepidoptera). Állattani Közlemények 97 (2): 171-180.
                                                                                                          4. Szanyi, Sz. (2012): Újabb adatok Nagydobrony környékének nappali lepkefaunájához (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea, Hesperoidea). – Calandrella XV., Debrecen, pp. 87-90.
                                                                                                          5. Katona, K. & Szanyi, Sz. (2012): A Beregi-sík Kárpátaljai részének futóbogár közösségei. – Calandrella XV., Debrecen, pp. 82-86.
                                                                                                          6. Szanyi, Sz. (2012): A Pannon biogeográfiai régió életföldrajzi sajátosságai. – Acta Beregsasiensis 11 (2): 161-166.
                                                                                                          7. Szanyi, Sz. (2013): Első adatok a Nagydobronyi Vadvédelmi Rezervátum poszméheiről (Hymenoptera: Bombus). Calandrella XVI., pp. 50-53.
                                                                                                          8. Szanyi, Sz. & Ködöböcz, K. (2013): Első adatok a „Somi-hegy” (Beregi-sík, Nyugat-Ukrajna) egyenesszárnyú (Orthoptera) faunájához. Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis XII: (2) pp. 217-219
                                                                                                          9. Szanyi, Sz., Debnár, Zs., Nagy, A., Rácz, I. A., & Varga, Z. (2013): Fragmentált gyepek három védett egyenesszárnyú (Orthoptera) fajának metapopuláció-hálózata az Aggteleki-karszton. Állattani Közlemények 98:(1-2) pp. 97-110.
                                                                                                          10. Szanyi, Sz., Katona, K., & Rácz, I. A., (2014): Előzetes adatok a Beregszászi-dombság Orthoptera faunájához (Kárpátalja, Ukrajna). Tájökológiai lapok 12: (1) pp. 107-116.
                                                                                                          11. Szanyi Sz. (2015): Egy kárpátaljai erdőrezervátum jellemzése az éjjeli nagylepkefauna alapján. E-ACTA NATURALIA PANNONICA 8: pp. 91-110.
                                                                                                          12. Szanyi, Sz., Nagy, A., Rácz, I. A. & Varga, Z. (2015): Klíma- és élőhelyfüggő szárny-dimorfizmus a Roesel-rétiszöcskénél (Metrioptera roeselii, Ensifera: Tettigonoidea). TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 21: pp. 301-310. 
                                                                                                          13. Szanyi, Sz., Szőcs, L. & Varga, Z. (2015): A BOCKEREK-ERDŐ MACROHETEROCERA FAUNÁJÁNAK ÁLLATFÖLDRAJZI ÉS ÖKOLÓGIAI JELLEMZÉSE. ERDÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 5:(1) pp. 119-128. 
                                                                                                          14. Szanyi, Sz., Katona, K., Bernát, N., Tamási, K. & Molnár, A. (2015): A NAGYDOBRONYI VADVÉDELMI REZERVÁTUM (KÁRPÁTALJA, NYUGAT UKRAJNA) GYEPEINEK FLÓRÁJÁRÓL. TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK 13:(1) pp. 1-8. 
                                                                                                          15. Szanyi, Sz., (2011): Adatok Első adatok a Beregi-sík kárpátaljai részének egyenesszárnyú (Orthoptera) faunájához. – Calandrella XIV., Debrecen, pp. 177-178.
                                                                                                          16. Szanyi Sz. (2013): Új kutatások Nagydobronyban - Virágbeporzó pillangók. Természetbúvár 68:6, pp. 40-42.
                                                                                                          17. Szanyi Sz. (2014): Bíborhoz, lilához vonzódó rovarok: Nagydobrony nektárgyűjtői. Természetbúvár 69:(3) pp. 40-41.
                                                                                                          18. Szanyi Sz. (2015): Nagydobronyi értékleltár - Jövőt szolgáló kutatások. TERMÉSZETBÚVÁR 70:(2) pp. 46-48. 
                                                                                                          19. Szanyi Sz. (2015): Rovarok nyomában: Faunaleltározás Kárpátalján. TERMÉSZETBÚVÁR 70:(6) pp. 42-44.
                                                                                                          20. Szanyi, Sz. (2010): Egy sekélytó tápanyagforgalmának környezetvédelmi vonatkozásai. Interdiszciplináris kutatás a Debreceni Egyetem Regionális Tehetségpontjában. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, pp. 130-137.
                                                                                                          21. Szanyi, Sz. (2012): „A Szatmár-Beregi sík természeti értékei” –Tervezet egy nemzetközi Bioszféra Rezervátum kialakítására. Észak-Magyarországi stratégiai füzetek IX. (1): 56-64.
                                                                                                          22. Szanyi, Sz. & Katona, K. (2013): Adatok a Nagydobronyi Vadvédelmi Rezervátum futóbogár (Coleoptera: Carabidae) faunájához. Scientia Denique 3: (2) pp. 200-205.
                                                                                                          23. Szanyi, Sz. (2013): A Melitaeini nemzetség (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) filogenetikai helyzetének áttekintése, különös tekintettel a M. cinxia fajra. Scientia Denique 3: (2) pp. 206-219.
                                                                                                          24. Molnár, A. & Szanyi, Sz. (2014): A kullancsok által terjesztett betegség:ek és azok kárpátaljai vonatkozásai. SCIENTIA DENIQUE IV.:(1) pp. 209-222.
                                                                                                          25. Szanyi, Sz. (2014): Védett és közösségi jelentőségű nagylepkék (Rhopalocera, Macroheterocera) a Beregi-sík kárpátaljai részén. DEBRECENI SZEMLE 22:(2) pp. 150-160.
                                                                                                          26. Szanyi, Sz., Szanyi, K. & Katona, K. (2015): Első adatok a Nagydobronyi Vadvédelmi Rezervátum (Nyugat-Ukrajna, Kárpátalja) herpetofaunájához. SCIENTIA DENIQUE 5:(1) pp. 218-227.
                                                                                                          27. Szanyi, Sz., Katona, K., & Rácz, I. A. (2014): NATURA 2000-ES JELZŐFAJOK MONITOROZÁSA A BEREGI-SÍK KÁRPÁTALJAI RÉSZÉN. In: Szikura, J., Keresztény, I., Bacsó, R. & Iváncsó, E.(szerk.): LIMES: A II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola tudományos évkönyve. Ungvár: II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola. pp. 111-117.
                                                                                                          28. Szanyi, Sz. (2014): A környezeti nevelés helyzete, illetve annak szükségessége a kárpátaljai magyar közoktatásban. In: Fedinec, Cs. & Szoták, Sz. (szerk.): Határhelyzetek; VII. - Közösség és identitás a Kárpát-medencében. Budapest: Balassi Intézet Márton Áron Szakkollégium, pp. 242-255.
                                                                                                          29. Szanyi, Sz. (2014): A magyar rovartani szaknyelv kialakulása. MAGYAR ORVOSI NYELV 14:(2) pp. 107-113.
                                                                                                          30. Szanyi, Sz. (2013)(szerk.): Klímaváltozás a Kárpát-medencében: múlt, jelen, jövő. Debrecen: Márton Áron Szakkollégium. 78 p.
                                                                                                          31. Szanyi, Sz. (2013):A GLOBÁLIS KLÍMAVÁLTOZÁS HATÁSA A ROVAROK ELTERJEDÉSÉRE, TEKINTETTEL NÉHÁNY MEZŐGAZDASÁGI KÁRTEVŐ TERJEDÉSÉRE. In: Szanyi, Sz. (szerk.): Klímaváltozás a Kárpát-medencében: múlt, jelen, jövő. Debrecen: Márton Áron Szakkollégium. pp. 67-78.
                                                                                                          32. Szanyi Szabolcs (2011): A kárpátaljai Szernye-lápvilág maradványainak ökológiai állapota és megőrzésének esélyei. VII. Kárpát-medencei környezettudományi konferencia (VII. Conference on Environmental Sciences in Carpathian Basin). I. kötet, Ábel Kiadó, Kolozsvár, pp. 351-355.
                                                                                                          33. Szanyi Szabolcs (2013): Nagydobrony környéki gyepterületek nappali lepke- (Rhopalocera) és egyenesszárnyú- (Orthoptera) közösségeinek összetétele. „PhD-konferencia 2013” pp. 130-138.




                                                                                                              Dr. Barta Zoltán


                                                                                                              1. Végvári, Z., Bókony, V., Barta, Z., Kovács, G., 2010, Life history predicts advancement of avian spring migration in response to climate change. Global Change Biology 16 1-11.
                                                                                                              2. McNamara, J.M., Houston, A.I., Barta, Z., Scheuerlein, A., Fromhage, L., 2009, Deterioration, death and the evolution of reproductive restraint in late life. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276 4061-4066.
                                                                                                              3. Pap, P.L., Vágási C.I., Czirják, G.A., Titilincu, A., Pintea, A., Barta, Z., 2009, Carotenoids modulate the effect of coccidian infection on the condition and immune response in moulting house sparrows. Journal of Experimental Biology 212 3228-3235.
                                                                                                              4. Harrison, F., Barta, Z., Cuthill, I., Székely, T. 2009, How is sexual conflict over parental care resolved? A meta-analysis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 1800-1812.
                                                                                                              5. Lendvai, Á.Z., Barta, Z., Chastel, O. 2009. Conflict over parental care in house sparrows: do females use a negotiation rule? Behavioral Ecology 20 651-656.
                                                                                                              6. McNamara J.M., Fromhage L., Barta Z., Houston A.I., 2009. The optimal coyness game. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276 953-960.
                                                                                                              7. McNamara J.M., Z. Barta, M. Wikelski, A.I. Houston, 2008. A theoretical investigation of the effect of latitude on avian life histories. American Naturalist 172 331-345.
                                                                                                              8. Tökölyi J., V. Bókony, Z. Barta, 2008, Seasonal colour change by moult or by the abrasion of feather tips: a comparative study. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94 711-721.
                                                                                                              9. Feró O, P.A. Stephens, Z. Barta, J.M. McNamara, A.I. Houston, 2008, Optimal annual routines: New tools for conservation biology? Ecological Applications 18 1563-1577.
                                                                                                              10. Barta, Z., J.M. NcNamara, A.I. Houston, T.P., Weber, A. Hedenström, and O. Feró., 2008, Optimal moult strategies of migratory birds. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 363 211-230.
                                                                                                              11. McNamara, J.M., Z. Barta, L. Fromhage, A.I. Houston, 2008, The coevolution of choosiness and cooperation. Nature 451 189-192.
                                                                                                              12. Pap PL, Barta Z, Tokolyi J, Vagasi CI, 2007, Increase of feather quality during moult: a possible implication of feather deformities in the evolution of partial moult in the great tit Parus major. Journal of Avian Biology 38 471-478.
                                                                                                              13. Houston AI, McNamara JM, Barta Z, Klasing KC, 2007, The effect of energy reserves and food availability on optimal immune defence. Proceedings of Royal Society B 274, 2835-2842.
                                                                                                              14. Lendvai AZ, Liker A, Barta Z, 2006, The effects of energy reserves and dominance on the use of social-foraging strategies in the house sparrow. Animal Behaviour 72, 747-752.
                                                                                                              15. Barta, Z., A.I. Houston, J.M. NcNamara, R.K. Welham, A. Hedenström, T.P., Weber, and O. Feró., 2006, Annual routines of non-migratory birds: optimal moult strategies. Oikos 112, 580-593.
                                                                                                              16. Barta, Z., A. Liker, and F. Mónus 2004. The effects of predation hazard on the use of social foraging tactics. Animal Behaviour 67, 301-308.
                                                                                                              17. Lendvai Á., Z. Barta, A. Liker and V. Bókony, 2004, The effect of energy reserves on social foraging: hungry sparrows scrounge more. Proceedings of Royal Society B 271, 2467-2472.
                                                                                                              18. McNamara, J.M., Z. Barta, A.I. Houston, 2004. Variation in behaviour promotes cooperation in the Prisoner`s Dilemma game. Nature 428, 745-748.
                                                                                                              19. McNamara, J.M., A.I. Houston, Z. Barta, J.-L. Osorno, 2003. Should young ever be better off with one parent? Behavioral Ecology 14, 301-310.
                                                                                                              20. Barta, Z., A. I. Houston, J. M. McNamara, and T. Székely (2002). Sexual conflict about parental care: the role of reserves. American Naturalist 159, 687-705.
                                                                                                              21. Liker, A. and Z. Barta (2002). The effects of dominance on social foraging tactic use in house sparrows. Behaviour 139, 1061-1076.
                                                                                                              22. Barta, Z. and L.-A. Giraldeau (2001). Breeding colonies as information centres: a re-appraisal of information-based hypotheses using the producer-scrounger game. Behavioral Ecology 12, 121--127.
                                                                                                              23. Liker, A. and Z. Barta (2001). Male badge size predicts dominance against females in house sparrows. Condor 103, 151--157.
                                                                                                              24. Barta, Z. and L.-A. Giraldeau (2000). Daily patterns of optimal producer and scrounger use under predation hazard: A state-dependent dynamic game analysis. American Naturalist 155, 570--582.
                                                                                                              25. Barta, Z. and L.-A. Giraldeau (1998). The effect of dominance hierarchy on the use of alternative foraging tactics: A phenotype-limited producing-scrounging game. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 42, 217--223.
                                                                                                              26. Barta, Z., R. Flynn, and L.-A. Giraldeau (1997). Geometry for a selfish foraging group: a genetic algorithm approach. Proceedings of Royal Society B 264, 1233--1238.
                                                                                                              27. Barta, Z. and T. Székely (1997). The optimal shape of avian eggs. Functional Ecology 11, 656--662.
                                                                                                              28. Barta, Z. and T. Szép (1995). Frequency-dependent selection on information transfer strategies at breeding colonies: a simulation study. Behavioral Ecology 6, 308--310.
                                                                                                              29. Barta, Z. and T. Szép (1992). The role of information transfer under different food patterns: a simulation study. Behavioral Ecology 3, 318--324.

                                                                                                              A teljes publikációs listám (letölthető cikkekkel).

                                                                                                              • Individual behaviour in firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus) (2011)
                                                                                                                E.Gyuris, O.Fero, A.Tartally, Z.Barta
                                                                                                                Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences
                                                                                                                Individual behaviour in firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus)
                                                                                                                The concept of animal personalities has recently become of major interest as researchers began to wonder why animals within a given population show consistent behaviour across situations and contexts, what led to the evolution of such behavioural inflexibility and what mechanisms might underlie the phenomenon. A recent model explains individual differences in a population as the result of trade-off between present and future reproduction. We tested this model on the two wing morphs, i.e. short-winged (brachypterous) and long-winged (macropterous) specimens of the firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus). Since it has been already demonstrated that the two wing morphs differ in their life-history strategies, this species is an ideal subject to test whether the specimens with different life-history strategies have different personalities as well. The results show that individuals behave consistently over time and across contexts, meaning observed bugs do have personalities. We also have found that in females, the two wing morphs have different personal- ities supporting the theoretical predictions, i.e. winged ones, which are supposed to have lower future reproductive value, are braver and more exploratory. We found no difference between the morphs in males. Differences in reproductive investment might explain this discrepancy between the sexes.
                                                                                                                Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences 2011: Letöltés
                                                                                                                Dr. Varga Zoltán
                                                                                                                1. Schmitt, Th., Varga, Z. and Seitz, A. (2000): Forests as dispersal barriers for Erebia medusa (Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera). – Basic and Applied Ecology 1: 53-59. (IF: 2.247)
                                                                                                                2. Varga, Z. & Gyulai, P. 2001. New species of the genera: Euxoa, Dichagyris and Chersotis from Central Asia. – Esperiana (Schwanfeld) 8: 771-790.
                                                                                                                3. Varga, Z. (2001): A magyar zoológia múltja, jelene és perspektívái. – Közgyűlési Előadások. Biológiai Tudományok Osztálya (2000 november), pp. 413-431.
                                                                                                                4. Gyulai, P., László, M.Gy., Ronkay, L., Szabóky, Cs. & Varga, Z. (2001): New data of distribution of Xestia sexstrigata (Haworth, 1809) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Hungary. /In Hung., Engl. abstr./. – Folia ent. hung. 62: 393-396.
                                                                                                                5. Rákosy, L. & Varga, Z. (2002): Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin, 1913 und Melitaea (punica) telona Fruhstorfer, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae, Nymphalidae) in der Fauna Rumaeniens. - Entomol. roman. 5 (2001): 45-49.
                                                                                                                6. Ronkay, L., Varga, Z. & Gyulai, P. (2002): Taxonomic studies on the genus Pseudohadena Alphéraky, 1889 (s.l.) Part VI. Descriptions of six new taxa of Pseudohadena (s.l.) and two new Heterographa Staudinger, 1877 species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). - Acta zool. hung. 48:41-77. (IF: 0.558)
                                                                                                                7. Varga, Z. (2002): Zoologische Forschungen in den Hochgebirgen von Zentralasien. Erlebnisse und Ergebnisse. – Humboldt Nachrichten. Berichte des Humboldt-Vereins Ungarns. 21: 3-53.
                                                                                                                8. Varga, Z. (2002): Die Erebien der Balkanhalbinsel und Karpaten V. Übersicht der subspezifischen Gliederung und der Verbreitung der Erebia Dalman, 1816-Arten (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) in der Balkanhalbinsel und in den Karpaten (II. Teil). – Entomol. rom. 6 (2001): 5-39.
                                                                                                                9. Varga, Z., Gyulai, P. & Miatleuski, J. (2002):  New species of Noctuidae, Noctuinae from Iran and Central Asia. - Esperiana (Schwanfeld) 9: 349-362.
                                                                                                                10. Gyulai, P. & Varga, Z. (2002):  New taxa of Noctuidae, Hadeninae from West and Central Asia. - Esperiana (Schwanfeld) 9: 363-368.
                                                                                                                11. Gyulai, P., Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L. (2002): Benshirachia, a new genus of Noctuidae, Noctuinae (Lepidoptera) from Iran. - Esperiana (Schwanfeld) 9: 369-374.
                                                                                                                12. Varga, Z. & Varga-Sipos, J. (2002): Vertical distribution of the alpine Lepidoptera in the Carpathians and in the Balkan peninsula in relation to the zonation of the vegetation. Pirineos 156: 69-86.
                                                                                                                13. Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L. (2002): A revision of the Palaearctic species of the Eugraphe Hübner, [1821] 1816 generic complex. Part I. The genera Eugraphe and Goniographa (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). - Acta zool. hung. 49: 333-374. (IF: 0.558)
                                                                                                                14. Varga, Z. (2003): Biodiversity and Phylogeography. – Acta biol. debr. 24: 5-38.    
                                                                                                                15. Jordán, F., Báldi, A., Orci, K.M., Rácz, I. & Varga, Z. (2003): Characterizing the importance of habitat patches and corridors in maintaining the landscape connectivity of a Pholidoptera transsylvanica metapopulation. – Landscape Ecology 18: 83-92. (IF: 2.061)
                                                                                                                16. Pecsenye, K., Vadkerti, E. & Varga, Z. (2003): Temporal and spatial pattern of genetic differentiation in Isophya kraussi (Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1878) in North-East Hungary. – Acta zool. hung. 50:167-178. (IF: 0.558)
                                                                                                                17. Varga, Z. (2003): Halbtrockenrasen im pannonischen Raum als Lebensräume schutzwürdiger Orthopteren- und Lepidopterengesellschaften. – Berichte der Reinhold Tüxen-Gesellschaft 15: 115-167.
                                                                                                                18. Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K., Peregovits, L. & Varga, Z. (2005): Pattern of genetic differentiation in the Maculinea alcon species group (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Central Europe. – Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Biology 43(2): 439-469. (IF: 1.791)
                                                                                                                19. Orci, K. M., Nagy, B., Szövényi, G., Rácz, I. A. & Varga, Z. (2005): A comparative study on the song and morphology of Isophya stysi Cejchan, 1958 and I. modestior Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1882. –  Zoologischer Anzeiger 244: 31-42. (IF: 0.865)
                                                                                                                20. Tartally, A. & Varga, Z. (2005): Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): the first data of host-ant specificity of Maculinea nausithous (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Hungary. – Myrmecologische Nachrichten (Wien) 7: 55-57.
                                                                                                                21. Schmitt, Th., Varga, Z. & Seitz, A. (2005): Are Polyommatus hispana and Polyommatus slovacus bivoltine Polyommatus coridon (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)? The discriminatory value of genetics in taxonomy. – Organisms, Diversity, Evolution 5: 297-307. (IF: 1.493)
                                                                                                                22. Árnyas, E., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. (2006): Egg-laying preferences of the xerophilous ecotype of Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Aggtelek National Park. European Journal of Entomology.  103: 587-595. (IF: 0.734)
                                                                                                                23. Gyulai, P. & Varga, Z. (2006): New taxa of Noctuidae, Noctuinae from Iran and Central Asia (Lepidoptera). – Esperiana (Buchreihe zur Entomologie, Schwanfeld) 12: 271-281.
                                                                                                                24. Bereczki, J., Pecsenye, K. & Varga, Z. (2006): Geographical versus food plant differentiation in populations of Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Northern Hungary. – European  Journal of Entomology.  103: 725-732. (IF: 0.734)
                                                                                                                25. Rákosy, L. & Varga, Z. (2006): Der pannonische Raum und seine östlichen Interferenzen aus einer lepidopterologischen Perspektive. Beiträge zur Entomologie 56 (2): 377-386.
                                                                                                                26. Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Tihanyi, B., Tóth, A., Peregovits, L. & Varga, Z. (2007): Genetic differentiation among Maculinea species (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in eastern Central Europe. – Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 11-21. (IF: 2.368)
                                                                                                                27. Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L. (2007): On the taxonomy of the genus Diarsia Hübner [1821] 1816 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): the Holarctic species-groups of the genus. – Acta zoologica hungarica 53 (Suppl. 1): 141-209. (IF: 0.558)
                                                                                                                28. Pecsenye, K., Bereczki, J., Szilágyi, M. & Varga, Z. (2007): High level of genetic variation in Aricia artaxerxes issekutzi (Lycaenidae) populations in Northern Hungary. – Nota Lepidopterologica 30 (2): 225-234.
                                                                                                                29. Russel, P., Tennent, W.J., Pateman, J., Varga, Z., Benjamini, D., Pe’er, G., Bálint, Zs., Gascoigne-Pees, M. (2007): Further investigations into Melitaea telona Fruhstorfer, 1908 (= ogygia Fruhstorfer, 1908; = emipunica Verity, 1919) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) with observations on biology and distribution – Entomologists  Gazette 58: 137-166.
                                                                                                                30. Szabó, S., Árnyas, E., Tóthmérész, B. & Varga, Z. (2008): Long-term light trap study on the macro-moth (Lepidoptera: Macroheterocera) fauna of the Aggtelek National Park. Acta zool. hung. 53 (3): 257-269. (IF: 0.558)
                                                                                                                31. Varga, Z. & Schmitt, Th. (2008): Types of oreal and oreotundral disjunctions in the western Palearctic. – Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 415–430. (IF: 2.368)
                                                                                                                32. Varga, Z. (2008): Mountain coniferous forests, refugia and butterflies. – Molecular  Ecology 17: 2101–2106 (IF: 5.169)
                                                                                                                33. Tartally, A., Rákosy, L., Vizauer, T.-C., Goia, M. & Varga, Z. (2008): Maculinea nausithous exploits Myrmica scabrinodis in Transylvania: unusual host ant species of a myrmecophilous butterfly in an isolated region (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae). – Sociobiology 51: 373-380. (IF: 0.557)
                                                                                                                34. Tartally, A., Nash, D.R., Lengyel, Sz. & Varga, Z.(2008): Patterns of host ant use by sympatric populations of Maculinea alcon and M. ‘rebeli’ in the Carpathian Basin. – Insectes Sociaux 55: 370-381. (IF: 1.391)
                                                                                                                35. Lengyel S., Déri E., Varga Z., Horváth R., Tóthmérész B., Henry P.-Y., Kobler A., Kutnar L., Babij V., Seliškar A., Christia C., Papastergiadou E., Gruber B. & Henle K. (2008) Habitat monitoring in Europe: a description of current practices. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17 (4): 3327-3339. (IF = 1.421)
                                                                                                                36. Schmeller D.S. , Bauch B., Gruber B., Juškaitis R., Budrys E., Babij V., Lanno K., Sammul M., Varga Z., Henle K. (2008): Determination of conservation priorities in regions with multiple political jurisdictions, Biodiversity and Conservation 17 (4): 3623 - 3630. (IF = 1.421)
                                                                                                                37. Schmeller D.S. , Gruber B., Bauch B., Lanno K., Budrys E., Babij V., Juškaitis R., Sammul M., Varga Z., Henle K. (2008): Determination of national conservation responsibilities for species conservation in regions with multiple political jurisdictions, Biodiversity and Conservation 17 (4): 3607 - 3622. (IF = 1.421)
                                                                                                                38. Tartally, A. & Varga, Z. (2008): Host ant use of Maculinea teleius in the Carpathian-basin (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) – Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54: 257-268. (IF: 0.558)
                                                                                                                39. Árnyas, E., Bereczki, J., Tóth, A., Varga, K., Pecsenye, K., Tartally, A., Kövics, Gy., Karsa, D. & Varga, Z.(2009): Oviposition preferences of Maculinea alcon as influenced by aphid (Aphis gentianae) and fungal (Puccinia gentianae) infestation of larval host plants – Ecological Entomology 34: 90-97.  (IF: 1.741)
                                                                                                                40. Kenyeres, Z., Rácz, I.A. & Varga, Z.(2009): Endemism hot spots, core areas and disjunctions in European Orthoptera. – Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 52B (1-2):189-211.
                                                                                                                41. Varga, Z. (2009): The scientific heritage of Zdravko Lorkovic (1900-1908). Entomologia Croatica 13. ( 1): 85-94.
                                                                                                                42. Gyulai, P. & Varga, Z. (2010): Two new Noctuidae from Asia (Lepidoptera). Annales Musei historico-naturalis hungarici 108: xx-yy.
                                                                                                                43. Rákosy, L., Tartally, T., Goia, M., Mihali, C. & Zoltán Varga (2010): The Dusky Large Blue – Maculinea nausithous (Bergsträsser, [1779]) in the Transylvanian basin: New data on taxonomy and ecology. Nota Lepidopterologica 33 (1): 31-37..
                                                                                                                44. Rákosy, L., Pecsenye, K., Mihali, C., Tóth, A. & Varga, Z. (2010): Taxonomic review of Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) with description of a new subspecies from Dobrogea (Romania) and notes on conservation biology. Submitted to: Acta Zoologica Hungarica.
                                                                                                                45. Schmitt, Th. & Varga, Z. (2010): Extra-Mediterranean refugia: The rule and not the exception. Submitted to Journal of Biogeography.

                                                                                                                Full list of publications

                                                                                                                    Rádai Zoltán

                                                                                                                    Rádai, Z., Németh, Z., Barta, Z. (2018). Sex-dependent immune response in a semelparous spider. The Science of Nature, 150:39

                                                                                                                    Rádai, Z., Kiss, B., & Barta, Z. (2017). Pace of life and behaviour: rapid development is linked with increased activity and voracity in the wolf spider Pardosa agrestis. Animal Behaviour126, 145-151.

                                                                                                                    Rádai, Z., Kiss, B., & Samu, F. (2017). Effect of weather conditions on cohort splitting in a wolf spider species. The Journal of Arachnology45(3), 444-447.


                                                                                                                        Dr. Végvári Zsolt
                                                                                                                        Simay.G., Végvári. Zs., Hődör., I. 2006: The effects of grazing on ground nesting bird population on alkaline grasslands in the Hortobágy region. Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. Tulcea, 12 : 109 - 114.

                                                                                                                        Simay Gábor, Végvári Zsolt & Hődör István : The effects of grazing on the bird communities breeding on the alkaline steppes of the Hortobágy. Aquila.

                                                                                                                        Zsolt Végvári & István Kapocsi (2005): Habitat use, nest site selection and conservation status of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) in the Hortobágy National Park between 1999-2004. Aquila 112: 169-174.

                                                                                                                        Zs. Végvári 2003: Habitat selection of breeding and migrating bird species and its conservational applications in the Hortobágy National Park. PhD thesis. University of Debrecen. 2003.

                                                                                                                        B. Szabo & Z. Végvári 2003: Population trends, habitat selection and conservation status of the Ferruginous Duck in Hungary. In: Ferruginous Duck: From Research to Conservation International Meeting Proceedings. Eds: Nikolai Petkov, Baz Hughes and Umberto Gallo-Orsi. 2003. 18-21.

                                                                                                                        Z. Végvári & J. Tar 2003: Roosting site selection of the Common Crane (Grus grus) in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Crane Conference. Ed.: Alain Salvi. 2003. 74-78. 117-126

                                                                                                                        Z.Végvári 2003: Migration phenology and conservation status of the Common Crane (Grus grus) in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Crane Conference. Ed.: Alain Salvi. 2003. 74-78.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zsolt & Konyhás Sándor 2003 : Population dynamics of the Long-eared (Asio otus) and Short-eared Owls (Asio flammaeus) in human settlements near the Hortobágy between 1996-1998. [in Hungarian with a summary in English]. Aquila 109-110, p. 103-107.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs., Tar J. & Szilágyi A., 2003: The migration of the Common Crane in the Hortobágy between 1995-2000. [in Hungarian with a summary in English]. Aquila, 109-110, p. 51-59.

                                                                                                                        Zs. Végvári & J. Tar 2002: Roost site selection of the Common Crane Grus grus in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary between 1995-2000. Ornis Fennica 79:101-110.

                                                                                                                        Zs. Végvári 2002: Autumn staging and habitat selection by common cranes Grus grus in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. Folia Zoologica 51(3): 221-225.

                                                                                                                        Zs. Végvári 2001: Opportunities in the Hortobágy National Park (Hungary) to allow natural processes to take place: Conservation of processes instead of habitats. In: Scientific tools for biodiversity conservation: monitoring, modelling and experiments. Proceedings of the 5th meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy. Editors: Segers, H., Branquart, E., Caudron, A., Tack, J. p. 49-50.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs., Matthias Magnier & Jean-Baptiste Nogues 2002: Nest site selection and population trends of the Red-footed Falcon as a function of population trends of the Rook in the Hortobágy between 1995-1999. [in Hungarian with a summary in English]. Aquila 107-108:9-14.

                                                                                                                        Kovács Gábor, Kapocsi István & Végvári Zs. 2000: Szerkőfajok rekordmenyiségû fészkelése a Hortobágyon 1999-ben. Túzok 5 (3-4): 97-101.

                                                                                                                        Gábor Kovács, Zs. Végvári & István Kapocsi 2000: Population trends and conservation of Spoonbills in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. In: Wetlands management and conservation of Spoonbills and other waterbirds. 2000. 24-27. The network of organizations managing Europe’s natural heritage.

                                                                                                                        Waliczky, Z., Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Kovács, G., Schmidt, A., Bankovics, A. Nagy, T., Oláh, J., Sós, E. & Végvári, Zs. 2000: A Nyugat-Palearktiszban előfordult madárfajok magyar nyelvû névjegyzéke. [in Hungarian with a summary in English]. Aquila 105–106, p. 9–34.

                                                                                                                        Tóth Tibor, Nagy Barnabás, Végvári Zs. & Sári Diana 1999: Az utak növényzetre és állatokra gyakorolt hatása a Hortobágy szikesein. In: Közutak Európában. 4. Természetvédelem, 1999. 20-23.

                                                                                                                        Waliczky Zoltán, Magyar Gábor, Schmidt András, Hadarics Tibor, Kovács Gábor, Bankovics Attila, Nagy Tamás, Oláh János, Sós Endre & Végvári Zs. 1999: Hungarian names of the birds of the Western Palearctics. [in Hungarian with a summary in English]. Aquila 105-106:5-34.

                                                                                                                        Kovács Gábor, Konyhás Sándor & Végvári Zs. 1999: Changes in the nest site selection and population trends of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in the Hortobágy in 1999. [in Hungarian with a summary in English]. Aquila 105-106: 161-163.

                                                                                                                        Gábor Kovács & Zs. Végvári 1999: Population size and habitat of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Hungary. Die Vogelwelt 120: 121-125.

                                                                                                                        Sándor Konyhás, & Zs. Végvári 1996: Habitat selection and behaviour of Dotterel Charadrius morinellus on the Hortobágy between 1993-1995. Partimadár 5: 49-53 (in Hungarian).

                                                                                                                        BOOKS, BOOK CHAPTERS

                                                                                                                        Zsolt Végvári 2006 (contributor):: FIRST MEETING OF THE SIGNATORY STATES TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CONCERNING CONSERVATION MEASURES FOR THE AQUATIC WARBLER (Acrocephalus paludicola). OVERVIEW REPORT. Birdlife International.

                                                                                                                        Zsolt Végvári 2005: Hortobágy. In: G. Lundin (ed.): Cranes – where, when and why? Supplement 2005 no. 43 of Var Fagelwarld, Swedish Ornithological Society, pp. 209-217.

                                                                                                                        Zsolt Végvári 2005 (contributor): Robinson, J.A. & Hughes, B. (Compilers). 2005. International Single Species Action Plan for the Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca. AEWA.

                                                                                                                        Ecsedi Z. & Végvári Zs. 2004: Great Cormorant. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & ifj. Oláh J.2004: Great Bittern. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & ifj. Oláh J.2004: Whooper Swan. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Ecsedi Z. & Végvári Zs. 2004: Brent Goose. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Ecsedi Z. & Végvári Zs..2004: Mallard. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & ifj. Oláh J.2004:Marsh Harrier. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & Ecsedi Z.2004: Rough-legged Buzzard.. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        ifj. Oláh J.& Végvári Zs. 2004: Booted Eagle.. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & Ecsedi Z.2004: Red-footed Falcon. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & ifj. Oláh J.2004: Grey Partridge. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Ecsedi Z. & Végvári Zs.2004: Pheasant. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Konyhás S. & Végvári Zs.2004: Dotterel. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Ecsedi Z. & Végvári Zs.2004: Northern Lapwing. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & ifj. Oláh J.2004: Dunlin. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & ifj. Oláh J.2004: Spotted Redshank.. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Dr. Kovács G. & Végvári Zs.2004: Black-headed Gull. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & ifj. Oláh J.2004: Barn Owl. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Dr. Kovács G. & Végvári Zs.2004: Skylark. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Dr. Kovács G. & Végvári Zs.2004: Red-breasted Pipit. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. & Konyhás S. 2004: Water Pipit. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Ecsedi Z. & Végvári Zs.2004: Thrush Nightingale. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        ifj. Oláh J.& Végvári Zs. 2004: Ring Ouzel. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Dr. Kovács G. & Végvári Zs.2004: Aquatic Warbler. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Ecsedi Z. & Végvári Zs.2004: Sedge Warbler. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Konyhás S. & Végvári Zs.2004: Marsh Warbler. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Dr. Kovács G. & Végvári Zs.2004: Goldcrest. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        ifj. Oláh J.& Végvári Zs. 2004: Penduline Tit. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        ifj. Oláh J.& Végvári Zs. 2004: Jackdaw. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Végvári Zs. 2004: Brambling. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Dr. Kovács G. & Végvári Zs.2004: Twite. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Konyhás S. & Végvári Zs.2004: Snow Bunting. In: Ecsedi Z. (ed.): The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. [in Hungarian] Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged. 2004.

                                                                                                                        Aquatic Warbler Conservation Team 2003: Action Plan Concerning Conservation Measures for the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. Birdlife International.

                                                                                                                        Zsolt Végvári &László Lisztes 2001: The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. 2001 Ed.: István Gyarmathy


                                                                                                                        Zs. Végvári, S. Konyhás 2007: Conservation management plan of the Hortobágy special protection area. G.Kovács – Zs. Végvári: The Birdlife of the Hortobágy. (in preparation). Zs. Végvári: Eurasian Crane. In: Hungarian Ringing Atlas (in preparation). Zs. Végvári – T. Nagy: Dotterel. In: Hungarian Ringing Atlas (in preparation). Róbert Horváth – Zsolt Végvári : Énekesmadár-fajok territóriumtérképezésének időbeli optimalizációja. Term véd közl.

                                                                                                                        Róbert Horváth – Zsolt Végvári: Bird communities in beech-, mixed oak-hornbeam, as well as in karst bush-forests in the Aggtelek National Park, Hungary. Fool Zool

                                                                                                                        Zsolt Végvári & Ottó Weszelinov : Habitat selection of migrating waders in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. Orn Hun Suppl

                                                                                                                        Zsolt Végvári -¬ László Fenyvesi- István Kapocsi-Gábor Kovács- András Lelkes- Attila Pellinger-Csaba Pigniczki-Attila Szilágyi-Péter Szinai-András Vasas 2005: Population dynamics of the Spoonbill in Hungary and its colony site selection in the Hortobágy National Park. Proceedings of the Eurosite Spoonbill Workshop in Hungary